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I've known Lauren for years, and I can say this without a doubt: every single one of Lauren's characters is interesting and unique and fun to play with. Plus, her worldbuilding project, Exodus, is crazy awesome and expansive! - Ilmarinen
Celes is one of the most upbeat and active writers I know. She's always up for RP; I can never be bored with her around.
- Ilmarinen
Definition of a Heimdall: a fantastic friend, an all-around great person, and a really fun to play with roleplayer.
- Copper_Dragon
Celestina, she and her characters are always at the ready for roleplay
She is also one of the first friends I made here at RPR. - Darth_Angelus
Weremagnus has been with us at TGT for years! She is an amazing artist and such an amazing patch artist. She did so much work in rebuilding TGT. Not only is she an awesome artist, she's an awesome person and incredibly friendly. - Dylan
CelestinaGrey is always incredibly friendly and an active roleplayer! She has a variety of interesting and in depth characters. - Dylan
I don't know how she does it but Sanne manages to find all the bugs that try to hide away deep in the code. Excellent work!
- Darth_Angelus
Goregoat is one of my most dearest friends. She is an amazing person, and not is she only wonderful at roleplay she is an amazing artist as well. She's my angle and I'm her potato.
- Dylan
Like myself, Dylan is part of the moderating team. She has proven herself to be a very friendly and helpful member of the community. Thankyou!
- Darth_Angelus
darth_angelus is a fellow moderator! He has made some awesome videos and shorts for RPR, not to mention runs an impressive website with an array of videos he's made himself. - Dylan
Kim is amazing, she single handedly created this entire website. Without her, none of this would exist! - Darth_Angelus
Heimdall has an array of unique, exciting characters and is almost always available for a good round of RP! - CelestinaGrey