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Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: The Real Life Bard

Hey all! This one was pretty fun to talk about, so I'll talk about it again! A little bit about it, I play saxophone fairly often, learning new music and working towards memorization for my summer camp job and I'm a pretty alright storyteller. I sing in choir and I play Dungeons and Dragons quite often, with three homebrew campaigns in the making.

Feel free to ask me whatever!
When did you learn how to play the sax? What's a favorite campaign moment that you'd sing about, oh fair bard? 😋🎷
TheNightmareSavage Topic Starter

Rune_stoner wrote:
When did you learn how to play the sax? What's a favorite campaign moment that you'd sing about, oh fair bard? 😋🎷
I learned the sax about 11 years ago.

I had a moment in my first campaign where I kept rolling really well on Persuasion checks and I convinced an entire camp of dragon cultists that I was on their side, convinced the two guarding members of my party and a person of interest that they should go celebrate by pulling two beers out of thin air, and then proceeded to slap the person of interest and use my Lay on Hands to heal him. One of my party members lit the camp on fire and I convinced the two new guards that showed up that their leader was in danger. It was a very amazing tale.
That defs sounds like it deserves tp be commemorated with song! 😂❤️

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