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Forums » General Roleplay » The Fox Spirit (1x1 EonRising)

Elemeno (played by EonRising)

El continued to patiently wait for Autumn to return.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn ended up staying out until night time came and was making her way back to El's cabin slowly while her hair is still drenched. "Man that place is awesome I need to make that my hang out area for now on huh little guys." She said to her foxes and they all yipped in agreement as they walked back to the cabin.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

Elemeno had wound up dozing off and his limbs were strewn haphazardly across the couch and he was snoring quietly.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn saw El the way he was and just sighed as she went up to her room and sat on her bed as Percy sat on her lap. "Maybe tomorrow we will go back to the falls and relax."
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

The werewolf would sleep through the rest of the night on the couch.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn slept through the night but when morning came she left the house for a while and hunted down a boar before bringing it back and cooking it in the front yard. "Man I actually missed hunting for my food." She said as she stretched a little.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

Elemeno woke up to the smell and stepped outside. "Where'd you get that?" he asked curiously, "Boar haven't lived here for hundreds of years."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn looked at El as he saw the boar. "I left early this morning and found it about um.......I forgot how far I went but I knew it was far and took me a while to get back." Autumn said as she boar finished cooking and she ripped pieces off and gave it to the foxes and left a big amount for her and ripped it in half and gave it to El. "Here." She said as she ate her half.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"Wild boar don't even live in the country anymore..." he said skeptically but sat down next to her.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"Ok fine I used my amber earring to go hunt on a different land to find boar I have not eaten boar in a long time so I went to a place where I can find a wild boar and not steal one off some humans property." She said to him as she kept eating.

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