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Forums » General Roleplay » The Abused ( 1X1 with EonRising)

Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"I mean she does it with the other foster kids before I got here and she is trying to get us to do it now." She said as she pulled the battle ship game and opened it up. "Ok we can play this but I suck at it my little foster sister kicked my butt at it." She said as she got the things opened and she handed him his thing so he can set his battle ships the way he wanted.
He set his up pretty quickly then smiled at her, "You first.
Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Emily just finished setting her stuff up. "Um ok how about E5." She said just guessing at where to shoot for the fun of it. But Emily had to admit she was bad at the game.
"Miss," Andrew grinned and placed a white peg. This continued on in the usual manner until the game ended.

rolled 1d10 and got 6
Evens Andrew wins, odds he lets her win? :3

Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Emily only laughed as she kept it up with him and was wondering if she might have a chance at winning the game but she had no idea if she will since she can have pretty bad luck.
((BY the way first time using the dice roll thing so if I mess up on it sorry))

rolled 1d6 and got 1
We will see XD

(Oh... I didn't mean like that... I just rolled the dice once. It was even, so Andrew wins. We weren't taking turns xD)

In the end, Andrew won and he started putting his pieces away.
"Good game," he smiled at her.
Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

(Lol its ok the roll dice thing still confuses me)
Emily laughed for she lost again. "Oh well I guess battle ship is not my thing." She said as she cleaned up also. "But it was fun and nice to play with someone else besides my little foster sister." She said as she put the stuff back in the box.
"So, you get along with the other kids pretty well?" he asked as he put his board in the box.
Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"Yeah younger kids to be honest I am fine now being with the little kids that come in here but after the act Luka pulled I don't trust the older ones coming here anymore." Emily said as the little girl ran in with a paper. "Emily look what I drew." She showed Emily and looked at it seeing two figures one with her hair and eye color. "Oh this looks so cute Lucy is this us?" She asked and Lucy nodded and Emily showed Andrew the drawing. "Looks like I have a drawing rival now." She said as she tickled Lucy.
"That's nice," Andrew smiled. His tone made it clear that he had a lot experience with little kids. He laughed at Emily's comment and nodded, "oh, certainly."
Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Lucy tilted her head at Andrew and ran off. "Now where is she going?" Emily said confused and Lucy came back with a blank piece of paper, crayons, and sat on Emilys lap and started to draw Andrew making Emily laugh. "Andrew better not move she is trying to draw you now." She said while giggling. "Emily stop laughing you making me mess up." She siad and Emily tried to stop as Lucy drew.
He laughed and struck a pose. He got down on one knee and lifted both arns in a flex and stuck his tongue out at the girls.
Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Both of the girls started laughing at him and Lucy continued to draw Andrew and once done she showed Andrew. It was better then normal kit drawings but she still was not good at perportions but it was still a good drawing. "Really nice Lucy maybe I should tell Mrs. Collins to sign you up for art classes." Emily said as she ruffled Lucys hair.
Andrew laughed and smiled, "Great drawing, Lucy," he said and looked at Emily. "I think I'm gonna go home though. I'll see you later," he grinned, "Don't forget to ask Mrs. Collins about going to the mall tomorrow," he reminded and took a slip of paper out of his pocket, "Here. This has Anna's number. Call her if you can't go. If you don't call her, she's just gonna assume you can."
Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Lucy smiled at Andrew and giggled a little while Emily smiled. "I will and thank you for reminding me." She said as she took the paper. "Alright I will if something comes up." Emily said as she looked at it. "Have a safe trip back home Andrew and glad that you came over it was nice and fun." She said with a smily as she followed him to door so she could see him go for Mrs. Collins always said that was the polite thing to do.
He nodded, "Thanks a ton for having me over for so long. I appreciate it. Bye!" he waved and began the two minute walk to his house.
Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"Laters Andrew your welcome back anytime." Emily siad as she waved by to him as she closed the door and went back to her room to get ready for bed. She was exhausted and tired from her heart racing half of the time. Once she finsihed changing she crawled into her bed and passed out for the night.

Soon tomorrow came and Emily was at school boared out of her mind as usual still thinking why Anna all of a sudden wanted to go shopping with her. Thankfull Emily remember to ask Mrs. Collins this morning about going and that she said yes. It was lunch and Emily was siting at an empty table as usual nibbling on food again.
Meanwhile, Anna was on her way to the mall, where she would wait for Emily to show up.
Emily (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

When the school day was over she headed to the mall to meet up with Anna. She was still nervous meeting Andrew's girlfriend and hoped that she and Anna could be friends at least so that way things would not be so weird and awkward. She finally made it to the mall and saw Anna waiting. "Hey Anna right?" Emily asked as she walked up to her for she recognized her when she first saw her.
(It's a Saturday x3)

The snow leopard girl looked around then smiled at Emily when he spotted her. Her fluffy tail swayed smoothly from side to side and she stood.
"Yup~ you must be Emily?" she greeted and brushed a stray strand of her short blonde hair out of her eyes, "How are you?" she asked nicely.

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