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Forums » Introductions » Newbie alert


Hello community,

nice to meet you all.
I'm one of the new guys around here, probably not the last and not even the first.

So well, I'm looking for RP partners, still I need to set my profile, so excuse me if it seems empty TAT

If someone will be so nice to explain me some stuff, will add a gallery soon and more info about me and my characters.

I do RP OCs, but fandom.
Sorry, but I think most of the times, fandom gets ruined ^^"

So well... Thanks for looking and hope you will have a good time c:
Sanne Moderator

Hello SociopathicFrog! Can we call you Socio or Frog, or do you prefer something else? :)

Glad to have you here. We have a ton of different ways to get started with roleplays. The RP Finder is to find somebody who was online in the last 10 minutes (useful if you want to a quick response or need someone from your own timezone). Looking for RP is a forum dedicated to advertise people looking for an RP partner, and RP Discussion is useful to talk about all sorts of RP things, like creating characters, plots, backgrounds etc.

You can also look into our regular RP forums (General, Fantasy and Sci-Fi) and see if there is an (Open) topic for you to join in. :) (It's usually best to ask if you can join in before you do, unless the OP says otherwise!)

We'll also be more than happy to help you out. Are you stuck with adding images to your character's profile? What issues do you run into? Just let us know and we'll try to be as helpful as possible.

Either way, welcome to the site, and I hope you do indeed have a good time here. :3 Our community is super friendly and helpful so it shouldn't be too hard.
SociopathicFrog Topic Starter

Hello and thanks for the warm welcome ^^

Frog is ok xD

And yeah, will do it for sure, though I started to search for something c:

Yes, I'm having troubles at uploading pictures, cause you know I come from another website and it's pretty hard to understand right now xD
Sanne Moderator

SociopathicFrog wrote:
Hello and thanks for the warm welcome ^^

Frog is ok xD

And yeah, will do it for sure, though I started to search for something c:

Yes, I'm having troubles at uploading pictures, cause you know I come from another website and it's pretty hard to understand right now xD


As for the gallery images, I see you already added the widget itself. (The box you click and drag around called "Gallery") I'll try to write some steps for you to follow, let me know if they're clear and if you can follow them alright.

Before we start, the image you have must be saved to your computer. You can't grab a link from another site. So make sure it's saved somewhere you can find it again! I also don't know where you get stuck, so I'll cover the whole process just to make sure. :)

1. Go to Dashboard. Click the pencil next to your character's name.
2. Click on the link "Eya's Public Profile"
3. Scroll down until you see the widget called "Gallery".
4. There is a pencil icon next to the name "Gallery". Click it to open it.
5. There is a link called "Add an image" with a + sign next to it. Click on it.
6. A box will pop up. Click on the button saying "Choose File".
7. In the window that opens, find your file. Click on it and click on the button "Open."
8. Click the big red button that says "Upload Image"
9. The image will upload!
10. When it's done, you can add an optional title and description.
11. Click on the red button called "Save changes" to save everything.

And that's it! Rinse and repeat for other images. :D
SociopathicFrog Topic Starter

Ok problem solved, images were too big to post xD

Thank you anyway ^^

Now I need to know how to set my page as well, but will come with time.
Thank you very much n.n
Hello SociopathicFrog! Welcome to RPR! I hope you're making lots of new friends here! :D If you want to add information to your profile, just hover over the word 'Dashboard' until it shows a drop down menu and then select 'Your Profile' Hope this helps!
SociopathicFrog Topic Starter

Oh, hello and thanks so much for the warm welcome ^^

Luckily I'm getting used to the new site, so more or less everything is under control now, but thanks so much for the advice!
Hey there, I am new here and just started today and would like to make friends and rp with anyone that is interested in rping with me. Thank you.
SociopathicFrog Topic Starter

Broken_Image36 wrote:
Hey there, I am new here and just started today and would like to make friends and rp with anyone that is interested in rping with me. Thank you.

Sure, I'm new here too.

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Newbie alert

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