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Forums » General Roleplay » Adventures of The Organization

Moneruto (played by Frankie)

"Gotta do better then that" after doing a kick moneruto slices his hand in the air and summons oni and slashes at Nero.
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

*Uses arms to shield attack, but takes cut on right arm*
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

Just looking for my opening *Charging fists with chi*
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

Moneruto dematerializes his gunblade. "Okay now im going to give you a choose attack!!! HERE I GO!!!! *waving incantations* KAJI!!!! *Begins to charge*
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

*Dashes toward Moneruto, ready to swing*
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

Moneruto surrounds his hand in the fire. "HA me too!!" *Punches at Nero*
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

Saw that coming *Sidesteps and hurls a swing at Moneruto*
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

Moneruto gets hit and flies across the room catching himself on the wall. "Damn... Is that all you got?" Dashing back at Nero readying a punch
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

*Sidesteps and looks for an opening*
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

Moneruto turning around jumps into the air and does a series of kicks.
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

*Takes kick to face, knocking him to the ground. Noticing blood running down his mouth, he wipes it away. He charges fists with energy.* I take it this is the time I turn it up, heh. *Pounds ground, starting energy wave. Nero hops on, zooming toward Moneruto*
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

"HAHAHAHAHA indeed time to power up.... AURARINKI!!!!" Moneruto's eyes whirled and turned forest green and Moneruto's runs toward Nero.
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

*Hurls a series of punches and kicks at Moneruto*
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

*Dodging* "Note number 2: When my Aurarinki is active.... I see your movements 40 steps. So this is pointless" Punches Nero in the stomach
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

*Grimacing* Damn Aurarinki.
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

"Oh yes now my turn!!!' Throws flurry of punches and kicks
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

(Question is it every 40 steps)
Nero (played by killarob_88) Topic Starter

(Or is it the 40 steps you initially see)
Moneruto (played by Frankie)

(40 movements before you)

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