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Balthazar (played anonymously)

Balthazar tentatively padded over toward the luminous matriarch, his whiskers tingling in anticipation at the mere promise of her presence. The fur along his back pricked ever so slightly once he stood at her feet, golden eyes raised upward to look upon her with vague curiosity. The sheer, raw power she was exuding nearly floored the little Familiar, but he brazenly stood his ground, mewling ever so before stopping himself, embarrassed.

"Ah, my apologies, mi'lady," the cat spoke softly. "I sometimes forget the freedoms with which magic permits me! If I must choose, it would most certainly be spring. I have an old vendetta to settle with a certain grasshopper."

His long, fleecy tail swished contentedly before he cut his tawny gaze elsewhere. "What about you? Would you rather have the opportunity to settle an old score, or do you prefer to forgive graciously?"
"It depends... on the circustances and gravity of the score." The masked woman seemed to think it over. "Not everything can be forgiven... or should be forgiven. But in that case, I would not rather "have" but immediately set out to _take_ the opportunity and settle that score, as soon as possible."

She seemed pensive for a while, then casually asked: "Would you rather play cards or dices?"
Drans (played by LostWanderer)

"I prefer cards, after all dice are way too easy to change to benefit yourself," Drans said, "Would you rather play a board game, or a video game?"
There is just something about the physical board and pieces that I find most interesting. So I think I will have to go with board game.

Would you rather the temperature be constantly uncomfortably hot or uncomfortably cold?
Ragnar Björn (played by Alidal)

Hot, but like REALLY hot. So all the people around me would crisp up real quick, yknow? Of course, I'm not affected by temperature, but yeah, I'd rather it be hot.
Would you rather fall in love with a vampire or a demon?
Xalare Xala (played anonymously)

“If it came down to it, probably a demon. I just don’t like the idea of my partner biting me and drinking my blood.”

“Would you rather have a rapier or an épée?”
Dawn (played by Nayrulianas_Blessing)

"Ah! I do indeed know what a 'rapier' is. I'd want that. They look really pretty!"

"Would you rather have... the strongest ally with the most reckless nature, or a weak ally that is more cautious and caring?"
Valerian (played by CrypticStardust)

"The strong but reckless ally seems like they would be more interesting, so that is what I will choose."
"Would you rather live your life alone, or in a house with 100 other people?"
Amber (played by Dib2435)

" With a 100 people, I already have 99 family members "

" Would you rather be stuck on an alien planet or run for your life from an alien army ? "
The Mailman (played anonymously)

“Well, I… I suppose an alien planet would be enjoyable to explore. Or, at the very least, better than the alternative.”

“Would you rather have unlimited bacon, but no more games, or games, unlimited games, but no games?”
"Oh dear, that's a tough one," The Operator replies to The Mailman. "I believe you meant no more bacon if you chose unlimited games. While games are fun, I don't know if I could live without bacon so goodbye games, you've been fun! Now, let's say you're stranded on a planet, love. Would you rather be stuck on a desert world or a cold, arctic one?"
"Ah!" The librarian snaps his fingers. A broad smile graces his face. "An arctic world for me, dear. I cannot handle sweltering heat, but they don't call me an ice person for no reason."

"Now, answer me this: would you rather alter a choice you've made in the past or know exactly what you need to do to surpass a challenge in your near future?"
Carrot Dalgliesh (played by Alidal)

"Oh definitely the latter. Knowing the future has always been a fascination of mine... Also I don't have regrets." She says dramatically, implying this is false.

"Would you rather be a woman or a lizard?"
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight)

"I mean....I have snake in my bloodline about a woman for a change? is it temporary? I hope so.."

"Would you rather be able to fly but you have to be upside down or be able to read minds but only when holding hands with a complete stranger?"
Astrid (played anonymously)

"That one's tough. I'd read minds, though. I think it'd be quite the experience."

"Now... would you rather sleep on a cold, dark cave... or in the dungeon of a dragon?"
Anton (played by MeatCathedral)

"The cave, I'm not afraid of the dark, but the prospect of a dragon sounds very intimidating. I do not sleep, but I definitely wouldn't with a dragon nearby."

"Now, would you rather fall in love and be in danger, or be safe, but alone?"
Saphir Siriano (played by RPJEANS)

"Ah-ha-HA, wooh, buddy! You ain't exactly talkin' in hypotheticals here! Love an' danger are kind of a package deal, ya get me? And your ol' pal Saph's been soft-shoein' away from danger since he was old enough ta walk! Aheh. Hehh. Ehehh...

"A-anyway! Would ya rather have a ring that make ya real charismatic, but also compels ya inta doin' evil whenever ya wear it, OR a pair 'a boots that let ya run fast, except the only way ta stop is smackin' inta somethin'?

"Nah, I mean seriously—I'm lookin' ta sell here. Deeply discounted, y'know, limited time offer, no joke."
“Discounted magical items, you say? I’ll bite. Would love to take both of them off your hands, but the ring in particular sounds like it’d fetch a high price from those who aren’t so concerned with good and evil. Or those who couldn’t be bothered to read the fine print.

“But you did not hear that from me. Now…” he extends a hand and waits expectantly, casually flexing his clawed fingers. “Name your price, and don’t you forget to work in that discount.”

“Need a moment to mull it over? Very well.

“In the meantime, which would you rather have to do without: your hands, or your eyes?”
BIT (played by GingerHades)

BIT was thankful the nearest space station loaned him a tablet. Now the little robot didn't have to resort to charades this time...
BIT faces the screen forward, a black document being edited in real-time. An answer has been typed out.

{I would rather have to go without my hands. Without my camera, I cannot even do my job. What good is a spy bot if it cannot see?}

Generating 'Would_You_Rather' question.... Please wait.

{Would you rather always have a full battery on your electronic device, or always have a full tank of fuel in your vehicle?}
Nina Phelps (played by Dawnia)

BIT wrote:
{Would you rather always have a full battery on your electronic device, or always have a full tank of fuel in your vehicle?}

"I would take the fuel as it costs way more. Besides, I have one of those solar-charged power packs I can charge my phone and iPad from, so keeping the batteries charged is basically free. Of course, I'm only out the initial cost."

Nina said as she looked over to the smoke rising over the BBQ her husband was standing in front of.

"Would you rather have a hamburger or a hot dog from our BBQ?"

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