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Forums » Looking for RP » With Friends Like These (Band/Musician R (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


From singing to yourself in the mirror to playing on the big stage we all had to start somewhere. Some people do it for the money and fame some people do it for the art and passion, and regardless of why you do it, you also find yourself in that limelight. From small gigs at local bars to playing at Madison Square, your music is a vital part of your life and you seek to share it with others.

And in that journey you may have come across a rather expressive and fun loving band named Lets Be Saints, and from that day forward a valuable partnership may form that shapes your whole musical career.

As you can tell this RP is focused around a band of misbehaving Indie Rockers crossing paths with your character(s). There is a big emphasis on the conflicts of the music industry and the lives of the band members who try to find that balance between their art and their personal lives

There are many different ways this RP can play out as I have put together a list of the different levels of fame that the band and your character may go through that offers a unique story perspective and attitude from the characters. Want to join the band as a new member and experience the simple times? Maybe consider joining during their Humble Beginnings days. Already a established star and looking to collaborate? Then the Chart topper era is for you. You can even start from the beginning and evolve with them through their eras of fame naturally. There’s also a lot of options in how you interact with them, you could be a band member, you could be your own band or musician that tours with them, you can even be a sound technician or roadie. Just take a look at their profile and eras of fame and decide what’s best for you and we can discuss what would be the best rp setting to have.

One note I should put, the band has a brazen attitude and old style punk outlook on the world and industry. As such there will be some cussing, some drinking, and some risque moments from them and while I never go to far with anything if any of that may be a trigger to you then consider this a warning, they are not very meek and quite people haha. Also if your character is a mainstream pop star, you’re gonna be the type of person they dislike in the music industry so I would consider not hanging out with them. No hate to your character it’s just really out of character for them to associate with pop stars and big celebrities as that’s the very thing they hate about the industry, they mostly enjoy the rock and indie scene so if your character is more align with that it would be better.

If any of this sounds like your cup of tea please just send a PM and we can talk further
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 50%
Combat 10%
Small possibility of combat, usually brief and not detailed.
Romance 20%
Romance isn't outright desired, but can happen if we decide the characters are perfect for each other. The romance won't be important to the overall plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

Hey, I really like your RP idea. I'd be down to think of something if you're still looking.
Lets Be Saints (played by SparksFly) Topic Starter


You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » With Friends Like These (Band/Musician R (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus