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Forums » General Roleplay » The Fox Spirit (1x1 EonRising)

Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn was shocked with that and could not believe her kind was all gone. "I can't believe it am I really the last of my kind?" She said as tears streamed down her face for she hoped her kind was out there only hiding but to hear that they are extinct really hit Autumn hard. "I need to go outside." She said as she got up and ran out the door crying.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"If they are alive... They haven't spoken to any other species since before I was born," he followed her out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry..."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn was sitting under a tree crying. "We are known for being sneaky but we love being sociable so if not one has heard about which mean they must be all gone and I tried finding them but my earring can't find them I really am the last." She said as she kept on crying.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He sat down next to her then tentatively put an arm over her shoulder and hugged her tight.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn instinctivly then hugged Elemeno and cried into his chest for she did not wish for this to happen, nor did she expect it either. She ended up crying for a long time Autumn finally stoppped and tried to relax a little bit. HEr face was really stained from all the tears and her eyes were red and puffy.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He blushed but let her. He was happy he could at least try to comfort her and he spoke soothingly and stroked her hair until she stopped.
"Come on. Let's go inside... It's gonna rain soon," he said as he heard thunder roll in the distance.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

The foxes heard the thunder and went running to thier hiding spots to avoid geting wet. Autumn nodded at him and was glad that he was there for her to comfort her even though he barely knew her. Autumn followed him inside and Percy was sitting on the couch whimpering at Autumn and Autumn walked over to pick him up and hug her tiny fox.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He followed her in then closed and locked the door for the night. He grabbed a blanket that was hanging on the back of the couch and wrapped it around Autumn, "Come on, I've got an extra bed room."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn felt Elemeno place the blanket around her as she looked at him and when he said he had an extra bed room all she could say was. "Ok." In a quiet voice for the idea she was the last kitsune was really starting to sink in now for once she is either killed, died from an illness, or sealed away permanently her kind will fully be whipped out.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"Want me to carry you?" he asked a bit shyly, "I'm strong enough."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn looked at him. "That is fine with me but only if you are ok with it also." She siad in a quiet voice for she was still in her weird state that might take a while to get out of. Percy whimpered more for he did not like seeing Autumn like this and he wanted to see her happy.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He nodded and gently picked her up with one arm behind her holders and the other under her knees. He carried her upstairs and into a rather plain room. He set her down on the bed and got a couple extra blankets for her. "Sleep well, alright? I'll make some pancakes or something in the morning."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn stayed still so she would not make it hard for him to carry her for she knew when she fussed or moved to much she can make it difficult to be held. After he placed her in the bed she looked at him. "Alright and thank you Elemeno for being there for me and trying to help me I really appreciate it."
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"You're welcome," he said and stepped out, "Imin the room right across from yours, if you need me."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn nodded at him when her said that and she closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep for the night. Storms did not really scare her since she had to face them alone with the foxes. She pretty much slept until the thunder got louder and close causing her to freak out.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

Elemeno, like any young bachelor, slept through everything. He wouldn't wake up until the next morning unless Autumn woke him.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn was shaking in the bed not knowing what to do. Percy saw that and ran to Elemenos room and crawled to his face and pawed at it while at it while whimpering and barking a little trying to wake Elemeno up.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

It took a little while and El pushed Percy completely off the bed once, but he finally woke up.
"Hey little guy..." he yawned, "Wassa matter? Need to go outside?" he asked, wondering if the fox could understand English... He also wondered if he could understand the fox; they were both canines after all.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Percy yelped when he got pushed off the bed but got back on and grabbed his sleeve and tugged at it trying to get him to follow him to Autumns room. But as soon as he did that a loud crash of thunder and lightning went off and Autumn let out a screech in her room. Percy heard her and ran to her room.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

El quickly understood and he slowly walked in, "Autumn... It's just thunder. It's not even that bad..." he yawned. He was unsure of how he might comfort her.

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