It was the new school year and everyone was excited for the new school year. Freshman boy are hoping to get into the clicks they want to be in so they don't look like dorks and get picked on by the jocks and cool guys. While the freshman girls have studied all summer about fashion, make-up, latest hair styles, and other stuff so the popular girls won't ridicule them. As the rest of the students in the higher grades were getting ready to strut their stuff and letting everyone know they rule the school. But as for all boys ad girls they hope to get a girlfriend/boyfriend so they don't look weird without having one. The school was an equal mix of Furries and humans for it was one of the few schools that did that and had great reviews about how all the students got along. Though for one Female student whose only wish to to just get through school and keep herself isolated from everyone.
Her name was Emily, a Red hair, green eyes, very pale, very skinny girl the wore jeans that have holes and patch jobs to it, a sweater that was too big that she even wore in the summer time. She had just recently moved into the area with her drunk, alcoholic father who made them leave their old home after he got wind that child services were on to him. Life was not always like this for Emily, for she had a happy life with her mother and father until her father got injured causing him to get laid and now living off welfare check, which caused her mother to walk out to be with her a richer and younger man to help sustain her lifestyle she has always wanted and she left Emily behind. Now she has been suffering mental and physical abuse from her father caused towards her. And overtime Emily had started to isolate herself from everyone ever since her friends betrayed her and started to follow the popular kids, which did break her heart, and she learned that no one has really cared about her so even though she was at a new school she saw no happy future.
Emily was busy cooking breakfast for her father which was hard for her left leg was messed up for the time being and her right arm was tightly bandaged for she got stitches recently after being pushed into a pile of beer bottle glass. "EMILY HURRY UP I AM STARVING!!!" Emily heard her father yell as she placed the food on the plate. "AND DON'T FORGET MY BEER AND MAKE SURE IT IS A COLD ONE!" he yelled and Emily got his beer from the back of the fridge. "I am coming father." Was all she said as she brought it to his room where he sat in the big recliner which was his chair, bed, dinner table, and on occasions bathroom. She handed him his breakfast and watched him scarf it down like a pig and Emily could not help but stare at how disgusting he was eating. Her father noticed and threw his plate at her. "Do not look at me with those eyes of yours they are too much like hers." And when he said hers he meant her mothers eyes. Emily got hit in the head with the plate causing it to bleed. "Sorry father I will leave you be." She said as she rushed out grabbing her bag which had emergency bandages. Once she was a good ways away from the house she let out a sigh of relief and placed a bandage on her area she was bleeding and started to walk to school with her stomach grumbling because of how hungry she was bt she just ignored it as she walked to her new school.
Her name was Emily, a Red hair, green eyes, very pale, very skinny girl the wore jeans that have holes and patch jobs to it, a sweater that was too big that she even wore in the summer time. She had just recently moved into the area with her drunk, alcoholic father who made them leave their old home after he got wind that child services were on to him. Life was not always like this for Emily, for she had a happy life with her mother and father until her father got injured causing him to get laid and now living off welfare check, which caused her mother to walk out to be with her a richer and younger man to help sustain her lifestyle she has always wanted and she left Emily behind. Now she has been suffering mental and physical abuse from her father caused towards her. And overtime Emily had started to isolate herself from everyone ever since her friends betrayed her and started to follow the popular kids, which did break her heart, and she learned that no one has really cared about her so even though she was at a new school she saw no happy future.
Emily was busy cooking breakfast for her father which was hard for her left leg was messed up for the time being and her right arm was tightly bandaged for she got stitches recently after being pushed into a pile of beer bottle glass. "EMILY HURRY UP I AM STARVING!!!" Emily heard her father yell as she placed the food on the plate. "AND DON'T FORGET MY BEER AND MAKE SURE IT IS A COLD ONE!" he yelled and Emily got his beer from the back of the fridge. "I am coming father." Was all she said as she brought it to his room where he sat in the big recliner which was his chair, bed, dinner table, and on occasions bathroom. She handed him his breakfast and watched him scarf it down like a pig and Emily could not help but stare at how disgusting he was eating. Her father noticed and threw his plate at her. "Do not look at me with those eyes of yours they are too much like hers." And when he said hers he meant her mothers eyes. Emily got hit in the head with the plate causing it to bleed. "Sorry father I will leave you be." She said as she rushed out grabbing her bag which had emergency bandages. Once she was a good ways away from the house she let out a sigh of relief and placed a bandage on her area she was bleeding and started to walk to school with her stomach grumbling because of how hungry she was bt she just ignored it as she walked to her new school.
Nearby, a wolf boy was walking to school as well. His head was covered in black fur, aside from his chin, which was light gray and his hair was jet black as well, though it was cut short and kinda hard to tell the difference between his hair and fur. He was wearing a plain, white t-shirt and a red, plaid button down over that, which was open and the sleeves were rolled up. He wasn't exactly rippling with muscle, but it wasn't just skin and bone either. He wore a pair of light blue jeans that were somewhat loose and he had no shoes because... Well, you can't fit a shoe on a paw.
His one green and one yellow eye idly scanned the area as he walked and they went wide when he saw Emily walking his direction.
"Holy s***!!!!" he rushed towards her, "What happened to you?! Are you okay?!" he asked worriedly. His voice was deep but kind and held an air of sincerity, "Jesus Christ, you're bleeding!" he exclaimed as he examined her head.
His one green and one yellow eye idly scanned the area as he walked and they went wide when he saw Emily walking his direction.
"Holy s***!!!!" he rushed towards her, "What happened to you?! Are you okay?!" he asked worriedly. His voice was deep but kind and held an air of sincerity, "Jesus Christ, you're bleeding!" he exclaimed as he examined her head.
Emily was enjoying the peace and quiet as she walked and was wondering what he new school was like for when she mved here she had to pick a school fast and the school she was going to was in good walking distance but she didn't really know anything about the school. As she walked listening to the wind blow she heard something and opened her eyes for they were closed for a bit and was shocked to see a wolf furry for she has not really seen one before and she was pretty much mute when he rushed over asking if she was alright. When he said bleeding though she pulled out an old compact mirror to look at her head and realized she put the band aid in the wrong spot. "Oh I put the band aid in the wrong spot again its not easy to do this without a mirror." She sorta mummbled as she took the old one off and replaced it with a new one and used her mirror to help with the placement. Once she did that she placed her mirror back in her old bag that she has pretty much sewn back together herself since she can't get a new one.
She looked at the furry boy with a little fear in her eyes , not because he was a furry but because she was ust scared of differnt people in general because of how she was treated. "Um thank you for pointing out I was bleeding still I guess I rushed to get my bandaid on so um I better get to school can't be late on my first day of a new school." She quietly said just wanting to find a corner to crawl up in and just hide but as she walked away the strapped to her bag finally ripped and fell. "Not again I just fixed this." She said as she bent down and picked up her stuff that fell out of the bag.
She looked at the furry boy with a little fear in her eyes , not because he was a furry but because she was ust scared of differnt people in general because of how she was treated. "Um thank you for pointing out I was bleeding still I guess I rushed to get my bandaid on so um I better get to school can't be late on my first day of a new school." She quietly said just wanting to find a corner to crawl up in and just hide but as she walked away the strapped to her bag finally ripped and fell. "Not again I just fixed this." She said as she bent down and picked up her stuff that fell out of the bag.
"Hey, no!" he protested, "Being late doesn't matter! You're pretty seriously hurt," he frowned and started to help pick up her bag, "You've got stitches in one arm and a cast on the other! You don't have to be a genius to see that something is wrong," his ears were flat against his head with worry, "And if you think for a second that any teacher is going to let this slide, you're insane. Come on, let's just get you to the nurse. I'll put your stuff in my backpack," he said and did so, putting her ripped bag and everything in it in his currently empty back pack, "Come on," he said and took her hand and started pulling her a little faster towards the large Highschool.
"I can tolerate pain very well than most people do." Emily said just wanting to take her stuff and run for it. She has been in and out of the hospital with broken bones, concusions, stitches, and other stuff so she developed some pretty good tollerence. She was about to rebel with him putting her things in his backpack but he was to fast for he put her stuff in his bag and then took her towards the school she was attending but she was shocked to see Furry and humnas in the same school for most schools she had heard was not like this. As Andrew pulled her she had a hard time keeping up because of her messed up leg, it had not healed all the way yet. "Hey slow down I can't move as fast as you and everyone one is staring at us." Emily said getting really self-concious about everything and how everyone looked at her for she can see them whisper about her for they started to snicker. "Pease let me go I can go by myself." She kinda begged for in reality she was actaully wanted to go off and hide now from everyone and not come out. She did not really understand why he was trying to help or that he even noticed her at all for most people just ignored her and how messed up she was.
"No. Something is wrong. It's pretty obvious," he countered, "And I won't let you just go on alone like this," he gave the people who were staring a cold glare and they immediately left Emily alone.
Emily did start to show some fear for she did not know if something bad would happen if she were to cross him or anything. She still had a hard time keeping up with him as they walked she stumbled a couple times just trying to keep up. Once they made it to the nurses office the Nurse walked in. "Well what is going on in here and who is this young lady and what has happen to your head that is a bad gash under that bandage." The nurse said and Emily kept her mouth shut for she can't say her father did it because the school will call him and she would just suffer more. "I just fell and hurt myself it didn't feel that bad so I didn't think it was anything." Emily had hesitation in her voice about how she got her head injury she really just wanted to run and hide right now. The nurse walked over and could tell by her arm that was showing with out her sweater sleeve covering it that Emily was pretty much skin and bones.
"Don't lie. It's obviously more than that," Andrew said worriedly, "You don't just fall and make your head bleed."
"You're malnourished and you have a lot of injuries that can only be cause by another person..." the nurse said quietly and started to dab at the blood on her head, "Who is doing this to you?" the nurse asked, "We can help you... And if you don't just tell us, we'll have to look into files and things. Whatever is happening to you will only last longer unless you tell us."
"You're malnourished and you have a lot of injuries that can only be cause by another person..." the nurse said quietly and started to dab at the blood on her head, "Who is doing this to you?" the nurse asked, "We can help you... And if you don't just tell us, we'll have to look into files and things. Whatever is happening to you will only last longer unless you tell us."
Emily mainly froze when they started to confront her about her injuries and the fact that she was malnourished was because her dad ate most of the food. She survived by eating meal replacement bars and being able to buy supplements to get her other nutrients she needed. And even if she tells them her dad would go after her and he would just make them move again. Emily started to tremble a lot for she was to frighten to say anything, she feared her father more then anything else.
"I can't, I am sorry but I can't I am too scared." Was all she said as she trembled more trying so hard not to cry because crying was not going to help and there was no point of crying anymore. She just wanted the nurse to finish her up she she can get her stuff and leave, well mainly her sketch book it held a lot of her work that she wanted to hold on to.
"I can't, I am sorry but I can't I am too scared." Was all she said as she trembled more trying so hard not to cry because crying was not going to help and there was no point of crying anymore. She just wanted the nurse to finish her up she she can get her stuff and leave, well mainly her sketch book it held a lot of her work that she wanted to hold on to.
Andrew frowned even more and put a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Don't be scared," he said reassuringly.
"That means you need to tell us. Whoever it is, they cannot get you here. And we will make sure that they can't hurt you or take you away," the nurse said softly, "I promise that you don't need to go back to whoever it is. You may stay here. Now please tell us."
"Don't be scared," he said reassuringly.
"That means you need to tell us. Whoever it is, they cannot get you here. And we will make sure that they can't hurt you or take you away," the nurse said softly, "I promise that you don't need to go back to whoever it is. You may stay here. Now please tell us."
Emily listened to him but shook her head as some tears escaped down her face finally. "I can't, I am so sorry but I can't I am scared but at the same time he is all I have left." She said trembling more for when he motehr walked out she decided to just deal with it because he was her dad the man that helped bring her into this world and she did not want to disappear even though he caused her great harm. She wanted to believe in them but she was to messed up in the head thinking that she did deserve half of the abuse she got. But the other reason was because she did not want to go to foster care for most foster homes were ten time worst then being with a man like her father. "So I am sorry but I can't tell you." That was the last thing Emily said before fianlly keeping her mouth shut.
The nurse frowned and sighed, "That's all you needed to tell me. That means it must be a brother or your father. Whoever is taking care of you must be doing this to you," she guessed and looked at Andrew, "Could you stay with her while I go check some record?"
"Sure," the wolf boy nodded as the nurse left and he looked at Emily then took one of her hands in his furry one, "What's your name?" he asked calmly, "I'm Andrew."
"Sure," the wolf boy nodded as the nurse left and he looked at Emily then took one of her hands in his furry one, "What's your name?" he asked calmly, "I'm Andrew."
Emily looked away when the nurse said that whoever was caring for her was harming her which is true but she was not going tell she knows if she does it would just spell disaster for her. When the nurse left she looked at Andrew a little scared still. But when he asked for her name she started to stutter a little. "Em-Emily......I'm Emily." She said to Andrew. She knew the nurse would find old stuff from social services having a hunch her father was abusing her but fleed the city to a new one to preven from getting convicted nd risk losing his little servant/daughter.
"I'm Andrew," he smiled softly and gently squeezed her hand, "The nurse is gone for now. You can tell me. Tell me what's wrong..."
"N-nice t-to m-meet you." Emily said while stuttering for she was not used to interating like this anymore for she pretty much have isolated herself from the world. "An-and there is nothing to tell." She said to him not wanting to tell and still very scared about everything. She soon sat down for her leg was bugging her to much. "I just wanted to get through high school at least even if it meant isolating myself from everyone and one day losing my life in the process or being hospitlized." She said for she saw very little value in her life for her father put it in her head.
Andrew's ears went flat again and he frowned even more, "That's terrible..." he whimpered, "That's no way to live..."
The nurse soon returned, "Miss Emily, your father has done this to you. I've found records and contacted the police. They are on their way to your home right now. You don't have to go back to him. Your father won't hurt you anymore. He's going to prison for child abuse charges. You're safe now."
Andrew smiled softly at her, "Things will get better for you, I promise."
The nurse soon returned, "Miss Emily, your father has done this to you. I've found records and contacted the police. They are on their way to your home right now. You don't have to go back to him. Your father won't hurt you anymore. He's going to prison for child abuse charges. You're safe now."
Andrew smiled softly at her, "Things will get better for you, I promise."
Emily looked at Andrew. "Its the life I have always lived after my mother decided that she rather be with a younger richer man instead of the family she already had." She said to him.
When the nurse came back Emily looked down. "Looks like I am changing schools again I have no other relative to take me my grandparents on my father side of the family is dead and he was an only child and my mother family disowned me because they hated the man my mother married so they wanted nothing to do with me." Emily said to them knowing most foster care homes are decided by social service and they don't care at all they just placed them where ever and Emily did not want to move again. "So things will not get better."
When the nurse came back Emily looked down. "Looks like I am changing schools again I have no other relative to take me my grandparents on my father side of the family is dead and he was an only child and my mother family disowned me because they hated the man my mother married so they wanted nothing to do with me." Emily said to them knowing most foster care homes are decided by social service and they don't care at all they just placed them where ever and Emily did not want to move again. "So things will not get better."
"That's not true. You'll stay here. And anywhere has to be better than with a man who doesn't even care about you. Some foster parents really do want kids... And, I'll be your friend as long as you're here," he offered and held her hand.
The nurse finished stitching Emiky's wound then sent her off to class.
"A social services officer will be here after school to pick you up."
"What class do you have first? And what grade are you in?" Andrew asked.
The nurse finished stitching Emiky's wound then sent her off to class.
"A social services officer will be here after school to pick you up."
"What class do you have first? And what grade are you in?" Andrew asked.
"It depends on who is willing to take me on and who wants someone like me." She siad as she let the nurse stitche her head up. She really did not want to go with the social worker after school at all and she needed a way to run away and hid from them until she turned 18.
As Emily walked with Andrew she heard him ask what was her class and what grade she was in. "I have Art Class first and am a sophmore I was heald back a year because I was in the hospital for about 5 months due to an injury I do not remember." She said to him. "Speaking of which you have my backpack in your backpack still after it ripped on me again." Emily said wanting it back so she could get her sketch book for art class.
As Emily walked with Andrew she heard him ask what was her class and what grade she was in. "I have Art Class first and am a sophmore I was heald back a year because I was in the hospital for about 5 months due to an injury I do not remember." She said to him. "Speaking of which you have my backpack in your backpack still after it ripped on me again." Emily said wanting it back so she could get her sketch book for art class.
"Alright. I'll get you there," he smiled then nodded, "Yeah... Let's go to your locker first. Can't just carry it all around," he suggested, "Which locker is yours?"
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