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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Dadj Avers (played by f0x1nth3b0x)
    This is one awesome character (then again, it's Foxy's) that I utterly adore. If he's as fun to play as he is fun to play with, it's understandable why Foxy puts so much passion in the character. - SeraphicStar

  • After reading his forum thread, I don't think I have ever laughed so much in my life. So amazingly amusing and seems to have some crazy idea to boost people's spirits for sure. Keep up the good work! - Javan

  • aka the Post-monster, Celestina makes RPing so much fun. I like how she builds her characters, and develops them in our RPs. :3 - kuroi_neko

  • Kim
    Kim deserves this kudos x infinity for creating this place. I wouldn't have experienced the awesome RPs I have had, if this place didn't exist. Thanks Kim, for being amazingly awesome-sauce. - kuroi_neko

  • Probably one of the few people that really gets me into an RP. I look forward to seeing her next post, because she gives me unlimited ideas, and ways to advance my characters in ways I have never thought. Thanks for the awesomeness, Foxy! - kuroi_neko

  • Good RP. - Tetttiva

  • Campy (played anonymously)
    Probably the most spotted dog you'll ever see... EVER! Very nice character and lovely RPs. :D - Vanessa

  • Kim
    A fantastic example of community spirit, Kim is amazing at everything she does. If not working to make RPR better for us, she's doing something else that benefits others. Either that, or sleeping.

    Her characters, her art and her warm heart are great traits to her name, giving her flair and creativity. She really is a fantastic person. Keep it up, Kim! - Javan

  • She has a serious talent for community and making sure huge groups of people are getting along and having fun. That is no mean feat!

    I am so, so happy we have her here. She is definitely someone everyone should know. - Kim

  • When I met him more than a decade ago, we were two kids who loved star trek/star wars crossover RP. I had no idea what an AMAZING lifelong friend and eventual collaborative partner I had just lucked into. I suspect I still don't know the full extent of how amazing he is, since I am surprised almost monthly by his new achievements and the things we create together. He is friendly, polite, creative, supportive, calm and super resistant to all kinds of internet drama. - Kim

  • From the very beginning of the site, Sanne has always been there, bending over backward to support us in every way that she could, for no pay but my sincerest and humblest thanks. The site and the community are in better shape than they ever would have been without her. Passionate, friendly, and brimming with ideas and beautiful intentions, she is always there for everyone. - Kim

  • Darth is the friendliest person I have met yet on the RPR; he's always up for a good chat and is knowledgeable on a lot of interesting things. He's great to have around :D - f0x1nth3b0x

  • I became friends with Foxy thanks to RPR's chat feature. We've had many good conversations during the day and those were missed during her absence. Glad you're back now though! :) - Darth_Angelus

  • Kim
    Kim is the diety of this site. She is everything good about the RPR and always willing to help and adapt the site to better serve the people. I have never seen a place where character pages have been so in depth and worth while until she created this site. So Kudos to the Kiministrator! - f0x1nth3b0x

  • Celestina's characters are unique and adaptive! They're fun to play with and so is she. Not only that, but she may be the quickest responder on this site! She's always got a plot device up her sleeve as well! - f0x1nth3b0x

  • Shanks (played by Graphix)
    Sweet design, sweet player - what's not to like?! :3 - Yuka

  • Tenacious about getting into the community and starting a game :P His character is interesting and already fun to play with. - f0x1nth3b0x

  • A sweet-hearted, creative individual talented in both art and roleplaying, whose character's never cease to amaze with their diversity and eye-catching details <3 - Yuka

  • Sanne was really nice to greet me when I jumped into the chat and from there it's only been good. She has a great taste in rp, a wide variety of characters and is generally very, very nice. She also draw's which is awesome. Artists are great! Sanne is Great! - Djinn-n-Tonic

  • I have no idea how she manages to juggle so many RPs at one time, but somehow, she does it. When she says she is always up for more RP, she really means it. If you're new to the site and looking to play a scene to get used to our system, Celestina will always be there for you. Plus, she writes me the cutest poems that just melt my heart and make me want to program like the wind. - Kim