Thankful that only one person heard and took notice to the noise, she nodded sheepishly and looked at the drink in her hand. No thank you.
She heard a voice behind her chair, but didn't pay too much attention to it. The lady who shouted about the talent competition before was now on the stage, introducing the first act.
She clapped politely, impressed, but a bit disgusted she now had fruit chunks all over her gown. Maybe sitting in the first row wasn't the best idea.
But someone else stepped on the stage, and Olivabeth set her drink down under her chair.
She heard a voice behind her chair, but didn't pay too much attention to it. The lady who shouted about the talent competition before was now on the stage, introducing the first act.
She clapped politely, impressed, but a bit disgusted she now had fruit chunks all over her gown. Maybe sitting in the first row wasn't the best idea.
But someone else stepped on the stage, and Olivabeth set her drink down under her chair.
Kolt gave a grin at their applause, bowing at her prompting before giving a friendly nod to Gabriela, exiting the stage and heading for the seats himself, excited to watch the rest of the acts. Cryostryker, apparently spotting Jadi in the crowd, gave her a little bob of greeting before floating down next to her master, spinning by way of a bow.
Heading toward the main crowd, Kolt decided to take the seat next to Zeno--he had to admit, the from what little he had seen of him, he found him quite interesting. A mix of creature and machine? Strange as it was, it was almost unheard of on his homeworld.
"Hey--sorry again about earlier." he said, by way of a greeting. "The name's Kolt--though I guess that was just announced to the whole room." he said, with a laugh.
Heading toward the main crowd, Kolt decided to take the seat next to Zeno--he had to admit, the from what little he had seen of him, he found him quite interesting. A mix of creature and machine? Strange as it was, it was almost unheard of on his homeworld.
"Hey--sorry again about earlier." he said, by way of a greeting. "The name's Kolt--though I guess that was just announced to the whole room." he said, with a laugh.
Zeno moved his tail away from Kolt's chair. "Not a problem. Happens to the best of us. Besides, as long as nobody was hurt, I see no issue."
He offered one of his clawed hands to shake. "I go by Zeno. Great to meet you, by the way. Your performance was quite impressive!
He offered one of his clawed hands to shake. "I go by Zeno. Great to meet you, by the way. Your performance was quite impressive!
Maverick slipped into the audience unseen, following Silken after they'd made up their minds to watch from a better seat. He brushed off, and then took an empty seat beside her and gave a playful grin, stashing away his cards once more with a finger pressed to his lips.
Turning his attention to the stage, he awaited the next act with anticipation. He was a bit of a performer himself, but for once, he thought it might be nice just to watch the show. Besides, he was not about to abandon a woman he just met, and he could easily show off for Silken later if needs be.
Turning his attention to the stage, he awaited the next act with anticipation. He was a bit of a performer himself, but for once, he thought it might be nice just to watch the show. Besides, he was not about to abandon a woman he just met, and he could easily show off for Silken later if needs be.
Seeing others applaud and not understanding the sound element of it, Yll'r opted to mimic the others in this bizarre ritual that was not really much odder than their understanding of the consumption of punch. Naturally, their tentacles did not have the weight to them to produce much sound. The moment their name was called, however, Yll'r shot up into the air like a torpedo, did an arching dive over the rest of the audience and swooped to hover over the stage, ending the entrance with a downward 180 degree curve, twisting back upright and spreading their tentacles out in an 11-pointed star.
Yll'r opted not to speak, not really having the words to introduce themselves. They started slow, swooping down and then arching back into the air, beginning to fly in a circular pattern, almost perfectly matching each revolution with the next. Faster and faster they went. Faster until they became a blur. And whilst they did not pick up enough speed to create a solid circle of motion, it was still enough that one could still see the circle shape on account of memory. They could, of course, probably go fast enough, but they would not be able to do the next part at such high speeds.
Without warning, Yll'r's path suddenly shifted. Now, they were moving in a figure of 8. Still almost perfectly matching past revolutions. The figure of 8 remained for a couple of seconds, then grew into a 3-leaf clover shape. Then a 4-leaf clover. Then a 5-pointed star - and perhaps the pointed aspect of that was the most impressive, given they appeared not to lose speed, and were still going fast enough for the mind's eye to still vaguely see the whole shape.
Then without warning came the next change. Yll'r began to produce ever-shifting light waves from the green lump on the top of their head, the hue dancing through the rainbow spectrum. That organ after all was what processed sensory information, whilst also being used to create it. The presence of the light, which Yll'r pointed toward the crowd only added to the dim outline of the shape they were tracing, until they swerved toward the back of the stage, and just before the shape disappeared from the mind's eye of the audience, Yll'r flew through the centre toward the crowd.
The llaa-synn for a moment seemed as though it was going to collide with the others, but stopped just short of the front row, tentacles spread out in all directions once again. Then slowly, the tentacles curled forward to surround the head like petals on a flower, and the light faded.
Then slowly, the tentacles unfolded and returned to their natural position behind Yll'r's head. "Well...?" the llaa-synn asked. "How did i do...?"
Yll'r opted not to speak, not really having the words to introduce themselves. They started slow, swooping down and then arching back into the air, beginning to fly in a circular pattern, almost perfectly matching each revolution with the next. Faster and faster they went. Faster until they became a blur. And whilst they did not pick up enough speed to create a solid circle of motion, it was still enough that one could still see the circle shape on account of memory. They could, of course, probably go fast enough, but they would not be able to do the next part at such high speeds.
Without warning, Yll'r's path suddenly shifted. Now, they were moving in a figure of 8. Still almost perfectly matching past revolutions. The figure of 8 remained for a couple of seconds, then grew into a 3-leaf clover shape. Then a 4-leaf clover. Then a 5-pointed star - and perhaps the pointed aspect of that was the most impressive, given they appeared not to lose speed, and were still going fast enough for the mind's eye to still vaguely see the whole shape.
Then without warning came the next change. Yll'r began to produce ever-shifting light waves from the green lump on the top of their head, the hue dancing through the rainbow spectrum. That organ after all was what processed sensory information, whilst also being used to create it. The presence of the light, which Yll'r pointed toward the crowd only added to the dim outline of the shape they were tracing, until they swerved toward the back of the stage, and just before the shape disappeared from the mind's eye of the audience, Yll'r flew through the centre toward the crowd.
The llaa-synn for a moment seemed as though it was going to collide with the others, but stopped just short of the front row, tentacles spread out in all directions once again. Then slowly, the tentacles curled forward to surround the head like petals on a flower, and the light faded.
Then slowly, the tentacles unfolded and returned to their natural position behind Yll'r's head. "Well...?" the llaa-synn asked. "How did i do...?"
Gabriela found herself laughing with delight as she watched the llaa-synn get what appeared to be the alien zoomies -- and quite impressive zoomies at that. "Beautifully!" She cheered back to Yll'r's question, shaking her head in wonderment. She'd met more aliens over the course of this one day than she had in the entirety of her previous life. Would this be how it always was, going forward? She found herself hoping so. "Let's hear it for our second contestant, Yll'r!" She waited for the cheering to die down before looking around. "We have time for one more performer... would anyone else like to come up to the stage and wow us with their skills?"
She sat in awe, her jaw dropped, stunned with the being in front of her. It wasn't human, but whatever it was, it was amazing. She jumped back when it almost hit her, and softly smiled at it, or what she assumed was its equivalent to eyeballs.
When it asked how it did, and applause sounded through the crowd, she whispered quietly, not loud enough for anyone else to hear her.
When it asked how it did, and applause sounded through the crowd, she whispered quietly, not loud enough for anyone else to hear her.
Needless to say, Zeno was utterly fascinated. Who knew that you could take something many could do, such as move at incredibly high speeds, and turn it into something so mesmerizing to look at?
He applauded once more, once again loud. He wanted Yll'r to hear it. "Well done. Well done!"
He applauded once more, once again loud. He wanted Yll'r to hear it. "Well done. Well done!"
"Thanks." he said with a grin, reaching out to shake one of the creature's hands without hesitation. "I've been waiting to use that one for a while. Sorry, we," he corrected, feeling the presence of the hovering lance by his shoulder again. "This is Cryostryker, my trusty companion. Cryostryker, meet Zeno."
The spear bobbed up in down in greeting, blinking it's lights toward Zeno in a friendly way.
It wasn't long before the next act was called, and Kolt watched as Yll'r became a blur of motion, going fast enough to make several different solid shapes in the air. Wow... while he didn't dare admit it to Cryostryker, he thought it might of been better than their act. He clapped loudly, only stopping when the noise from the rest of the crowd began to die down.
The spear bobbed up in down in greeting, blinking it's lights toward Zeno in a friendly way.
It wasn't long before the next act was called, and Kolt watched as Yll'r became a blur of motion, going fast enough to make several different solid shapes in the air. Wow... while he didn't dare admit it to Cryostryker, he thought it might of been better than their act. He clapped loudly, only stopping when the noise from the rest of the crowd began to die down.
Dionophe had expected nothing less than perfect, and that is exactly what she had received. The devious grin that had toyed with her expression beforehand was visible now, baring her rather daunting fangs from pleasure. Though she had met a handful of alien and alien-like creatures for decades, being one herself, she had never encountered one of such astonishment nor creativity. With no desire to put her drink down, she simply snapped her fingers as a stand-in applaud. It would have to do for the time being.
When the crowds' cheers began to settle, she once again found herself studying the hostess, who seemed to be calling on one more performer. Dionophe looked to the room, next. Not many seemed to rise at this occasion. Her brows tethered together. Shame. She would have enjoyed seeing at least one more act, though she wasn't sure something could really be as enticing as the alien's.
Then, with a sudden realization, she popped up. "Ah. I'll do it. I'll perform."
Dionophe had expected nothing less than perfect, and that is exactly what she had received. The devious grin that had toyed with her expression beforehand was visible now, baring her rather daunting fangs from pleasure. Though she had met a handful of alien and alien-like creatures for decades, being one herself, she had never encountered one of such astonishment nor creativity. With no desire to put her drink down, she simply snapped her fingers as a stand-in applaud. It would have to do for the time being.
When the crowds' cheers began to settle, she once again found herself studying the hostess, who seemed to be calling on one more performer. Dionophe looked to the room, next. Not many seemed to rise at this occasion. Her brows tethered together. Shame. She would have enjoyed seeing at least one more act, though she wasn't sure something could really be as enticing as the alien's.
Then, with a sudden realization, she popped up. "Ah. I'll do it. I'll perform."
Zeno eyed the spear up and down. He readjusted the masquerade mask on his face. "That's a nice name. Nice to meet you too, Cryostryker."
He turned his head back to the stage. Another performer?
He turned his head back to the stage. Another performer?
Gabriela's eyes skim the crowd, and then she spots Dionophe standing. "Perfection. Come and join me up here." When Dionophe approached, she'd lean in, suddenly speaking much quieter. It was such a difference in volume that it might make some realize that her voice was augmented with cybernetic implants that let her speak much louder than normal, cutting through the noise of a crowd. "How shall I announce you, friend?"
Yll'r was quite exhausted - not from the speed, but the manoeuvring under such high gravity. In an attempt to find a good vantage point to rest at, they picked a table near to the stage and slumped down on it, for the first time since the party started, actually resting on a solid surface (even with the chair, they were technically floating, as their tentacles alone would not have been capable of supporting them in that position).
"I appreciate everyone's... appreciation..." Yll'r's translated voice said in a tired fashion, though their lack of aerobic respiration meant that even the synthetic voice was not out of breath. The hesitation was merely tiredness affecting brainpower. "That is the most exertion I have ever done in a short period within a moderately strong gravity field."
She didnt want to disrupt the next act, but she had to say something. Once the person who did the second act had sat down, Olivabeth stood up. Waltzing in with no plan, she quickly walked over it, trying her hardest to not bother anyone else.
She sat down next to it and sighed. "That was absolutely amazing!" She said, beaming. "I'm Olivabeth. What can I call you?"
She sat down next to it and sighed. "That was absolutely amazing!" She said, beaming. "I'm Olivabeth. What can I call you?"
With what they hoped to be all eyes drawn to her, the woman raised the champagne to her lips for her final drink. The liveliness of the drink seemed to knock her aback for simply a moment. She wasn't quite sure what she was doing, per se, but simply hoping something would come to her as she went along with her act of impulse.
She made her way through the rows of seats until she found herself on the stage. From afar, she appeared to be just as humanoid as the fellow from two acts before. It supposedly wasn't an odd sight to see, now that she pondered about it, realizing that most guests here weren't so.. alien-like. Shaking her attention from her own thoughts, her gaze cut to the hostess. The question was tricky---her true name was one wanted by many, though her fake was too casual to be announced at an event of such elegance. With another impulse, she answered, "Dionophe Mystols, known by many, I'm sure." She seemed to be rather confident with the fact.
She made her way through the rows of seats until she found herself on the stage. From afar, she appeared to be just as humanoid as the fellow from two acts before. It supposedly wasn't an odd sight to see, now that she pondered about it, realizing that most guests here weren't so.. alien-like. Shaking her attention from her own thoughts, her gaze cut to the hostess. The question was tricky---her true name was one wanted by many, though her fake was too casual to be announced at an event of such elegance. With another impulse, she answered, "Dionophe Mystols, known by many, I'm sure." She seemed to be rather confident with the fact.
Jadi applauded the fast moving creature’s display. There were so many shapes that it was hard for her to keep track of them all. It was really surprising. She allowed herself to fall into the shadows of the crowd and almost seemed to disappear amongst their ranks. More people were here and Jadi felt it easier to make herself invisible.
((Okay that’s all for me. Nice writing with you all!))
((Okay that’s all for me. Nice writing with you all!))
"I am Yll'r." Whilst the voice was still coming out of the translator device, they were so still, they might as well have not been alive. Still, they had enough energy in them to both keep an eye on the stage and maintain conversation. "Yll'rysyl-llyr'ol S'zoxyyn'r."
"Please welcome our final contestant to the stage, Dionophe Mystols, a name known to many of you I'm sure," Gabreila echoes immediately, turning back to the crowd and allowing her voice to boom out. She keeps half an eye on the poor jellyfish creature as it seems to be wilting, and she doesn't want any aliens fainting at her grand opening party if she can help it. She hops aside, going back to her seat to let Dionophe wow them.
A name known by many? Not to Zeno, at least.
Well, to be fair, that was only because he spent most of his life in a containment facility. He lived under a pretty solid space rock until this point.
Regardless, he was excited to see what Dionophe had in store.
Well, to be fair, that was only because he spent most of his life in a containment facility. He lived under a pretty solid space rock until this point.
Regardless, he was excited to see what Dionophe had in store.
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