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Forums » Looking for RP » <๐ŸŒฟ> How To Train Your Dragon <๐ŸŒฟ> (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I'm Vivi, and I'm sure excited to attempt to scratch my itch by posting this topic!
I'll try and make this as sweet and aesthetic as possible~
And I am so sorry for all the exclamation points in advance I promise I'm just excited and not a psycho lmao

I'm looking for a roleplay in the How To Train Your Dragon cinematic universe!
The timeline for said setting is flexible, but I have a specific character in mind to play: an adult Night Light (Night Fury/Light Fury)!
That being said, I understand that Furies (Night/Light, and both) can be a little oversaturated in this fandom, and likewise I understand if some may have hesitation in choosing to play with/as them. Or in the fandom in general but shhhh. I myself encounter this issue on occasion, more so due to a lotta OC Furies' personalities being too similar to Toothless in my opinion. Likewise I absolutely get the obsession with them because I love em to death as well, so I hope to find a partner that can both appreciate the species and make their own (should they choose to use one, it is absolutely optional) uniquely wonderful!
It should also be said that I am not actively looking for canon characters but I can be swayed if they are written well. Otherwise I would prefer canon characters be only mentioned by OCs or occasionally interacted with/placed in the background.
And with that outta the way~

Story And Timeline Ideas:
+ Preferred Timelines: Between the second and third movies, prior to any of the movies (either in Berk or in a different location, possibly one of the writers' design), or into the future after the third movie (but still within the same general historical era without technological advancements). With all options (and more prevalent for the first two), there is a possibility of other Night Furies beyond Toothless. +
+ Idea One: Regardless of timeline, the idea of exploring humans who have accepted dragons interacting with those who have not intrigues me! The first option to come to mind is a potential shipwreck upon the shores of Berk/another inhabited archipelago island/somewhere beyond. While perhaps clichรฉ I find the trope fun and easy to launch into something more complex and ongoing. Those shipwrecked preferably would not be accepting of dragons at first, with an optional slider of how hostile they are on sight. I additionally have no preference for which side of the playing field I write in for a human character, be it dragon-lover or dragon-hater! +
+ Idea Two: Preferably between the second and third movies, I would like to explore (literally) dragon riders traversing the globe! Finding new and wild dragons, facing different threats (human and dragon alike), and visiting breathtaking and beautiful scenery sounds sublime. This option would hopefully include a lot of travel and explore character dynamics as they rest, survive, and find new worlds! While the easiest option would be having riders from Berk, I am also totally open to the option of them being from another land as well. It might even be interesting to involve an alternate storyline of said riders being drawn to Berk upon hearing of others like them! +
+ Idea Three: Focusing on a future timeline after the movies, and admittedly guiltily on my personal OC, I like the idea of my Night Light choosing to leave the Hidden World alone/with a dragon friend/sibling. While on the grumpy side and generally quiet and solitary (with a dislike for being touched to boot), Thistle is extremely curious. She is often fixated by new things after identifying them as non-threatening, and I have a personal headcanon that she has dreams of the open sky from a repressed memory of seeing it from the entrance to the Hidden World as a young dragon. As this timeline would involve all dragons remaining in the Hidden World prior to humanity being "ready for them", I imagine that leaving their home wouldn't be a common desire. Regardless of the hows and whys, as I'd like to flesh them out with my partner/s, I would like this option to involve an eventual return to New Berk! +

What I Am Looking For:
+ Flexible writing length, with preferred 2-3 paragraphs and depth/detail in character expressions/actions! +
+ Open-ended writing with plot collaboration and hopefully plenty of headcanon chatting and general fun! +
+ Dynamic OCs with realistic flaws and goals with personal growth! +
+ Multiple main characters (preferably at least 2) with supporting background shared or assigned NPCs to flesh out the world! +
+ Stress-free posting schedule that keeps in mind IRL demands! (At least once a week would be stellar!) +
+ Mature partner/s looking to write multiple genres! (Comedy, drama, combat, tragedy, heartfelt feels, the whole shebang!) +
+ And finally, while not a requirement, I'm not opposed to naturally-occurring slowburn romance! +

If you've managed to survive my demands rambles this far, you are a very sweet soul and I would love to get writing with you!
Please feel free to shoot me a direct message, as I am more likely to see that than a response to this post.
And please additionally be patient and kind to me, I might not respond immediately but I will certainly get back with ya!

And as an extra special gift, I'll toss in this current WIP of my sweet baby bean, Thistle!
Magic 50%
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Technology 30%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Romance 30%
Some romance is possible, but the overall plot is more important.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

Vivicombustion Topic Starter

Bumping with genre updates and some minor edits for clarity! ๐Ÿ˜Š

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » <๐ŸŒฟ> How To Train Your Dragon <๐ŸŒฟ> (closed)

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