For a while now, a few months after the release of the new version for the site, I've noticed that the embedded youtube videos in all my profiles had a massively wide space right beneath them.
I took a look into the code using inspect element and noticed that, for some reason, a setting in the code (html, not bbcode) that adds an additional bottom padding equal to the height parameter for the embedded video, that being 230.
I changed the height value and the bottom padding value changed along with it. It's not a template issue, since I've looked over a few profiles which also had embedded videos in them and they all had the same bottom padding issue, although some were less noticeable since the embedded videos had smaller dimensions. Around 100 px or so. The problem persists in also at least in desktop Chrome and mobile as well.
I took a look into the code using inspect element and noticed that, for some reason, a setting in the code (html, not bbcode) that adds an additional bottom padding equal to the height parameter for the embedded video, that being 230.
[center][youtube width=400 height=230][/youtube][/center]
I changed the height value and the bottom padding value changed along with it. It's not a template issue, since I've looked over a few profiles which also had embedded videos in them and they all had the same bottom padding issue, although some were less noticeable since the embedded videos had smaller dimensions. Around 100 px or so. The problem persists in also at least in desktop Chrome and mobile as well.
I'd say go right to reporting it as a bug. I hadn't noticed this myself and checking back through my own characters, seems to only happen on some, but I doubt it's something that's supposed to be happening.
Zelphyr wrote:
I'd say go right to reporting it as a bug. I hadn't noticed this myself and checking back through my own characters, seems to only happen on some, but I doubt it's something that's supposed to be happening.
I forgot you could directly report issues. Already sent one, thanks.
After getting some sleep, I sent one, too, since I'm only getting in on some and not others. Hopefully a pattern can be found to help figure out what the issue is.
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