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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick-Or-Treat: The Devil’s Casino (Cuphead Rp)

Welcome all to the Devil’s Casino,where you can gamble or just hang out friends. And for once he isn’t after anyone’s soul.

He invites you to join him and his crew at the Casino for some Halloween fun, there is a party you don’t want to miss.

Comment down below if interested (or just jump in the ongoing rp if ya want)

Read rules on my profile,and that is all.
JetFire Topic Starter

Still open
Archivald (played anonymously)

The scientific mage-man strode up to the casino in full Halloween gear, which was to say he was dressed entirely from head to toe in angelic anime gear. The wings quivered on his back as his brow trembled on his face. "I've already lost a bet," he said sourly, "and I don't much care to lose more. Have you anything to drink of the acidic or alcoholic sort?"

Archivald sat in a chair and stared moodily around.
JetFire Topic Starter

Archivald wrote:
The scientific mage-man strode up to the casino in full Halloween gear, which was to say he was dressed entirely from head to toe in angelic anime gear. The wings quivered on his back as his brow trembled on his face. "I've already lost a bet," he said sourly, "and I don't much care to lose more. Have you anything to drink of the acidic or alcoholic sort?"

Archivald sat in a chair and stared moodily around.

A tall fellow dressed in all pruple,had on a purple tuxedo,white gloves,well polished shoes,and his head resembled that of a dice. And his gaze was rather bone chilling,his emerald green eyes could scare any unfortunate soul.

He noticed a man stride on over to the bar while he was in the middle of drying off a glass from the dishwasher “What will it be for you sir?” He had a New Yorker accent with a slight hint of southern. As scary as people labeled him,he’s alright once someone takes the time to speak with him,but good luck with that,he isn’t one for small talk.
Scylla Imbrie (played anonymously)

Scylla was feeling deeply self-conscious -- her lower body was crammed into a skirt narrowed at the knees, and then flared into a faux fish tail around her ankles, forcing her to take tiny steps. Her upper body was meant to be clad in only fake clam shells covering the essential bits, but she'd found that simply too awkward and had put the shells on over a shirt at the last moment. In her hand was a wooden trident. She was meant to be a mermaid, but the costume was ill-fitting, and anyway -- she already had a tail with a fin on the end, and adding fins to her legs just made her feel like a freakish two-tailed monster. Still, she was trying, trying to get in the spirit of things and be festive.

Taking those awful, too-restricted tiny steps, she stumbled into the first drinking establishment that she came across, discovering it was a Casino. She was really feeling desperate for a drink to start off the night. "Err... hello? Trick or treat? Better if the treat is alcoholic in nature."
Archivald (played anonymously)

Archivald let out a long sigh of breath and muttered, "Gin and tonic, I suppose. Just one for the road. I'll pay and then be out of your way." He grumbled.

He looked around the bar, which in his eyes was not too bad, and his eye landed on the pool table. He considered it a moment, but decided that ultimately he was not in the mood to play.
JetFire Topic Starter

The bartender got the lad what he wanted and then he noticed a girl literally stumble into the casino. Hearing the words ‘trick or treat’ he fixed her an alcoholic beverage as well. The monster bartender,that resembled that of a dice for a head,was now waiting on other guests to arrive.

The casino was filled with different types of monsters,real monsters,and they were also dressed up for Halloween. Some went all out while others just decided a bedsheet would be fine for a costume.
Scylla Imbrie (played anonymously)

Scylla grabbed the drink as soon as it was set in front of her and knocked it back, smacking her lips with a satisfied expression. "Ahhh, that's a good start. Another, barkeep?"

Turning toward the casino and leaning her back against the bar, she scanned the games for one she could join.
JetFire Topic Starter

The bartender poured her another,as requested. When he finished pouring her another glass,he went back to drying the dishes in the dishwasher.

There was poker,slot machines,and there was also a pool table. There wasn’t very many games to play.
Archivald (played anonymously)

Archivald downed his drink in a few gulps, his typical grimace on his face. He smiled bitterly at the host of the place, glancing around to see if there was anyone he'd need to tip besides the one man. He didn't see any other employees, though, so he just dropped his change down on the counter, nodded, and said a short and stiff "Happy Halloween. Thank you, goodbye." Before sauntering out of the joint.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus