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Forums » Forum Games » πŸ’• Flirt, Hug, or Slap? πŸ‘

Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He got on his hind legs and wrapped his paws around her waist and his tail wagged.
Finny (played anonymously)

"Thor! Hug, hug hug hug-" He ran up and hugged Thor, nuzzling his face into Thor's fur. He was really excited to see him.

Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor made a bunch of happy whines and barks as he nuzzled and cuddled Finny. He missed his friend.
The scruffy shapeshifter simply could not resist. Upon seeing how affectionate the Belgian Malinois was, Bailey threw her arms around the dog for a big ol' bear hug.

"Ohhh, who's a good boy?!" Bailey pulled one of her hands out from her sleeves, allowing her to freely scratch behind Thor's ear. "You are! Yes, yes you are!"
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

She hugs Bailey, she's simply refusing to do the other two... "You seem intentesting.."
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He sat and he pawed her leg one time slap, albeit cutely
Audrey looked at the dog before her and gasped! She loved animals, so very much. Surely her little brother Quincy would love a dog! Without hesitation, Audrey hugged the Malinois and smiled. "I love animals. They're by far better than most humans!"
Kreed Krofton (played anonymously)

Well she sure was pretty enough, and Kreed didn't like hugging random people he didn't know, nor did he hit anyone who didn't deserve it so...

"What's a pretty thing like you doing around here?" Flirt
Sapphire (played by SillySpider)

"Hmm ... you appear to be nice, I guess a hug will have to do", she hesitates but reaches out and hugs the man.
"Pretty much the same, yeah", the masked woman stated as she returned the hug. "See I have no reason to slap you, and flirt's not an option. as I'm not into women.", she explained apologetically.

To be fair, most of the women she had met in games where flirt was an option had taken rejection much more sensibly than some men. But she saw no reason to be harsh about rejections the way some heart-throb ladies in high society could be. Even with the most struck up suitors she had tried to explain the reasons of her choice in a down to earth manner... though sometimes she was more stressed than she wanted to sound, especially when suitors in questions were the umpteenth in a long line selected by the Clan.

Of course, these days most people didn't dare take the Clan's offer and bother her anymore, almost as if scared by something or someone... the thought lit up her eyees with a secret laugh. Wasn't it Shakespeare who wrote, 'there are more things in heaven and earth....'
"Oh, it is you! Hello, Cris!"

The Avian eagerly waved her feathered 'hand' at the vigilante, smile reaching her eyes.

"I have not forgotten what you have done for me back at that gala. I will be forever grateful for helping me escape Darius! After that, how could I not give you a hug? With your permission, of course!"

She stepped forward on scaly feet to offer Cris a warm, fluffy embrace.

"How are your children doing? Did they like the feathercrown candies I gave them, before we last parted ways? Oh, we do have to sit down and talk again. I must introduce you formally to Ana and Cepheus! I know the meeting was only brief, given the circumstances. . ."

Stepping back, she raised a hand welcomingly.

"Let us stop by the space station orbiting Lototl V sometime. That desert world is in a system that is a reasonable amount of light-years from the sun. They have excellent drinks, including non-alcoholic cocktails. I prefer those to the alcohol, as I am personally not a drinker. The bar snacks are very lovely, too. I hear they are spicy, though Avians cannot really taste spice. Hmm. . . but do let me know if and when you are available. And, um, it is alright if you are not!"

Giving a final grin, she bowed her head. Her hands are folded in front of her lap.

"Have a wonderful rotation!"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He booped her with his paw before dropping into a play bow.
Shion (played anonymously)

Shion gasped before crouching down to the dog. He scratched his ears before pulling him into a playful hug. "Good boy!" He complimented, smiling.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor cuddled up to the man whilst wagging his tail.
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel glanced at Thor.
"...Woof." He barked at him.
It was clear he wasn't actually a dog, it was..more of an inside joke.

Ciel then knelt down and hugged the dog softly.
"No fair! I wanted to hug the doggy!" Carmellia shrugs and just smiles brightly, "Oh well! More hugs it is!" She hugs the two warmly. Hugs are nice.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor rested his head on her and put a paw on her shoulder
Rainbow Dash (played anonymously)

The young woman gasped, going down and eagerly hugging the dog. β€œA dog! Such a cute β€˜lil guy!” She smiled, holding the Belgian Malinois in her arms with a smile.
Victor gazed down at the rainbow haired girl as she played with Thor. He shook his head at the conundrum that was before him. Flirting was completely out of the question; she could be his child. Hugging was an uncomfortable thought for she was again young enough to be his child. And slapping? Yeah, that was never going to happen. Seeing no alternatives, Victor strolled passed the rainbow haired youth and patted her head.

If it could be considered a slap, it would be the softest slap he could manage.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He jumped up and wrapped his front paws around the man.

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