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Forums » Art & Creativity » Official Contest: Genre Mascot Art Contest 2022

Kim Site Admin

One of the things that makes the RPR great is the amazing variety of characters and games that are represented here. By now, the "genre jumble" group on the homepage is quite familiar:

2021's genre mascots

2020's genre mascots

2019's genre mascots

See more genre jumbles here!

2018's genre mascots

2017's genre mascots

2016's genre mascots

2015's genre mascots

2014's genre mascots

2013's genre mascots

2012's genre mascots

2011’s genre mascots

But did you know that those characters were all drawn by members? Now it’s time again for a new group of characters to represent our diversity and creativity!

To enter:
Pick one (or more) of the following genres and draw an original character that you think embodies the spirit of that genre.
  • Fantasy
  • Sci-fi
  • Steampunk
  • Mutants
  • Anthro/Furre
  • Cyberpunk
  • Superheroes
  • Fae
  • Creatures: Wolves, Dragons, etc...
  • Suggest a new one!

  1. Must be your own creation.
  2. Cannot be a previously made character. The genre mascot must be your original creation made for this contest.
  3. You must agree that if chosen, your drawing becomes property of the RPR, to be used on the RP Repository website and on promotional material for the RPR. That means your genre mascot could have the chance to represent us far and wide, on and off the homepage!
  4. Large/high resolution images are encouraged, preferably 300 dpi if possible.
  5. Genre mascots should be presented on a transparent background.
  6. All genre mascots must be appropriate for a PG-13 type audience.
  7. You may enter more than one image into the genre jumble, and more than one image can be selected to win -- BUT you will only ever have one entry into the winners' raffle.
  8. Preference is given toward digital art. Please, no photomanipulations.
  9. Absolutely no tracing.
  10. Be cautious if submitting a character that is carrying a banner, such as the Geisha in the 2013 jumble -- be aware that this limits how many positions the character can occupy in the final image, and may mean that it is harder to fit and will have to be cut.
  11. The entries will be judged based on how well they appeal to their particular genre, creativity, effort, and skill to select a pool of finalists.
  12. As many winners as possible will be selected from the pool of finalists based on 1) Space availability in the final image and 2) an attempt to represent as many genres (and other forms of diversity!) as possible.
  13. Number of winners is determined by how many mascots fit in the final image comfortably. This is typically 7 to 10.

Want to enter a collaboration? Please check here for the rules regarding that
I allow two person collaborations if they get pre-approval BEFORE entering.

To get approval, the team needs to do the following things:
  • Declare their intent to collaborate by PMing me, with both of the collaborants included on the conversation recipient list. This means both team members need to be members of the RPR.
  • Explain who is doing what in this collaboration. ("Person A is sketching, person B will color.")
  • Submit a WRITTEN PLAN for how prizes should be distributed and exactly what they plan to do with them, should they win any. This needs to include details for both the Hourglass of Epicness that all winning entries earn, and other possibilities that could be won in the raffle. For example, you might write...

    "If we win, we would want the hourglass sent to Person A. Person A will use it once, then send the remaining use to Person B. Any further digital prizes should be sent to Person B if we get any. If we win a physical prize like a tote bag, Person B cedes any claim to those, they should be sent to Person A at 12345 SW Main st..."

    Another example:

    "We plan to use the Hourglass of Epicness on our Group, Group Y. Neither Person A or Person B will use any part of the Hourglass. Send it directly to Group Y. Any other prizes we might win will be raffled off to our group members, so they can also go to our group treasury. We wish to decline any physical prizes."
  • Wait to receive a reply approving their plan before going forward with the collaboration.

The winning genre mascots will be combined into their own genre jumble, and featured on the home page for a year.

EVERY person who contributes a character used in the final jumble will receive an Hourglass of Epicness (2 use item, 6 month of Epic Membership Status per use).

The following prizes will also be raffled off between the winners:
  • RPR tote bag (Real life prize - we’ll ship one to you) Totebags won in contests have some surprises inside them!
  • RPR tote bag (Real life prize - we’ll ship one to you) Totebags won in contests have some surprises inside them!
  • RPR tote bag (Real life prize - we’ll ship one to you) Totebags won in contests have some surprises inside them!
  • RPR tote bag (Real life prize - we’ll ship one to you) Totebags won in contests have some surprises inside them!
  • RPR tote bag (Real life prize - we’ll ship one to you) Totebags won in contests have some surprises inside them!
  • Set of RPR pens & Special Epic Week sticker sheets, including your own game avatar! (Real life prize - we’ll ship one to you)
  • Wand of Epicness
  • Wand of Epicness
  • Dragon's tooth
  • Bunch of red and yellow roses

May 29th 2022 is your last day to submit artwork.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Let's GOOOO!
Mina Moderator

I’m readyyyy’
Heck yeah I'm readyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm so so so excited to see what you all come up with this year :D :D
Thinking about what I may want to enter this year.
It's on! Let's make some mascots! ♥♥
Auberon Moderator

This is the year I finally enter!! 😤
Claine Moderator

Let's gooooooooooooo
Was too impatient not to go ahead to do this. I know its only day one but I couldn't help it lol.

Claine Moderator

I am also here on team impatient.

I have a queen for the medieval or fantasy genre :D


Large version here
I see people already posting some amazing art!
Oh, yeah, totally gonna do this this year. Might start working on ideas now >:)
Whoaaaa already amazing artworks and amazing ideas :D
I might be working on a little dude as well, hopefully I'll finish in time ^_^
Trying my shot ~

yooo im in :]
bam. here it is :]


my little fancy fantasy duo.

thought i'd give it a try! have a fantasy-traditional kitsune boy!
I've had something in mind since at least February, but have yet to actually do the blasted thing. @_@
I started one last year and didn't submit it, but hopefully I can do it this year. And if it doesn't get picked I'll just keep making evolutions as my art style changes, until I have a super photorealistic picture in 2033. Lmao.

Also Danganronpafan and Queen Knight your pictures are amazzzzing you don't seem inelegant or maidenless ovo

You are on: Forums » Art & Creativity » Official Contest: Genre Mascot Art Contest 2022

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus