The man stepped from billowing smoke into the city of Mercadia. The place was run down, compared to its former glory. "Where's Ace..."
"Yoohoo! Haaaaaaaaaaawk!!" A loud, chipper voice came from above. Ace was parachuting from the sky with her parasol as a parachute, landing gently right on his shoulders.
"Well there you are..." He gazed up at her. "...So... What's up?" His tone was quiet, and his eyes slowly drifted back to the city before him. Only two of the hundreds of skyscrapers it once possessed still stood strong... Around them, were the poor, and many other refugees; who still attempted to survive in this place.
"Weeeeelll....." She began, "The wind kinda blew me here, then I saw you and wanted to come join you. I also missed you!...And I have no idea where we are!" Wrapping her arms tight around his head, Hawk was a long time and very close friend to Ace. As if he was part of her lifeline, she depended on him for quite a bit, but she also loved to help him whenever she could.
He chuckled, and took his eyes from the sad scenery before him. "This is a city I basically grew up in. I helped defend it once, but it was lost. They tried to rebuild it later, but it was attacked again... so it's just been sitting in ruins since. I'd like to help them."
"Really? Its kinda sad to have your home torn down...I know the feeling. I'm right behind you on helping! What exactly can we do though?" She questioned him playing with his silver colored hair twirling it around her fingers playfully.
"I'm not to sure. The whole place needs to be cleaned... Buildings rebuilt, food stocked.... There's so much to do I don't even know where to start." He sighed, and closed his eyes; letting the tug on his hair distract him from the troublesome thoughts.
"Hawky..Maybe we should call in one of those support groups who help places like this?" She went from tugging his hair lightly to now rubbing his cheeks she found were very soft.
"We could. I don't know of any, though." He thought to himself for a moment. "I've got an idea... Why don't we just teleport all the trash somewhere, and then just focus on rebuilding with everything clean?"
"You're a genius! I don't have specific kinds of teleporting magic for big things, do you?"
"I do, but it will be a bit difficult." Despite what he said, he teleported the pair to the top of one of the remaining skyscrapers. With a swift glance over the city, he tensed some. About ten seconds later, every bit of trash across the city had disappeared into clouds of smoke. For a few more moments, the entire city was covered in smoke, until every bit of it seemed to fade from existence.
"That should do it. What do you think?"
"That should do it. What do you think?"
"Whoa! That was cool! The place looks so much more spotless now but.......Where did you teleport the garbage to?"
"Eh..." He thought about the Slayer Headquaters, and how mad the Elders must be that trash just began to rain from the sky. "...It's not important. Let's focus on the rebuilding, shall we?" He smiled wide, and glanced up at Ace. "I was thinking it would be good to start by rebuilding one of these skyscrapers, so that away people will have somewhere to stay while we work on the housing."
"Do you want me to order up supplies needed for building?"
"That would be wonderful! I'll handle the workers, believe it or not, I've got an entire building crew back at the Masters Realm." Looking up at her once more, he continued, "How long will it take you to get supplies?"
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