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Forums » Introductions » Howdy

Hi, I'm DoctorBepperis, and my favorite types of rp usually involve a set of dice, and improv-ing bad accents with my friends. I hope to find other likeminded friends to rp with, plain and simple. I have been RPing for roughly 9 years now, and playing tabletop rpgs (read DMing) for roughly 7 years. I have two dogs, a german shorthair mutt, and a pit/lab mix. For a living, I clean hotel rooms, ut hope to either start my own business, or possibly get big on twitch.
Welcome to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for!
Hello there Doc, welcome to rpr!
Welcome to RPR! Hope you like it here!
DoctorBepperis wrote:
my favorite types of rp usually involve a set of dice, and improv-ing bad accents with my friends.
... same.
Welcome to RPR,
Welcome to RPR you'll love it! Iv'e only been in here less then a year and I already feel at home!
Hey, welcome to RPR!
Hello, and welcome to RPR!

I hope you enjoy your stay here. To help you out, I've compiled a list of some useful links to get you started. Don't worry, you can take your time and browse them at your own convenience.
Forum Rules
This should be your first step. Make sure you know the rules of what things are and aren't allowed. They're pretty simple to follow and are there to make sure everyone has the best time possible.

New to Roleplay?
This will explain what roleplay is, and some of the basics to help you understand it better.

Getting started
Explains what RPR is, how to create a character, and how to find an RP to join.

Character Creation Guide
This goes into more depth on how to create and edit a character profile.

Creating Kickbutt Character Profiles
This will give you tips on how to spice up your character profiles to attract more potential RP partners.

Find RP
If you already have a character created, this is where you can go to seek out an RP to join in.

Looking for RP
If you have an idea for your own RP and want to find someone to join it, this is the place to post. Try to add as much information as possible so your potential RP partners know exactly what you're looking for.

Help Database
There are plenty of other very helpful articles here that I didn't link. When you have time, have a browse through it to see if there's something else you think might be of use to you.
If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask! Everyone here is very friendly and will help as much as possible, so don't be shy! I hope you have a wonderful time here and find tons of amazing people to create awesome stories with. :)
Welcome to RPR! I made the same transition the opposite way - I started off with online text-based role-playing and then progressed to tabletop about half a decade ago. Have you seen/heard of Critical Role on Youtube? It sounds like it'd be right up your alley.

DoctorBepperis Topic Starter

ink_and_bones wrote:
Welcome to RPR! I made the same transition the opposite way - I started off with online text-based role-playing and then progressed to tabletop about half a decade ago. Have you seen/heard of Critical Role on Youtube? It sounds like it'd be right up your alley.

I have seen critcal role, couldn't really get into it, but I have been watching the unexpectables for a while
Hello and welcome! Hope you will enjoy the site :)
Welcome to rpr, Doc! I'm Asher, if you'd ever like to rp, talk, or have any questions, I'm always free! I adore your username, by the way

Keke Moderator

DoctorBepperis wrote:
Hi, I'm DoctorBepperis, and my favorite types of rp usually involve a set of dice, and improv-ing bad accents with my friends. I hope to find other likeminded friends to rp with, plain and simple. I have been RPing for roughly 9 years now, and playing tabletop rpgs (read DMing) for roughly 7 years. I have two dogs, a german shorthair mutt, and a pit/lab mix. For a living, I clean hotel rooms, ut hope to either start my own business, or possibly get big on twitch.

Hey, DoctorBepperis, and welcome to the RPR! It looks like you've gotten a warm welcome and helpful articles already, but if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or one of the other moderators. We're happy to have you join us, and I look forward to seeing what you create with us. And, of course, good luck on your future business and/or Twitch success!
Hey hey, welcome to RPR! You're going to love it here. :)
I love tabletop games, so, it's nice to see somebody with the same interest :D

I hope you have a good stay here, and take care!

Welcome to RPR, I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here! There are many people here, including me, that are willing to help you out and talk to you if you need anything!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Howdy

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus