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Forums » General Roleplay » The Fox Spirit (1x1 EonRising)

Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"Yeah I can change into a fox watch." She said as she snapped her fingers and in a small puff of Smoke Autumn was in her fox form. "See this is what I look like as a fox." She said and in another puff of smoke she was back to normal. "I can go back and forth but this was my form I was born in I learned how to turn into a fox on my home trying to be a normal human is not easy."
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"Cool! We can do a lot more then!" he smiled at her, "Watch this," he said and began to change. He dropped onto all fours and his arms became front legs. His thumbs disappeared and his toes fused together as fur began growing out of his body and a tail extended from his spine. His face began to elongate into a snout and he grew two wolf ears while his human ones disappeared. The whole transformation took 30 seconds and when he was done, he was a big, feral wolf with jet black fur that had white speckles, as if there were bits f snow on him that refused to melt.
"Come on! Let's go have fun."
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn watched the whole thing and was amazed with it. "Oh wow that is so awesome." She said all happy because she never seen anything like that before at all and soon turned back into a fox. "I will follow since you know the areas better then I do here." She said as her tail swished around happily for she thought this was going to be a lot of fun now with him.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He licked her face and then opened the door with his front paws by standing on his back legs then trotted out and closed the door begins Autumn.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn freaked when he licked her face but soon followed him outside and was happy for she liked being in her fox form a lot. She sat and waited for Elemeno so they can do what he had planned. She happily swished her tail as she looked at Elemeno. She decided to walk up to him and lick his face also after he did that to hers.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He would have blushed if he could and rubbed noses with her then began trotting through the woods.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn smiled and followed him in the woods and some of the foxes watched and left the two alone but Percy decided to follow for he was really used to being around Autumn. Autumn was happy to be in thr forest next to Elemeno having a great time. She decided to have a little fun and nudged him a little before going into a full run.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He laughed and took off after her, his longer and stronger legs easily propelling himself towards her and he pounced on her, causing them to somersault and it ended with him laying on his back and her on his chest.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn didn't care that Elemeno could catch her she was just thinking of something fun to do while outside. But Autumn got caught off when he pounced her but she thought it was fun when they did a somersault and once they handed she shook her self to make the world stop spinning and soon realized that she was on his chest. She was now glad that she was in her fox form for she could not but she did lick his face.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He licked her nose then rolled over, pushing her off, "Let's go find some hikers or something to give us treats~" he smirked.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn laughed and jumped when he started to roll over and smiled at him. "Ok then lets do it bet I can get more treats then you since I look so cute." She said for it was true most people think foxes are cute and cuddly. "So ready to look when you are."
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"Oh, certainly, but you'd be surprised at how good I can pull off the puppy eyes," he chuckled and licked the smaller canine's ears affectionately.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

"We will see." Autumn said and laughed when he licked her ears. She smiled at him as she went back to looking for someone or thing to give them some food or a nice treat. She happily trotted as she snuffed around.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

"There's no trails so close, silly. Follow me, I know where a camp ground is," he informed her and turned to the left.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn only laughed and followed after him happily not caring that much. She was just happy to spend some time with Elemeno like this instead of being bored in the house all day. "Now this is a lot more fun then being inside all day."
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

It was a three hour trek before they came to the camp ground and Elemeno walked in without any fear of being shot. He had become well known by the camp-ground employees as a harmless creature and he was allowed to come and go as he pleased.
He trotted down the main dirt road and then say down at the end of one of the camping spots where a family was sitting around a fire and two tents were set up. He let out a hungry whine like any dog might and lay down on his belly then rolled onto his back. Most Everyone who went to the campground was told about the friendly "snowy" wolf who occasionally appeared so there wasn't a big over reaction. The parents around the fire were startled for a moment then Elemeno slowly belly crawled towards them and he cocked his head up at them with a canine smile.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn followed him him into the campground but she was still scared for she had no clue how the humans will to her since it will be there first time seeing her. She followed Elemeno and stayed close to him for she was still frighten and felt more comfortable with being close to Elemeno. Even though she said she could get the humans to do what she want the past kinda haunted her so she did not want to risk anything.
She whimpered a little showing she was a little frighten and having no idea at what to do.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

The humans weren't bothered by her at all; she was just a fox, typically harmless. Elemeno was a pretty heft wolf though and he continued his belly crawl and he looked up at the humans, who had backed away from him and he wagged his tail then let out a hungry whine and rolled onto his back, revealing his furry belly.
"Get on top of me, they'll think it's cute," he told Autumn.
Autumn (played by KitsuneGirl) Topic Starter

Autumn tilted her head cutely at them before looking at Elemeno as he tried to make the humans not scared of him. But she decided to go with it and she jumped onto his belly and tilted her head more at the humans to let them know they were friendly. She then started to do a cute whimper to help out just a little bit more. But she was doing everything to keep on looking cute.
Elemeno (played by EonRising)

He licked Autumn's cheek and looked back at the humans upside down.
"Are... Are we even allowed to feed them? Or pet them?" one human asked.
"I don't know... Um, I'm gonna call a park ranger..." said another, who slowly walked into a tent and he began talking over a phone.
"Well... The ranger says he's never seen the fox before... But that the wolf is as friendly as a golden retriever... And to be careful around him, because he is still an animal..."
At hearing this, El rolled over, knocking Autumn off his belly and wriggled his way towards them then sat down at the feet of the nervous humans and lifted a paw to shake.

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