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Forums » Forum Games » 💕 Flirt, Hug, or Slap? 👏

Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

She immediately hugged the dog! "Such a good boy.." she began to pet him quickly..
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"...Sure, why not?" Fake Peppino then hugged Rory. He's a friendly boi-
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel stepped back, startled by the droopy appearance of this...chef? He didn't know what he was but... He slapped it away without a thought.

(SLAP! :-O)
Ugh, children. A self-important one as well. Someone put this little rascal in charge of something and somehow thought it was a great idea. Maybe it was some archaic alien culture she had yet to adjust to?

. . . No. She would never accept a culture that enforced child labor. That only made them just as bad as the Miniknog.

"Well, I'm not going to slap someone who's only old enough to be my own offspring," she declared slowly, not at all proudly. "And as such is the case, I won't flirt with you either. . ."

She had many crimes on her back. She didn't need a child abuse charge to be one of them.

"Fine. Make it quick."

Reluctantly, with her gaze averted, Ana opened an arm for a side-hug with the boy. She would have sworn she didn't dislike children, but she seemed a bit awkward about it. Shy, even. At the very least, not very confident.
Finny (played anonymously)

"Aw yay, group hug!" He suddenly ran up and hugged Captain Anastasiya from behind, who was still hugging Ciel at this time.

"Mmm. A hug will be fine."
Gregory (played by twistedvictorian)

Gregory ran up, hopped onto some nearby boxes, and whacked Penelope in the head as he jumped off of them, continuing to run off.

Glamrock Freddy's footsteps were heard (and felt, as they were very heavy) and soon he ran past Penelope, after Gregory. "Shame on you, Gregory! Apologize to the young lady!!" He shouted in an upset, disappointed voice.

(Slap...or more so, whack.)
Amara (played by Reithesniper)

"Utterly disrespectful.." She sighs "I know you don't have parents but you clearly need some sort of adult figure come here you.." she sighs "I will join the robotic bear because clearly he isn't strict enough" she said giving Gregory likely an unwanted hug but he probably couldn't hurt her-
"'re really pretty......" he blushed as he hugged his kitten close to his chest. That was the absolute peak of his flirting capability
"We are not doing this -- I am not doing this. There will be no hugging, no flirting, no sla --" a low, feminine voice purred from an unlit corner of the room causing Wilson both to recoil and reconsider. Her words, however, were indecipherable.

The tone was dark, threatening in manner and the young, frail scientist swallowed audibly. "The name of the game you say? Ah-all right, yes, of course. I live to follow the rules. In that case, you, my friend, deserve a hug!"

The shadows in the corner seemed to flicker and the vaguest hint of teeth flashing from a near concealed smile could be seen in one's periphery.

Wilson practically threw himself at the Saiyan, but upon seeing the kitten, he simmered his approach a bit and hugged the little bugger instead. Phew!
"Ah. The scientist friend of mine" the doctor said smiling. His son looked at Wilson almost like he were a celebrity before rushing the scientist and hugging him. "Your hair is so cool!"

Dr. Swordson pulled Luke away gently "Luke, that wasn't nice. What do you say?"

Luke looked down slightly "Sorry, mister"

Todd picked his son up and held him "I guess my son has determined you get a hug" he said chuckling then looking at the small boy with fatherly love radiating from his face.
Oriana eyed the doctor before sending a flirt his way, "Sheesh, I do love a man in glasses."

She then waved at the little boy in his arms, smiling at him brightly.

"Can I give you a hug? You remind me of my nephew, Matthew."
"I'd have to return the flirt, and only if little bear will let you"

Luke smiled and he reached for her to hug her
Dr. Todd Swordson wrote:
"I'd have to return the flirt, and only if little bear will let you"

Luke smiled and he reached for her to hug her

Oriana blushed at the attractive man's response, then accepted the little boy into a big hug. She slowly spun him around and returned him to his father.
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

SECRET: "To be honest, i'd personally slap because i'm still on the edge of-"

Lockelan then smacked SECRET from behind.

Lockelan: "We're not here to cause trouble. Anyway. Me and Keye would gladly give the hug. We don't mind it, much!"
Alice (played by Jaws)

"Seems like my type of game", the maiden said with a twisted smile. She slapped every citizen of the forest with glee.
"Little humans are fun to flirt with, especially the pretty ones" winks
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

A simple slap was given, and Skadi said nothing, turning to go about whoever was going to do whatever to her next.
The towering alien stared at her own hand before looking to the other.
She did not understand these humanly gestures and games.
Hesitantly, she reached down and wrapped her arms around the other, hugging them almost to tightly!!
He wrapped his arms around the alien and gave her a big, almost crushing, hug after sitting his kitten in her harms.

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