This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Includes: OCs, heavy action themes, the crackpot that is Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.
Im looking for someone to do a Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stardust Crusaders role play with me!
The concept is basically we grab two OCs and shove them into the plot of Stardust Crusaders as a part of the main gang. They will be travelling alongside the five dorks on their way to Egypt to stop DIO.
How our OCs get entangled in their adventure is entirely up to you, they could be long time friends with Joseph, go to Jotaro's school, or even encountered orignally as an enemy Stand User like Polnareff.
There is no limit for OCs aside from the obvious godmodding. I am LGBTQ+, OCxCanon and OCxOC friendly! I also swear a lot and I have an odd sense of humour. Whoops.
Some things to mention:
1. It will be very action and story focused. Of course we can have other themes like romance, but I'd prefer to stay in line with the story. There are many spots in the anime where it is implied the characters had a bit of down time (staying at hotels, travelling, whatnot) so we can add fun scenes of our liking into those spots. In short: I'd prefer to follow the plot, but if you have an idea for a scene, then shoot! Remember it is meant for our OCs to be involved in the plot, don't be afraid to add them into scenes usually dominated by Jotaro's dramatic ass.
2. I will not restrict what your OC does or doesn't, if they get involved in a fight, they get involved in a fight. If they get hurt, they get hurt. If they kiss someone, they kiss someone. I will write the characters to react to your OCs actions. In saying that, please be also aware of what my OC is doing, I want to be included too.
3. Sorry, but I am a big grammar and spelling nut :>. I'd prefer a rp partner who is the same. (Slip ups and mistakes are understandable, I won't berate you over those. I just expect the right your/you're, there/their/they're, breath/breathe to be used lol).
4. I expect semi-big paragraphs, at LEAST four lines. Sometimes I subconciously try to match the amount my partner is writing, so I'd prefer if you aimed to do the same. I don't want one of us to write a nice juicy paragraph and for someone to reply with a short, less detailed one. To me, it feels a little disenchanting when that happens. I am aware that to some, fight scenes can be difficult to write, so don't worry about being too detailed in them. (I do not expect an entire novel and published author teir writing, dw, but the more detail the better).
5. We even out the roles. I will write for some canon characters, you will write for some canon characters. I always try to be as close to the character personality as I can! I dislike heavy OOC. Im fussy like that.
6. Whatever you aren't comfortable with, please let me know! I will respect your no-goes and triggers.
7. I have work and uni, so sometimes I get busy. Please excuse me if I don't respond for a while. I won't pressure you to respond quickly either
8. I am 18! And I live in Australia. Time zones may be different.
I hope all of that made sense-
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Im looking for someone to do a Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stardust Crusaders role play with me!
The concept is basically we grab two OCs and shove them into the plot of Stardust Crusaders as a part of the main gang. They will be travelling alongside the five dorks on their way to Egypt to stop DIO.
How our OCs get entangled in their adventure is entirely up to you, they could be long time friends with Joseph, go to Jotaro's school, or even encountered orignally as an enemy Stand User like Polnareff.
There is no limit for OCs aside from the obvious godmodding. I am LGBTQ+, OCxCanon and OCxOC friendly! I also swear a lot and I have an odd sense of humour. Whoops.
Some things to mention:
1. It will be very action and story focused. Of course we can have other themes like romance, but I'd prefer to stay in line with the story. There are many spots in the anime where it is implied the characters had a bit of down time (staying at hotels, travelling, whatnot) so we can add fun scenes of our liking into those spots. In short: I'd prefer to follow the plot, but if you have an idea for a scene, then shoot! Remember it is meant for our OCs to be involved in the plot, don't be afraid to add them into scenes usually dominated by Jotaro's dramatic ass.
2. I will not restrict what your OC does or doesn't, if they get involved in a fight, they get involved in a fight. If they get hurt, they get hurt. If they kiss someone, they kiss someone. I will write the characters to react to your OCs actions. In saying that, please be also aware of what my OC is doing, I want to be included too.
3. Sorry, but I am a big grammar and spelling nut :>. I'd prefer a rp partner who is the same. (Slip ups and mistakes are understandable, I won't berate you over those. I just expect the right your/you're, there/their/they're, breath/breathe to be used lol).
4. I expect semi-big paragraphs, at LEAST four lines. Sometimes I subconciously try to match the amount my partner is writing, so I'd prefer if you aimed to do the same. I don't want one of us to write a nice juicy paragraph and for someone to reply with a short, less detailed one. To me, it feels a little disenchanting when that happens. I am aware that to some, fight scenes can be difficult to write, so don't worry about being too detailed in them. (I do not expect an entire novel and published author teir writing, dw, but the more detail the better).
5. We even out the roles. I will write for some canon characters, you will write for some canon characters. I always try to be as close to the character personality as I can! I dislike heavy OOC. Im fussy like that.
6. Whatever you aren't comfortable with, please let me know! I will respect your no-goes and triggers.
7. I have work and uni, so sometimes I get busy. Please excuse me if I don't respond for a while. I won't pressure you to respond quickly either

8. I am 18! And I live in Australia. Time zones may be different.
I hope all of that made sense-
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Romance is expected but not required, and will be accompanied by other plot.
Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » JJBA: Stardust Crusaders OC rp (disc req (closed)
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