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Forums » Forum Games » What’s your characters worst fear (IC)

"Being judged and thought of as some kind of monster..."
Goddess of Love (played by nindyaru)

"Being forgotten..."
Joshu Higashikata (played by Okuyasu)

"Spiders! I hate spiders!"
Trapped in a super small and noisy room with no way of getting out...
To be forgotten and separated from my followers.......
Xue Sheng (played anonymously)

To lose honor, power and my own pride.
Nanaue (played by randomentity777)

"Not having friends..."
Raven (played by DazzlingDragon)

Raven squirms uncomfortably in place, uncharacteristically disturbed.

"I'm a cat. My friends are people. I've got maybe ten or fifteen years if I'm lucky, and their lives go on for like....foreverrrrr. I'm not afraid of the dying, that's dumb. I'm worried...I'm worried about what'll happen to everyone else after I'm gone. Heh, like what are they going to do without little ol' Raven to keep them on their toes, right?

"...You've got to promise me you'll never tell this to anyone. Especially, y'know...her. Liz has enough to worry about, she doesn't need to add my existential dread to the pile."
"My fear? *Sigh* I guess I should tell you, even though I don't want too. after all you told me yours." Mary lets out a long breath, "I guess I would be afraid of people finding out what I really am, I'm not the dragon you think I am, heck I'm not even a dragon at all, I just look like one, and smell like one too apparently. Anyway, I'm a special type of living dead, I will never tell anyone. To tell someone about this is basically saying I trust that you will never betray me, kill me, help others kill me, I have enough trust to tell you this, and most importantly, I will always be watching over you, whether you like it or not."
Patches (played by GingerHades)

The little ragdoll tugs on the string on their back.

"Patches doesn't like fiiiire," They had began, tugging the string again. "Fire eats faaabriiic. Patches maaade of fabric," ..... "Hard to fix legs after fiiiiire." ..... "Not very fuuuuun. No no noooo."

It sounded as if this had happened to them before. Fire was pretty to look at, sure, but everything it touches, it destroys. And fire liked to burn some objects more than others. Case in point, fleece and fabric. Patches was not safe around fire, by any means.

"Bewaaaare of fiiiire!"
Ayla and Meng (played by PinkBrat)

"Being unwanted. But that would never happen. Everyone likes and wants me." She was purposely cocky in order to stop herself from believing the truth. ~Ayla~
"I was programmed to have no fears, but I do dread losing my life."
“What all Genie’s fear. My powers will be used in the ways of evil, and that I will be used to bring harm.”
Seymour sneers slightly. "Becoming a full fledged vampire."
Big Blue (played by Samiakki)

Despite being an enormous monster, oftentimes very intimidating herself, Big Blue had many fears. Other rusalki competing with her for food; other large predators competing with her for food; humans; Dreamers; people in general; those blasted human machines. She dealt with them all in her own unique way.

This was the difference between her fears. She could do something about them. Finally, she stepped forward. Unlike many of the others playing the game, her fear was a material thing - something she could hold in her hand. So, when she set down the wet piece of bleached coral on the table, she eyed it pensively.

It was something she could do nothing about. A far more dangerous threat to millions - no, billions - of lives that she couldn't fight off physically or even mentally.
Geo Cerez (played by etherally)

"Probably losing one of my best friends. I've known them since we were kids so if I lost one of them, i'd feel lost."
Marcy Wu (played by Sunstruck)

"Well, if I'm being honest, it'd probably be being abandoned or left alone. If my friends left me I wouldn't know what to do..."
Alpin-Lynx Blackstone (played anonymously)

"Losing my notebook."
Meph Norwish (played by Eros_Calls)

Meph blinked, his eyebrows knitting together, as he looked down at the body he had been re-born into five times by this point. The scars of every lifetime, the tapestry of abuse he had endured, a reminder that he still had not achieved the one goal that was set forth for him from the Gods. In a voice that was softer than one would expect to come from such a large man he said, "That no one will mourn me upon my passing and that I will be forced to live yet another life."
Death (played by SillySpider)

"Hmmm, my worst fear .... well I guess being mortal again would be a real damn wake up call for me.
I'd do near anythin to ensure that don't happen." He crossed his arms over his boney chest.

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