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Forums » Introductions » Anybody?


All right. Hey. I'm Sai.
I only do Fantasy roleplays and such.

I love intricate romance roleplays.
But I only like romancing female characters.
Sorry but most of my characters (except a few, but I don't generally play them often) are homosexual. I have mostly female characters. Soooo many. :P

I like making friends though! Friends are awesome. Anyway... I'd be interested in any possible roleplay partners. I'm being lazy with my characters' background information but I'll get to that right now. XD
Hey :3 I think I already commented on your other intro thread but *waves* welcome to rpr, so you're a fantasy only kinda person. Does that limit you to only medieval fantasy? or you do modern as well?
Welcome! :D It's good to have you. And don't worry, sexual orientation is just part of a character :) Whether they like boys or girls is just part of them, so I'm sure you'll still find a bunch of good RP! ^^

Hope you enjoy the website :D
Welcome to rpr, there are tons of rper's here, I'm sure you'll find something you like! :D
Welcome to our happy home. :D

Welcome to the greatest RPing sit this side of The Milky Way. I haven't rp'ed with a homosexual character yet, that sounds kinda cool!
You're about to RP with one half way there, Jetticus. All my characters are Bi-sexual. I'm always up for RPs, as long as I am not terribly busy xD With work and all. I do try to reply as much as I can. So if you are ever interested, just hit me up
LadyClairvoyager Topic Starter

nikina wrote:
Hey :3 I think I already commented on your other intro thread but *waves* welcome to rpr, so you're a fantasy only kinda person. Does that limit you to only medieval fantasy? or you do modern as well?

Not really a fan of modern fantasy.

However I personally do enjoy a heavy dose of Steampunk and Victorian. Those are always welcome in my world. :D
LadyClairvoyager Topic Starter

kuroi_neko wrote:
You're about to RP with one half way there, Jetticus. All my characters are Bi-sexual. I'm always up for RPs, as long as I am not terribly busy xD With work and all. I do try to reply as much as I can. So if you are ever interested, just hit me up

Well I'm a poor little high schooler that goes to a heavy duty high school, so sometimes I'll be busy and sometimes I won't. XD
Bisexual is always fine. I just like... Intricacy.

One liners make me shoot myself and die slowly. I used to roleplay on stupid chat sites like Chatango but then I realized people there were either Mexican, didn't understand this little term called 'grammar', only responded in one-liners, or all three at once.

I have standards. *Shifts tie and attempts her classiest look*
LadyClairvoyager Topic Starter

Jetticus wrote:
Welcome to the greatest RPing sit this side of The Milky Way. I haven't rp'ed with a homosexual character yet, that sounds kinda cool!

As long as I'm replying since I'm dedicated and don't stop till I drop...

I gathered this site was great. X3

Actually I was around here when it was first made and there was barely anyone here and the roleplaying was scarce. The *good* ones. The threads were all bare and completely unorganized. It looks like, however, this site has flourished during the time of my departure and re-arrival. The organization was amped up, and there's new skins! Yay skins. However I did see they took away one of my favorite skins... It looked like a scroll... What a pity. Maybe its only for Epic members. I'll probably get membership soon enough anyway...

And if I am the first homosexual character/player you would roleplay with, I would be honored and humbled. *takes a bow*

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