It was a rather early day in the woods, the sun had just began shining down upon it's creatures, lots of wildlife began to yawn in union as strips of sunlight filtered through the vast forest. Birds began singing and chirping almost immediately, serving as an alarm clock to other sleeping animals.
Among the creatures that have awoken due to the musical birds was a black demon-like creature that was snoozing upon a thick tree branch, his icy white eyes illuminating the inside of the mask he was currently wearing.
His brown and somewhat tattered cloak was draped on top of his small dark body, serving as a blanket, which was no doubt a bit uncomfortable and itchy, (due to it's fabric) but it kept him warm on cold nights.
Nym raised his head from is rather uncomfortable position on the branch, stretching his back and twirling the brown cloak around himself. He swung his legs to the side and hopped swiftly off the branch, landing a bit ungracefully and making contact with the ground with a little thud, creating little dust clouds from where his feet landed.
Maybe I should stop sleeping on high branches, the childish creature thought with a quiet snort, brushing brown dirt from it's mask and cloak.
After a few moments of waking himself up and stretching his limbs, Nym looked around himself cautiously before going behind the tree he leaped off of and taking off his mask. He disliked wearing it when he did not need to. Upon taking off the mask, it exposed a sweet yet tired face of a young demon, his bright white eyes wide and curious yet calm and polite. Two hair strips draped over his shoulders, hanging from his smallest set of horns.
Today was his first day in this new forest that he had discovered from his travels, and he wanted to travel deeper into it. Oh how Nym loved forests! Although the animals are kind of scared of him, he liked watching them, for they fascinated him greatly. And on the off chance that the animals would allow him to approach them, he would talk to them cheerfully, blissfully ignorant to the fact that they couldn't understand his words.
Nym put the mask into one of the larger pockets of his brown and bruised cloak, although it bulged awkwardly out to the side of it. Not that he minded, as long as he didn't have to carry it.
He began the small trek, looking around him in fascinated awe at this newfound world around him. His old home would never have something like this! Thank goodness he left while he could.
But during this little 'adventure' of his, Nym suddenly jumped as he heard movement a bit behind him, and he gave a small panicked gasp and leaped into the concealment of a nearby bundle of bushes, swiftly putting on his mask and putting his hood over his head, covering his demonic identity.
Nym, stole a peek at what was coming, and tilted his head in curiosity at what (more correctly, who) had interrupted his walk.
It was a human, well, that was what Nym thought it was at first, until he noticed the fur from the figure's legs, and the odd way they walked. But the most protruding trait was the horns that protruded from their head.
Nym didn't know what it was, he had never seen one before. But because his curiosity got the better of him, he watched the figure pass by, his thoughts whirring with questions.
Among the creatures that have awoken due to the musical birds was a black demon-like creature that was snoozing upon a thick tree branch, his icy white eyes illuminating the inside of the mask he was currently wearing.
His brown and somewhat tattered cloak was draped on top of his small dark body, serving as a blanket, which was no doubt a bit uncomfortable and itchy, (due to it's fabric) but it kept him warm on cold nights.
Nym raised his head from is rather uncomfortable position on the branch, stretching his back and twirling the brown cloak around himself. He swung his legs to the side and hopped swiftly off the branch, landing a bit ungracefully and making contact with the ground with a little thud, creating little dust clouds from where his feet landed.
Maybe I should stop sleeping on high branches, the childish creature thought with a quiet snort, brushing brown dirt from it's mask and cloak.
After a few moments of waking himself up and stretching his limbs, Nym looked around himself cautiously before going behind the tree he leaped off of and taking off his mask. He disliked wearing it when he did not need to. Upon taking off the mask, it exposed a sweet yet tired face of a young demon, his bright white eyes wide and curious yet calm and polite. Two hair strips draped over his shoulders, hanging from his smallest set of horns.
Today was his first day in this new forest that he had discovered from his travels, and he wanted to travel deeper into it. Oh how Nym loved forests! Although the animals are kind of scared of him, he liked watching them, for they fascinated him greatly. And on the off chance that the animals would allow him to approach them, he would talk to them cheerfully, blissfully ignorant to the fact that they couldn't understand his words.
Nym put the mask into one of the larger pockets of his brown and bruised cloak, although it bulged awkwardly out to the side of it. Not that he minded, as long as he didn't have to carry it.
He began the small trek, looking around him in fascinated awe at this newfound world around him. His old home would never have something like this! Thank goodness he left while he could.
But during this little 'adventure' of his, Nym suddenly jumped as he heard movement a bit behind him, and he gave a small panicked gasp and leaped into the concealment of a nearby bundle of bushes, swiftly putting on his mask and putting his hood over his head, covering his demonic identity.
Nym, stole a peek at what was coming, and tilted his head in curiosity at what (more correctly, who) had interrupted his walk.
It was a human, well, that was what Nym thought it was at first, until he noticed the fur from the figure's legs, and the odd way they walked. But the most protruding trait was the horns that protruded from their head.
Nym didn't know what it was, he had never seen one before. But because his curiosity got the better of him, he watched the figure pass by, his thoughts whirring with questions.
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