I’ve participated a couple of times and I love the site’s art trade events; the amount of skill and talent on display is fantastic and inspiring, and I’ve been delighted to join in. Seeing everyone’s works on deadline day is so exciting!
However, I do think there needs to be a couple of changes, though:
It would be better if each participant was required to provide three sample pieces of their art (full color) in their initial post— like the character post— to be eligible to participate. They can provide these as links to save on space, I reckon. This event is a commitment, so those who want to participate should be able to provide some examples of their work regardless of what level they’re on.
In addition, participants who are going to use traditional media need to take clear, well-lit photos (or better yet, scans) of their pieces, cropped so that there’s no background or clutter from their environment/work space. Failing to do so in a timely manner could be grounds for corrective action.
Just about every modern cellphone has image editing tools built within the phone to achieve this, so making things presentable takes just a couple more minutes of quick edits.
I think these changes would benefit the event overall— it’s a great thing to bring the community together, it just needs a little more polish, I think!
However, I do think there needs to be a couple of changes, though:
It would be better if each participant was required to provide three sample pieces of their art (full color) in their initial post— like the character post— to be eligible to participate. They can provide these as links to save on space, I reckon. This event is a commitment, so those who want to participate should be able to provide some examples of their work regardless of what level they’re on.
In addition, participants who are going to use traditional media need to take clear, well-lit photos (or better yet, scans) of their pieces, cropped so that there’s no background or clutter from their environment/work space. Failing to do so in a timely manner could be grounds for corrective action.
Just about every modern cellphone has image editing tools built within the phone to achieve this, so making things presentable takes just a couple more minutes of quick edits.
I think these changes would benefit the event overall— it’s a great thing to bring the community together, it just needs a little more polish, I think!
It wouldn't be too much to ask that every profile offered had at least one piece of art made by the player, which would satisfy "We do ask that this not be your first or second attempt at drawing" and give their gifters a clearer idea of the design than a bunch of "placeholders" from the internet.
When we used to require example images being posted, it would lead immediately to the art trade organizer getting "So and so's example art is not good enough, my art is professional, I would be insulted to receive a piece from them, make sure they are excluded" type messages. This kind of pressure eventually led us to just not bothering to do official art trades for several years. I'm very very nervous about bringing back such a requirement.
It would be easy enough to add a cropping requirement to hand-drawn images, and I'm not opposed to that. We've had SO much trouble with getting people to comply with just the "clear, well-lit photos" bit that I'm feeling like this rule needs a complete overhaul anyhow. I don't yet know if this will mean not allowing hand-drawn stuff or what. Non-compliance with this bit can (and has) led to corrective actions.
It would be easy enough to add a cropping requirement to hand-drawn images, and I'm not opposed to that. We've had SO much trouble with getting people to comply with just the "clear, well-lit photos" bit that I'm feeling like this rule needs a complete overhaul anyhow. I don't yet know if this will mean not allowing hand-drawn stuff or what. Non-compliance with this bit can (and has) led to corrective actions.
Kim wrote:
When we used to require example images being posted, it would lead immediately to the art trade organizer getting "So and so's example art is not good enough, my art is professional, I would be insulted to receive a piece from them, make sure they are excluded" type messages. This kind of pressure eventually led us to just not bothering to do official art trades for several years. I'm very very nervous about bringing back such a requirement.
It would be easy enough to add a cropping requirement to hand-drawn images, and I'm not opposed to that. We've had SO much trouble with getting people to comply with just the "clear, well-lit photos" bit that I'm feeling like this rule needs a complete overhaul anyhow. I don't yet know if this will mean not allowing hand-drawn stuff or what. Non-compliance with this bit can (and has) led to corrective actions.
It would be easy enough to add a cropping requirement to hand-drawn images, and I'm not opposed to that. We've had SO much trouble with getting people to comply with just the "clear, well-lit photos" bit that I'm feeling like this rule needs a complete overhaul anyhow. I don't yet know if this will mean not allowing hand-drawn stuff or what. Non-compliance with this bit can (and has) led to corrective actions.
I think the example bit could work if it is stressed that this is an event open to ALL levels, that it’s completely random, and if someone would be uncomfortable receiving art at a level below theirs they should not participate at all. (And behaviors you detailed could result in exclusion from that event to better keep the peace and spirit and let them go find some other event better suited to their needs).
I admit I have a hard time imagining anyone acting like that, but I know those types exist, that they fail to read the room so to speak, and really shouldn’t have put their hat in the ring in the first place.
I’m heartened to know that something can be done about the photos bit, though! It’s something so easy to rectify, and a little underlining could be good!
(Edit: easy to rectify on the artists end, at least, and I think compliance would increase if the artists were required to put their work on display from the get-go)
cocobeef wrote:
I think the example bit could work if it is stressed that this is an event open to ALL levels, that it’s completely random, and if someone would be uncomfortable receiving art at a level below theirs they should not participate at all.
We did used to have language to this effect, but for some people it got ignored. I've doubled down on it since reopening the art trades though!
Rule excerpt
This art trade is open to artists of all skill levels!
We are no longer dividing artists into "dabbler" and "devotee" categories. We do ask that this not be your first or second attempt at drawing, but if you've been drawing for roughly a year or more and are willing to do your very best, you're welcome here. Participants should go in with the expectation that the art they receive will be in an unknown style and completed by someone with an unknown skill level, and be excited to get a nice surprise whatever it turns out to be. If you think you may be upset if your gift art turns out to come from an artist who is not as experienced as yourself, or who uses a style of art that is not to your taste, this is not the art trade for you.
Remember, the art you will be given is a GIFT. Someone did their very best to capture your character to brighten up your new year. Please don't get angry if they made mistakes; they did their very best to the best of their ability and understanding to make you something nice, just like you are going to do for whoever you are assigned.
We are no longer dividing artists into "dabbler" and "devotee" categories. We do ask that this not be your first or second attempt at drawing, but if you've been drawing for roughly a year or more and are willing to do your very best, you're welcome here. Participants should go in with the expectation that the art they receive will be in an unknown style and completed by someone with an unknown skill level, and be excited to get a nice surprise whatever it turns out to be. If you think you may be upset if your gift art turns out to come from an artist who is not as experienced as yourself, or who uses a style of art that is not to your taste, this is not the art trade for you.
Remember, the art you will be given is a GIFT. Someone did their very best to capture your character to brighten up your new year. Please don't get angry if they made mistakes; they did their very best to the best of their ability and understanding to make you something nice, just like you are going to do for whoever you are assigned.

cocobeef wrote:
(And behaviors you detailed could result in exclusion from that event to better keep the peace and spirit and let them go find some other event better suited to their needs).
That's certainly an interesting idea! I am struggling in my brain to balance this against discouraging people from making real complaints when they are actually warranted, as I know there are also people out there who will never ever complain even when it would be the absolute right thing to do. I will continue to ruminate on this!
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