I am working on getting to know a new tarot deck I recently got. It's the Faerie Tarot by Nathalie Hertz. It's a beautiful Faerie themed deck, the art is just stunning. I've been doing tarot for about 3 years now, it's very important to me and I adore it.
If you would like a free 3 card reading, with one card represent past, present, and future, please let me know via replying to this post, or DM. I will give your reading via DM for privacy if preferred, or you can let me know if I can post it here!
One reading per person, these are free readings, but you're welcome to tip me here.
If you would like a free 3 card reading, with one card represent past, present, and future, please let me know via replying to this post, or DM. I will give your reading via DM for privacy if preferred, or you can let me know if I can post it here!
One reading per person, these are free readings, but you're welcome to tip me here.
Lizbeth is always open to all kind of spiritual exercises and would like to give it a try.
She has nothing to hide and her reading can be shown openly.
Maybe that might encourage other to do same.
Thank you for this unique proposal
She has nothing to hide and her reading can be shown openly.
Maybe that might encourage other to do same.
Thank you for this unique proposal
Lizbeth Redwood wrote:
Lizbeth is always open to all kind of spiritual exercises and would like to give it a try.
She has nothing to hide and her reading can be shown openly.
Maybe that might encourage other to do same.
Thank you for this unique proposal
She has nothing to hide and her reading can be shown openly.
Maybe that might encourage other to do same.
Thank you for this unique proposal
I'm only doing readings for players not characters, sorry.
Count me in, too!
@Fantax, join us!!!!! π
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
@Fantax, join us!!!!! π
Ok, no problem
I would love a reading! Mine doesn't need to be DMed.
I'd be happy to tip, too.

This sounds fun. I'll take one in a DM when you get the time

I'd like to get one in DMs too, why not haha
I would be glad to have a reading too in Dm

oh gosh, well I've got a lot of readings to do! I will get started in order after work today. It might take a couple days to get to everyone.

After all this time do you intend to use the same tarot deck?
Four wrote:
After all this time do you intend to use the same tarot deck?
I do! I never got much interest initially so I still haven't gotten to use it much.
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Count me in, too!
Here's your reading! And thanks so much for the support.

These readings are a general past, present, future, reading, if you'd like a more specific reading (like the past present future on a relationship or job specifically) let me know.
All your cards were reversed aka upside down. Some people don't read reversed cards differently, and don't use reversed meanings, but I do. It's interesting that all of yours were reversed. I had to double check that all my cards weren't just upside down entirely.

Past: Queen of Pentacles - Reversed
What I get from this is that in the past you might have been in a very bad situation when it comes to money and home life. Perhaps you were struggling day by day and always felt like everything was out of your control. Nothing seemed to be changing over a long period of time.
Present: The Devil - Reversed
You're getting out. Whatever you're dealing with or were dealing with, you are finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, or maybe you've already escaped. This doesn't have to be something huge like a toxic relationship or moving homes, but it could be a struggle with depression. You might be coming to terms with the things you CAN control, and taking that control.
Future: Page of Cups - Reversed
The feeling I get from this card for you is basically that you need to be careful. There's something that's going to happen, potentially related to something you're looking forward to, and it could end up disappointing you. I'd really listen to your gut extra hard in the next couple months and avoid making decisions on a whim.
Fantax wrote:
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
@Fantax, join us!!!!! π
Ok, no problem

Past: Seven of Swords - Reversed
You might have done something you're not proud of in your past, but I feel like it's something you confessed to whoever it may have affected. Despite this, you felt guilty about it for a long time and perhaps still do.
Present: Nine of Swords - Reversed
This is sort of a cross-roads it feels likes. You might be at a point where you have to choose the road to feeling better and working on your issues or letting them get worse. Whatever you're dealing with right now, you have two options - cope or give up. What I get most here is that this card is trying to remind you that you have a choice in the matter, it's not just something happening to you.
Future: King of Cups
You're going to find balance I think. Emotions, thoughts, the things you can change, the things you can't change, family, work, hobbies... sometime soon you might start to really see the path to your life being more balanced and easier to manage.
Sanne wrote:
I would love a reading! Mine doesn't need to be DMed.
I'd be happy to tip, too.

Past: Five of Wands
You might have dealt with someone in the past who was seriously mismatched with you and had a lot of disagreements to the point of pettiness and ego really getting in the way. It doesn't feel like a situation in which all parties were either innocent or guilty, but it feels like you were really at odds with how this person fit into your life based on your morals and who you are as a person.
Present: The World - Reversed
Something isn't working out for you the way you thought it would and the way you want it to. That's what I get from this. You're not where you want to be, perhaps with work or where you thought you'd be right now. You might be repeating things that keep failing or not working out and this card is really saying: do something different/new.
Future: Knight of Wands - Reversed
Something or someone who is really going to get under your skin if you're not careful is coming. I feel like there's potential for recklessness and hastiness here. Like something happens really fast and if it's not pulled into some control, it could completely spin out of it. Your first instinct might not be the best one to go with in a situation that you might normally act automatically without reservation in.
I've done about half the readings (including ones in DM's.) and will work on the other half over the weekend.

MercyInReach wrote:
Future: King of Cups
You're going to find balance I think. Emotions, thoughts, the things you can change, the things you can't change, family, work, hobbies... sometime soon you might start to really see the path to your life being more balanced and easier to manage.
You're going to find balance I think. Emotions, thoughts, the things you can change, the things you can't change, family, work, hobbies... sometime soon you might start to really see the path to your life being more balanced and easier to manage.
Well this is interesting, I thank you so much.
For all the curious, sorry, no disclosure here!!!
The most interesting thing here is not the analyses of the cards, which is undoubtedly intriguing. But itβs the future card itself, a knight on a draft horse, as horses, especially those big heavy ones always played a big part in y life. So much about meβ¦.
Thanks MercyInReach
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