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Forums » Looking for RP » Star Trek - Starbase 24 - OOC Chat & Info (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Thov th Zeles (played by Pantrane)

Welcome to the information and discussion page for Starbase 72 - A Trek RP. It’s mission is to establish a foothold for Star Trek based RP. There are fleets in the world of internet RP where the minimum amount of writers on a vessel is six. Starbase 72 will help others run the type of one on one RP seemingly favored on this site. It will help writers here seek out new adventures and explore Klingon space. The goal is to hopefully establish a fleet of sorts centered around the RPR community. In that sense we can…

Boldly go where no RPRers have gone before!

Yes I’m sure there have been really great Trek stories and groups here. The goal is to build more than one story or one group. My hope is to really build a haven for Trek here that can springboard into something as developed as massive organizations like Theta Fleet, Theurgy, the Fourth Fleet, etc.

I personally started all of my RP in massive Trek based fleets back in 2001. The standards were high and I was just a kid. There were dozens of ships, many with 12-18 writers per vessel. The passion for writing I acquired from my time there lasted a lifetime. After being on RPR since 2014 I feel I know the proper way to host a Trek group within RPR.

As a Commodore my character can run this station, coordinate with higher ranking flag officers and act as a figurehead. It still leaves room for people to run their own ships as Captains. The station setting allows room for players to write as a admiralty, though such roles would be more on strategy and planning. There are also endless chances for people to write as Chief Engineers, Doctors, Tactical Officers and all sorts of areas in between. The station also allows people to bring their own ships and eliminates the linear ‘rank and file’ associated with crewing one ship. Sometimes it’s nice to leave room for multiple ships to coordinate without having the six writer minimum seen within non-RPR fleets.

I’ve written multiple Trek career paths and can help anybody design and write any type of character. I know resources and stats that’ll help anyone interested blend into canon. Remember how I mentioned people can jump in as Captains and Admirals? That may not work for everybody. Writing as department heads, senior officers, junior officers and even enlisted are often more fun.

I will provide info on what types of jobs are available in the recruitment ad. This type of RP will need this discussion page and probably even a Discord. I’m up for questions and ideas on how to make this work. One thing I will not entertain are negative thoughts imagining how this “can’t work”. I recommend such negative opinions be kept to oneself as I have seen this type of writing work on so many levels. Groups that I wrote with 20 years ago are still around and even started way before that in the late 1990s.

My angle to tailor this concept for RPR is to provide a basic IC hangout area in the sci-fi forum. People can hop in and out of the station’s thread as a crew member or even a guest. Anyone can take a character able to fit into general sci-fi and RP as a tourist. I’ll dig in with a bunch of NPCs to help create scenarios and fun characters to interact with.

People who meet at the station can do their own PM 1 on 1 stories. Maybe they will simply find other Trek writers and choose to run a group for their ship. I’m certainly interested in bringing characters to ships and groups others create. Need help with a concept? Let me know.

It’s going to take me lot of effort to truly develop this group the way it needs to be. I’ll try to facilitate writers in simulating the career of their personalized Trek character. Fun fact; this is why Trek RP is often referred to as ‘simming’.

Need help with an avatar? Check the site ‘Sci Fi Avatars’.
Want to make canon style alien names? Try ‘Fantasy Name Generators’ and check the alien species you’re searching for.

I’ll provide other references to help build as time goes on. One can always browser search the sites, as I provide their names. I don’t want to necessarily throw a bunch of links here.

The recruitment thread will be up shortly with more specific info on career paths. I’ll likely post the open RP thread today or tomorrow in the Sci-Fi section. Consider this a discussion board for Trek RP in general. Anybody need a few pointers on creating a specific type of Trek character? For example, do you want to write an engineer but don’t know how to technospeak in canon form? I have a list all of their gear, the uses and a chart which helps you speak fluently in technobabble.

Anybody can PM me with their interest, ideas or things they’d like to see. By the way, the setting is in the ‘Star Trek: Picard’ era. We’re not doing the ST:Discovery/Kelvin timeline.. Though if you wanted to bring an element, it could partially be included. Since the ship is set on Klingon space, you could technically bring a Discovery Klingon, but they’d be seen as a subspecies of the Klingon race. Klingons from the home world of Q’onos look like Worf and Gowron. That’s just an example for reference.

Happy Trekkin’ everybody!
Lt Donna Nickers (played anonymously)

Yay! Star Trek! Yes, there is at least one fan of the franchise here (me). Your project is kind of out of my era of the Discovery/Beyond/Original years, and I’m already involved in a deep long-running rp, but your project does sound ambitious! Will be curious and will follow along. By the way, I use the ‘Memory Alpha’ site a lot.
Thov th Zeles (played by Pantrane) Topic Starter

A TOS era original story does sound fun. I imagine I’ll likely have to solo post often between NPCs to get it started. The only immediate thing in development is an open world station thread in the sci-fi forum. It won’t get much attention, but it’ll be a cool project for me at least. I’ll probably host specific 1 on 1 recruitments and might slowly bring people in through that. I don’t imagine it’ll become a major thing. It just gives a badly needed Trek backdrop.

If you ever wanted to do a TOS thread, I could bring the young Thov in… At least from the Enterprise-B era. :D
We already talked about this in PM but you know I'd be onboard. :)

TOS or TNG and beyond, it doesn't matter to me.
Thov th Zeles (played by Pantrane) Topic Starter

Definitely! We should talk about plans, character types and even NPCs. I’ve been doing a bunch offline, but I’ll get some posting in soon. I think leaving it as a non-formal place people can visit or use as a backdrop without the need for major involvement works in the ideas favor. It’d be cool enough with two, three or four people.. As long as the setting is established and the vision is there.
Lt Donna Nickers (played anonymously)

Did this ever happen and I missed it?
Karah Hawke (played by -Knight-)

I'm not asking for RP, I'm full up actually. But I just recently recreated this character on this website (after having played her for years elsewhere, more or less). So I'm basically just posting as Karah so that you, and others, are now aware another Star Trek character exists.

Feel free to PM me and all that stuff. Just figured I'd let you know you have another Trekkie out there and I appreciate all the hard work you seem to be doing. ^_^
Just randomly sauntering through and wanted to lend moral support for anything Star Trek related. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but if there was this whole big thing you envision, someday I'd probably be stumbling through, as a guest at the very least. If just to smuggle in some Romulan ale. Live long and prosper, all.
Lt Donna Nickers (played anonymously)

James Alexander Farrell wrote:
Just randomly sauntering through and wanted to lend moral support for anything Star Trek related. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but if there was this whole big thing you envision, someday I'd probably be stumbling through, as a guest at the very least. If just to smuggle in some Romulan ale. Live long and prosper, all.

Hey! Good to see you back in this quadrant! As a Star Fleet security officer, I will have to impound that Romulan Ale….

Oh yes, my Trekkieness has been invigorated by the hilarious Lower Decks animated tv show!
Thov th Zeles (played by Pantrane) Topic Starter

Wow, still interest? Awesome! I’ve been thinking about Trek often. I’ve been thinking of nailing it down to the late TNG-early DS9 era. I could do a rewrite and do a TOS era if the writer behind Donna Nickers insists. I should make at least one more officer, an engineer. I have an enlisted security crewman ready. It’d be good for me to develop a few more as well. I believe I updated the station’s info and specs on Thov’s profile. Let me see what info I can tie into this post.

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