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Forums » Forum Games » What’s your characters worst fear (IC)

A pair of blue eyes looked down at her own hands, clenching them into fists.
"Losing the people I finally opened up to after putting all my walls up." Gwen takes a soft breath, "I think I might truly break for good this time."
Alexandrina Duarte (played anonymously)

“I’m afraid of not be able to escape high society, even if I only want to be away from it for a few hours to taste freedom.”
Cherry (played anonymously)

Cherry thought for a minute. 'Hurting humans without realizing it.' They signed.
Buddy Rhodes (played by X2C)

"Watching some one need help, and I was unable to do anything about it........ Ooh and Cockroaches!"
Balthazar (played anonymously)

The dapper little tuxedo cat was busying himself with a hearty grooming session. His front paw was his focus for the moment, and he licked gingerly, smoothing the fur satisfactorily.

He paused mid-blep and looked up with large, practically glowing lamp-like eyes. "One of these days that autofeeder's going to go kaput, and then that's it. I'm done in. I'll never see another meal again."
Yuki (played by CrypticStardust)

Using a pale purple pencil crayon, Yuki quickly wrote out their answer on a sheet of notebook paper, tearing it out so that it could be read by anyone who felt so inclined.
"My worst fear is being unable to communicate when it's important to do so. If I needed to shout for help, or alert others of danger quickly, or anything like that, it would be hard. So I'm afraid I or someone else will get hurt because of that. Luckily it's never happened so far."
Crimson von lain (played anonymously)

Crimson seemed quiet for a bit "I think.. Im afraid of losing people, so I learn how to use the void class, mostly the big bubble thing
." She said.. this is the quietest shes ever actually been..
Cathfawr Pardus (played anonymously)

"Being underwater too long. I hate the feeling, the sound, everything."

Cathfawr's tail went in-between his legs, his ears flopping down, a frown on his face.
"really big cats... terrifying."
Alkaran (played by Vozhad)

To be forced to live among judgmental people is my worst fear.
Natalie Paquette (played anonymously)

"I guess being stuck with those hive worms?" She shivered, keeping her helmet on "I know they harmless but they're so nasty!-"
Moonstar (played by Kdkkddkdk)

“I am afraid of being blind” she looks down “I love looking up to the stars every night, but losing my eyesight, would be like losing my soul”
Something happening to my son Trevor. He's at that age... he's not a bad kid but a lot of things have been going on around here lately. We had a bit of a scare when he and his friends ended up where they shouldn't have been.
Brittney Gorman (played anonymously)

“My greatest fear is I’ll never meet ‘Mr Right’.”
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Faillures, i aim to improve, stop reminding me on what i cannot do, and remind me on what i can do.

It’s depressing.."

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