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Forums » General Roleplay » The Fox Spirit (1x1 EonRising)

Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn looked at him as ht leash glowed getting ready to tug again but all the foxes saw it and bit down on it trying to pull the other way. "I don't know it might be possible, I just don;t this is the first time I have been freed so I never experimented with that kind of theory but it is worth a shot."
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He nodded, "Go for it."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn started to chant and really hoped that this would work. And within seconds the collar came off and vanished. "Its gone....Elemeno it worked I am free thanks to you." She said as she hugged him for she was really happy now. But she knew it will not stop the monk from finding her and trying a different method but for now she was just flat out happy to be free.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He honestly hadn't expected it too... He didn't feel any happier, maybe excited, but not happier. Oh well, maybe it would wind up making him happier.
"That's good," he smiled and gave her a big hug.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn was happy to finally be free but she knew she was still not out of the woods yet "Thank you Elemeno I never thought I be free from that shrine......for now at least." she said with a smile as Percy ran over and picked Autumn happily.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"Why only for now?" he asked quietly.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"One thing I have learned never underestimate a monk." Autumn said as she looked at Elemeno. "He will just figure out where I am come find me and try to get past your defenses." She said as she played with Percy. "I am still worried that he will get to me and trap me again like his Ancestor did last time." she said as Percy did a flip making Autumn laugh.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"How though? Autumn, you're an entire ocean and half a country away from him, hidden in a forest in a house that no one knows about, and that is also protected by magic. You're safe."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"I don't know last time I thought I was far away in a good hiding spot where no one could find me but that monk found me." Autumn said as she caught her fox. "I don't know its like he can just figure out where we are or something I don't know how but that monk just finds me."
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"You were in the same country," he countered, "We are hundred of thousands of miles away. We are safe," he promised and very suddenly kissed her lips, "There is no way he can find you, no way he could possibly know where you are, especially with that collar off. These trees stop any kind of magic like that from working. If he's trying to find you, he'll have to search like a normal person."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn blushed when Elemeno all of a sudden kissed her for she did not expect that at all. "Well I guess you are I must be very paranoid about it still." She siad still blushing from the kiss but she tried to shake it off for she thought he did that to help her think straight and actually listen to him. She still believed not a lot of people like her and that she was a nusense.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

The kiss was partly do that she would listen, and partly because he just desperately wanted to kiss her. He just smiled and then kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding the kiss for about a minute.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn blushed dark red when he kissed her again all of a sudden. She really did not expect this to happen at all. When Percy saw them kissing he scurried out the door to leave the two alone. Autumn then did something bold and returned the kiss by kissing him back.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He blushed when she kissed him back and finally, reluctantly pulled away.
"That was good..." he whispered and stroked her cheek.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Atutmn was still blushing when he pulled from the kiss. "Yeah it was." She siad with a quiet voice for she could not believe what had just happen at all. The two had barely just meet yesterday and not they just kissed eachother. She did not want to think to much about it and was just happy about it.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

Elemeno knew it wasn't exactly customary... Or appropriate, but it had been too long since he had felt the lips of a woman, almost 40 years. He rested his forehead against hers and smiled, "I do think... That I would like you to stay with me for as long as you can..."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn blushed more when he said that and placed his forehead on her. "If you are willing to let me stay then I would love to stay." She said with a small smile for now she was a little nervous around him after the kiss since he was the only person she has ever kissed before. "What should we do now since my collar is off."
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"I dunno... You've never done anything in our modern world..."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"Nope just watched it through my window." Autumn said as she stretched a little causing her back to crack which felt really good to her. "And at the same time I am a little scared of it I mean you look like a human I have fox ears and a tail." She said as she held her tail to show him the tail.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"Yeah... I guess you can't really go around doing a lot of things..." he sighed and sat down, "Well, there's nothing you can do out there you can't do in here."

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