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Forums » Forum Games » (IC) Assign a role to the character above you

Ayyyyy this right here's exactly what it says on the package, comrades. Basically all ya need to do is give the character sheet above you a good, thorough look, let those mind gears grind & come up with the perfect dynamic they'd have with a character of yours! And here's the catch: it's all in-character!

Credits to this here pretty thread for being an obvious source of inspiration, it's basically the same premise except here you got more options than just master/nemesis or minion.

Oh, yeah, before we begin, just a trio of houserules:
  • READ THE SHEET, BRO'S: I've had it happen too many times that an anthro character of mine was referred to as 'a human' or have someone misgendered because they didn't look overly girly on their pfp, don't let that happen here, be a good sport and do your research, people grind for their sheets, y'know!
  • KEEP IT APPROPRIATE: Don't go around calling people's characters 'sex slaves' or dumb trash like that, there's kids here that don't need to be terrorized, capiche? Romance is cool of course, but any decent person knows that's a vastly different thing anyway.
  • BE CREATIVE: Can't flame you for it but a one-word reply's gonna be a bit of sore surprise, try to be creative, go into detail, be elaborate, go crazy if you wanna, declare characters your mother's father's co-worker's cousin twice-removed, go for it, make it fun!
Well, that's about it! Without further ado, my compadres, let us commence into some wacky-tacky dynamic-assignin'! Who knows, might even tempt someone into turning your suggestion into an RP. Cheers, gamers!
Flarus Kaehrson (played by Garn) Topic Starter

Alrighty, Flarus is up first to be judged & assigned a role! Don't be afraid to insult him a little while at it, he's a bit of mean sucko himself sometimes ghueuhehue
"... Hmm." She circled around Flarus, tapping a finger pensively against the muzzle of her vixen mask. "Based on your occupation, the most blatant role idea that comes to mind would be opponent, more likely hired to take down my husband after that one certain bounty was put on his head. Given his disappearance, it would be only logical that the next step would be try to find out whether I know his whereabouts. That... might lead to a variety of different outsets, from actual-factual-enemies-to-the-last, to more complex dynamics of frenemies or a grudging truce."
Zavik Adler (played by Sorrisky)

Zavik placed both hands on a nearby table and pushed himself into a sitting position. Legs dangled inches away from the ground as he swung them lightly, eyes studying Raygun inquisitively. "I can only place you as the Contradiction. You serve a moral code of purpose never to kill but surrounded yourself with deviants of another nature." Head tilted while eyes narrowed, raining even further judgment on the masked figure. "To think you were even ok maiming people at one point, as of which can be more detrimental than a merciful killing." He'd sneer in disbelief at the words coming out of his mouth, tone taking a turn for the worst. "Filled with lies, hidden agendas, and deceit." Nose crunching at the word deceit like he'd bitten a lemon.

"It's easy to act brave behind a mask. Fearing what people would say about your noble acts" Zavik slid his hands along the table behind him, leaning back with a sigh of satisfaction. "Typical politician behavior anyways. A friendly face with a knife of self-service behind them." Head tilted to the side as he looked towards the exit. "We could have even played a few matches of poker on different terms, though I am pretty sure you cheat anyways." With that silence took the room, Zavik's tangent ending as it had begun. Falling all the way back onto the table now to likely take a nap.
Zaharah (played by hexblading)

Rosaline hummed, tapping her chin and looked the man up and down; it was rare for her to meet someone who came just eye-to-eye with her for once, and she cherished the moment for what it was worth. "I'd call you an associate."

"Don't take it to offense when I say this, but the people I leech on usually have their pockets lined, but people like you—nay, people like us, gutterborn and filth of the city, have a knack of snatching what we can from those who otherwise face no consequences. I'm a touch more aggressive in comparison, but you seem to have some impeccable wits about you that I can make use of yet."

"Now tell me, gambler; how would you like those chances?"
Xalare Xala (played anonymously)

The Lalafell clapped enthusiastically, amusement in her bright eyes and an excited smile on her thin lips. "Oh yes, yes! Lovely! Now this is a woman who's abilities I can count on-- as long as you don't double cross me that is, let's just be honest you do have a shifty eyed look about you, but focusing solely on your qualities, hmm.." The Red Mage tapped her mouth with her index in thought, eyes glancing upwards at the Aasimar.

"Frankly, there's so many roles you could fulfill for me. Informant, scout, rumor gatherer- why even somethings more mundane like a flanking partner. Fortunately, there is a a title that captures such a wide variety of roles!"

"Adventuring partner." The Lalafell gave a firm, satisfied nod.
"Oh a magical one," The Operator said. "That's perfect, love! You could save me a lot of time with diagnostic non-sense. How about you be my trouble-shooter? Sometimes, I also get mixed up in these crazy adventures, so you'd make a fantastic companion! Everyone needs one, you know?"
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight)

The beast looks over the human with a slightly bored expression. However, the longer he looks and considers things he eventually nods.

"I've recently gained a new dear friend from a more advanced world. I generally have no interest in such things so just as your name implies, you can Operate them for me. I will of course make it worth your time."
Laurentius (played by hexblading)

"Okay, so bear with me." The man started, hands raised to his chest as if already anticipating a letdown. "I know I'm bonded to an archfey already, but he didn't take my soul, so it's all good. But then again, I know you don't take those sorta payments, either."

A spark of excitement and... malignancy lit behind his blue, shimmering eyes. "See, I'm keen to explore my options. Dig deep into the grave I've got a foot in, as it were. It's already there, why not see how bad can't it get?"

"So why don't you be my patron and I'll tell you what I need?"
Ananda (played anonymously)

A bright-eyed appraisal precedes an introduction, managing both insult and compliment: "You look like fun! Not very smart at all, but fun." She smiles, a smug coil of the lips accompanied by a narrow, scheming sort of leer. "You like trouble. I can tell, even though you're with those do-goods. Oh! I have an idea: you can do good, and start some trouble, if you come with me." The chaotic spirit outstretched an open hand, and with it, the invitation to become a partner-in-crime.
"Hmmmm..." The demon pondered thoughtfully. Ana here was receiving some mixed feelings from Mixie.

"Listen up, doll. If I'm bein' totally honest, I could just consider you my new nemesis and call it a day, if I wanted to," Mixie chuckled to herself, before scowling. "After all, I'm not a fan of snakes."

She regained her wily grin. "But! Why would I do that? We both have somethin' in common, from what it sounds like. Not a fan of the law, are ya? Heheh, didn't think so. That's okay, I'm not either."

Scampering forward, both her right hands extend out to Ana. "So answer me this... How'd you feel about bein' my lackey for a day? You too could join in on some rule-breakin' fun... and you might also get out of becomin' demon food. That's a pretty big bonus, y'know."

Mixie raises an eyebrow inquisitively. "Do we have a deal?"
Skipper (played by DdragonTheLoud)

"Well, you certainly look like got some bite to you," Skipper commented, scanning Mixie with a liberal blend of interest and concern. She took a second and pursed her lips in thought.

A lightbulb flipped in her mind, and she resumed. "Y'know, maybe you'd come in handy on one of my missions. You never know when you'll be stuck in physical conflict and need a human-sized meat grinder to get you out." She whipped out a small electronic pad and what looked to be a metal coated pen.

"For now, we'll keep it strictly professional. Business partners, that's the word for it. Don't want you getting too deep into this, especially with no prior experience." She gave a slight chuckle, then clicked a button on the pen. "So, you got a phone number, any way to contact you?"
Either a jester or a thief, I would use your services to mock those whom I dislike.
A large man stands in gold armor adorned in elegant curves and shoulders of solid feathers.
In hand he holds a sword pointed towards the other and an open hand that curls like the claws of a dragon.
"Maybe thy be a worthy challenge to cure the accursed and blind."
Behind the armored man stands several groups of armored knights, with hollowed faces.

"I welcome thy enemy, welcome death and ruin to my kingdom in the name of freedom from this curse of riches.
Or perish at the very wrath I carry!"

Elder Marlowe has now declared Leocadus's and all who follow him their challenger, may they break the curse or perish!
Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters)

"Woah... You'd be great as a performer!" Joot exclaims. "That was super duper dramatic! It's like something from an adventure book!"

He tries mimicking his monologue in a goofy deep voice, screwing up some of the words before forgetting the rest.
Ciel (played anonymously)

Before Ciel could even speak, he let out a sneeze.

"Cat, I'm allergic to cats-" He said quickly, an embarrassed blush covering his face.

"I'm afraid I couldn't assign a role to you even if I wanted to." Ciel sniffled.

Sebastian, his butler, noted.
"I can however! A soft, gentle creature with adorable little paws. A beautiful specimen." He cooed.

Ciel rolled his eye. "Sebastian, he's not like the 4-legged cats, you're going to scare him off."
A chariot racer in the arenas of the Empire.
Nari hummed softly as she began to circle around the attractive male before her. Her figure was much smaller compared to his, but that didn't intimidate her one bit. "I've seen you around, young Lord." She spoke with gracefulness and passion, sending a wink over to him with a small chuckle. The elf continued her laps around Marcus. "A fine champion with a heart of gold. You are soft on the inside, though strong and confident on the outside." Nari then came to a stop in front of Marcus, grinning from ear to ear which twitched in delight. "I enjoy our encounters each time."
He looked down at her with a kindly grin "I can tell that you are a kind and gentle soul. You are young and compassionate. You likely have a caring heart as well. I'd place you in charge of a hospital" He may have spoke softly, but the baritone depth made it seem as if his speech made the ground vibrate ever so noticeably.
Company (played by Reithesniper)

(Me dum and got the game wrong-)

"Big spooky strong.. maybe scrap collector or security incase we run into a braken"

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