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Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: Worker at a big car show

Every year in the US the Auburn County (Indiana) car auctions are held. They have antique cars, new, fancy ones, his year they had a bus from Yellowstone. Yeah, pretty neat. I help work there and push the cars onto the stage and off of the stage. I guess it's not super interesting, but it's probably one of the most interesting things about me since the Auburn Car Show is a really big event. People from all over the country come to this thing. Besides, it's pretty awesome to get to see tons of antique cars up close (if you know me, you know I love antique anything, especially cars).
Thank-you for sharing AliRevelian, I love seeing the antique car models and i love that old bus! :D

Do you have any favorite models this year that your seeing at the auctions?
AliRevellian Topic Starter

Falyn wrote:
Thank-you for sharing AliRevelian, I love seeing the antique car models and i love that old bus! :D

Do you have any favorite models this year that your seeing at the auctions?

Absolutely! I have always been a sucker for Ford Model A's and Model T's and I'm not sure why. This year there was a Model T there and I was geeking out the whole time I saw it ^^; I was hoping they would have one or the other as I was heading there and once I saw it down the line I was freaking out about it to all my friends that were there too.
Very cool and thank-you for the pictures! :)
Claine Moderator

Oh that's great! I've actually RP a couple of 'car guys' so in recent years I've actually become a bit of a 'car guy' myself via osmosis XD

Do you recall the most expensive car you seen at the show?
AliRevellian Topic Starter

Claine wrote:
Oh that's great! I've actually RP a couple of 'car guys' so in recent years I've actually become a bit of a 'car guy' myself via osmosis XD

Do you recall the most expensive car you seen at the show?

The most expensive was definitely the Yellowstone bus. It sold for around $550,000. I mean, why the heck not? XD Rollin' down the street with a Yellowstone tour bus ✋😌 I'm down
Claine Moderator

Holy moly! I never would've thought it!!

Thank you so much for your answer :D
What car have you seen that radiated an aura of raw power? Like, no matter what you put it through it'll come back with the trophy for a broken record and a smile?
AliRevellian Topic Starter

KingDragon wrote:
What car have you seen that radiated an aura of raw power? Like, no matter what you put it through it'll come back with the trophy for a broken record and a smile?

Honestly gonna have to say the Yellowstone Bus again. Like, you drive tourists though Yellowstone all the time with boiling water, I'll bet it can handle a lot. Also this cool looking black and white Mustang. But maybe that's just because I like Mustangs.
Hi! First of all I really love that you started this topic because it is so cool! I have never been to that big of a car show but as one of my partners is obsessed with cars (and especially classic cars), we watch a lot of car related series on tv and some of them include moments of such shows.

Do you have a favorite classic car and if so, have you ever seen it go for relatively cheap/been incredibly tempted to buy it?

Thanks in advance!
AliRevellian Topic Starter

SylOfficial wrote:
Hi! First of all I really love that you started this topic because it is so cool! I have never been to that big of a car show but as one of my partners is obsessed with cars (and especially classic cars), we watch a lot of car related series on tv and some of them include moments of such shows.

Do you have a favorite classic car and if so, have you ever seen it go for relatively cheap/been incredibly tempted to buy it?

Thanks in advance!

Well thank you first of all :) I wasn't sure at first if this would be all that interesting at all. As for favorite classic car - I do indeed. I really like the Ford Model A
And the Ford Model T

Something about them just gives me so much serotonin and inspire me to write old English stories for some reason XD. I haven't really seen any that were all that cheap unfortunately, but if I ever did, my impulsive self would probably buy one immediately :/

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