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Forums » Forum Games » Insult the CHARACTER above you!

Mundy the Bushman wrote:
"With that mask, you kinda look like that mute maniac who is often employed by the same mercenary service as me.

lmao my sides
James Moriarty (played by Atheist)

Messlea ambers wrote:
" Saying the cowboy want a be who swears more than a drunk 20 year old "

"So says a paramecium brain with a subpar intellect. Did you come up with that insult all by yourself, honey?" Jim offers a hollow pantomime of sincerity through a forced smile. "...I can tell."
Doctor Leon (played by Moonen)

Clover turned his lidded gaze over to the consultant criminal, his hand twirling a pen. “I’ve seen many types like you in my asylum; the ones who think they own the world and yet cry when they can’t get what they want, manipulating others to try and win but only to fail when they realize that they are just dull. You have no personality and you definitely have no defining qualities other than being a mule.”
Levi (played anonymously)

Oh, /honey/.
"The number you dialed is out of service. Please check your number and dial it again... CORRECTLY THIS TIME, you twit!"
Something similar to a derisive smile briefly curved the scientist's lips as he continued to work over a series of diagrams. "By what I've heard, your name's kinda fitting, since you can operate basic networks and spacecrafts. Which is something most college freshmen can pull of. Oh... was it supposed to be impressive?" The contempt in his voice couldn't have been more evident. "How sweet. It's psychotic how society keeps creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity - not that it's your fault of course, you are but the product of your time." He seemed to mull over something and then glanced for the first time over his shoulder, cold blue eyes meeting hers. "Still, you know what would be impressive? Help yourself to the nearest door, take your leave, close the door behind yourself. Pretty sure that should be manageable."
Eric Gwàiwù (played by Dib2435)

" For some who is a very intelligent person, you are not very smart when it comes to being around other people " Eric said with a serious and soft smrik " I suggest you try being more social before taking up a other research project. "
"Oh, a monster hunter?" Damien teased. "Look out! We got a badass up in 'ere. I hate to break it to ya, little man, but your britches are only big enough to handle a fairy infestation."
(Capt. Arthur, 3rd gen)

The young Captain's expression was steely. "Ah, right, you. I have heard of your deeds. I have even heard that you and my disgraced cousin teamed up and caused mayhem and chaos on various locations. " He curled his upper lip. "King Cobra, Light Raygun... Don't any of your street demons have real grown-up names? You had good records on service, veteran Damien Chase", the name rolled out with contempt, but never quite as much as the rank, "until you threw all that up in the air to become a mercenary dog first and just another criminal riff-raff later. I hope you are proud of your life... because I woud call it a disappointment." Inside, he was seething. People like Chase went against all the concepts of honor, virtue and protection that he had been taught in the Academy. A normal criminal could have reasons for embracing a dishonest life, but someone who had sworn to fight in the name of innocents? "Get out of my sight. You disgust me", he hissed.
Eric Gwàiwù (played by Dib2435)

" Saying the guy who never lay back even if it's for a second " Eric said just with a smirk on his face " I personally think that we might be twins, but I would be the more likeable one. I do feel bad about you and your sister, I hate spoiled brats which you are as well "
"Where do I begin?" Ghertivel listed off the tip of his fingers. "Generic and plain pest control operator, with the basic skills and competence of - well, a generic and plain pest control operator. Also, quite inconsistent, immature, with the basic housekeeping talents you'd expect to find in a butler bot..." he said the word 'housekeeping' almost as if it was an insult, and continued with a snap of his bony fingers, "superficial, unprofessional - or should I say, totally random - attire, just plain mentality common to all the ordinary John Does that make up the majority of humankind... hmm. No. I can't even find any flaw so jarring and original it justifies my wasting time trying to insult your mediocrity... so I won't bother." He raised a thin eyebrow, and the shadow of a mocking smile briefly curled his lips. "Not sorry if the truth hurts. Good day." And he turned back to his test tubes and instruments, which as ever, proved far more interesting to the self-conceited scientist than any social interaction.
Eric Gwàiwù (played by Dib2435)

" Sorry, but your yapping makes any species fall asleep in a second " Eric said as he dust himself off holding a wooden steak in his right hand " Just elemated a 309 year old vampire, he gave a good flight thought. Plus I am more professional than you. "
(Bishop Alcide, 2nd gen)

The elder Bishop lowered the book he had been poring over with a sigh, and removed his reading-glasses. "It's always an unpleasant business to be called to dispel the words of false prophets and sycophants. But you, dear sir, are an imposter - and I say it with all due respect. As the Holy Scriptures of the Aloysian Faith report - particularly with regard to the Life and Miracles of Aloysius St. Ivory - our Saint Patron alone can stand victorious against the forces of evil, with the sacred power of Capitalism. I am referring in particular to the reports of how St. Aloysius destroyed single-handedly a cove of undeads through the mass-marketing of selected wooden stakes, new generation bullets - from which the Department of Defense also greatly benefited - as well as the investments in garlic growth." He picked up his Bible of St Aloysius and read out loud: "And no mortal man's lie shall make them greater than the Hero of Capitalism..."
[Dont mind me, apparently I screwed up, and I dont know how to delete a reply. Just ignore me! Sorry!]
Eric Gwàiwù (played by Dib2435)

( Same Here sorry everyone )
Aliprandi Clan wrote:
(Bishop Alcide, 2nd gen)

The elder Bishop lowered the book he had been poring over with a sigh, and removed his reading-glasses. "It's always an unpleasant business to be called to dispel the words of false prophets and sycophants. But you, dear sir, are an imposter - and I say it with all due respect. As the Holy Scriptures of the Aloysian Faith report - particularly with regard to the Life and Miracles of Aloysius St. Ivory - our Saint Patron alone can stand victorious against the forces of evil, with the sacred power of Capitalism. I am referring in particular to the reports of how St. Aloysius destroyed single-handedly a cove of undeads through the mass-marketing of selected wooden stakes, new generation bullets - from which the Department of Defense also greatly benefited - as well as the investments in garlic growth." He picked up his Bible of St Aloysius and read out loud: "And no mortal man's lie shall make them greater than the Hero of Capitalism..."

"Oooooh! Look at me!" Mixie sneered. "I'm a righteous prophet, I say big words and preach about all that is holy! Oooooh!"

She snapped to something a tad more serious. "Hell. You might wanna clean your glasses, old man! This game is called "Insult the Character Above," not "Give a Sermon to the Character Above."
Mixie ignored her fourth-wall break and continued, that predatory grin making its return. "Listen, I will admit, what you have to say is certainly... interestin'. But you wanna know what's also interestin'? It's the fact that nobody gives a shit!"
Joshu Higashikata (played by Okuyasu)

"Oh shut up, you mangy freak. Annoying little turds like yourself really get me riled up! It makes me sick that people can just be so disrespectful."

He sneers as he crosses his arms, not realizing that his statement matches up with himself.

"Don't think I didn't notice those four arms of yours, Machamp! Now that I look at it, you do look like some sort of Pokemon. Nah, more like a Digimon."
Rachael Macleod (played by randomentity777)

"*sigh*...Kid, you really need to make sure that those qualities don't also apply to you before you pin them on a person. Also, your shirt seems to be a few sizes too big."
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool)

She scoffed and glared harshly at the other, "who are you to talk? Walking around here looking like a rejected Barbie doll." With a dull roll of her eyes, Central crossed her arms over her chest. "You must be the prime example of a plastic surgery gone wrong."
Moth (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Central Marsay wrote:
She scoffed and glared harshly at the other, "who are you to talk? Walking around here looking like a rejected Barbie doll." With a dull roll of her eyes, Central crossed her arms over her chest. "You must be the prime example of a plastic surgery gone wrong."
"Eat Dirt! You look like someone who rejected ye!"

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