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Forums » Forum Games » ๐Ÿ’• Flirt, Hug, or Slap? ๐Ÿ‘

Two Sisters (played anonymously)

*she hugs tight silently because awe shes so cute!!!*
Lucifer (played by MangoNekros)

"Hey you... you wouldn't mind joining me for lunch, no?" he asked, with a rather handsome grin
Kris (played by DragonX)

[*slaps*] NSswoded
MIMI (played by Shiney_Mew)

Starres silent for a moment.. squealing before hugging the other tight.

Kris (played by DragonX)

[*he would hug mimi back*]
SUBJECT Eva (played by GLSmolBean)


Eva doesn't speak well enough, she's just a lizard girl, but she's happy to give someone else a hug despite her confusion on who we're hugging or flirting with...or slapping.
Kris (played by DragonX)

Mallory (played by Marin)

Hug! I like to think I give really nice hugs too. vwv
Leo (played by DragonX)

SUBJECT Eva (played by GLSmolBean)

Eva slowly hugs back, not really having been hugged before."D-Danger...?"
Kris (played by DragonX)

[*he laughs*]
MIMI (played by Shiney_Mew)

hugs...Hugs everywhere
Mallory (played by Marin)

Hugs~! ^^
Jadugar (played by Jadugar)

Slap! Nothing personal, I just can't afford the competition--besides, any dinner date would probably turn very sour for me.
Ginger (played by GingerHades)

Hades couldn't flirt to save her life, and saw no reason to slap the witch cat. Hugs were great, though!
MIMI (played by Shiney_Mew)

Smiling she would immediately hug the other. " your so adorable!!! And fluffy so fluffy too!!"
Cris smiled behind the mask and gave the Pokemon a quick but comforting hug. "It's what you seem to need most, little one" she said softly, ruffling the ears of the hooded costume.
X23 (played anonymously)

Vrakas (played anonymously)

โ€œIโ€™m not sure, you seem pretty dangerousโ€ฆโ€ They said, standing a safe distance away from X23. โ€œAh, who are we kidding. I like that in a lady. Or a man, I donโ€™t discriminate.โ€

MIMI (played by Shiney_Mew)

Starring upon the other Mimi didn't trust to hug and had no clue how to flirt intentionally so...slap with smooshy soft paw like sleeves. Nothing to harsh.

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