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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • First off, you'll love Meme because of her amazeballs skills at keeping the RP flowing. She's one of the people that give me 2-3 full screen posts, and I love that! Her boys are amazing, and it didn't take me long to have Shame as a best friend for Mya. Things spiraled upwards after that, and now I can't get enough! Seriously, RP with her. You'll wonder what you're missing! I love her to bits<3! - Gem

  • Anjie has her heart in the right place. She's always kind and compassionate. I'm pretty thrilled that we roleplay, although I wish I had more time to do so than I do! - phylus

  • Gem
    Gem is just lovable. She's my best friend, my wife and she's an amazing RPer. She will keep you on edge and make you come back for more! Did I tell you I love her <3? - Shame

  • Fenrir is an old friend and a fantastic writer. What offside storylines and plots we've crafted have been great fun, and the character interaction is somehow always dynamic. - ferabird

  • Taciturn
    Smells like beans and is from the west which automagically puts 'em on the bugger-list. xD Nah, I'm just kidding - good for the bants with a menagerie of well developed and well researched char's. One of which is slowly giving mine an inferiority complex. Good bants. :) - Mannaro

  • Serenity (played anonymously)
    I love this character. Her feral art is super adorable and she's got some wonderful information on the profile. She's also got her own, super awesome species: pure engergy that's taken on a female form. - TheLily

  • One of the best peeps I've met on Furc. Understands how stories play out and actually work which certainly helps keep the flow of RP. Plus they're bonkers, which is always a bonus :) Great char's with more depth than a 6-tier cake! ... Mmm...cake... - Mannaro

  • My favorite boxed Fox! She's incredibly talented artist as well as a fun writer. I've seen so many of her art pieces floating about on RPR and they are all wonderful. I also adore Remy, his fear of vehicles (and Wash's driving) cracks me up <3 - Highjinx

  • My most favorite internet kitty! I absolutely adore Neko, she's a great time and very easy to get along with. I totally love Adela, even though she's a stubborn brat sometimes :P - Highjinx

  • Apart from being outrageously punny and sweet, Pen is a great writer! Her character Death is just epic and had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes :3 On top of all that, she's great fun in chat <3 - Highjinx

  • I like Ivan because, with his history, he can be played in almost any time setting after the 1940's. It gives me some flexiblity when I wanna place something different. - TheLily

  • Gaston was a character created on a whim to double against my Lilura. He's grown into something of his own and has since left behind Lilura's story-line in order to get one of his own: a Frenchman looking to restore his family's fortune in any way possible. - TheLily

  • Without Darth, I would have never stuck around. He's one of the nicest, coolest people here and I completely adore him. - TheLily

  • Jay took a picture and helped me thread together an entire world to help encourage me to keep a character I was thinking of tossing. He is probably the most intelligent person you will RP on this whole site and he's super humble too. - TheLily

  • I put up something in the RP discussion forum. Caribou didn't just respond, but now he's completely invaluable for the plot I'm drawing for my character! He's not afraid to make something new to fit the plot. That alone deserves kudos! - TheLily

  • I was talking to Claine last night and I was included to look at her profiles. I was then in awe again at how beautiful they are. She certainly knows how to make custom profiles! - TheLily

  • This is one beautiful character. It's not just the art. She keeps the descriptions quick and easy to read, while being interesting at the same time. for a fantasty character, this one is the tops! - TheLily

  • As far as making characters goes, Celestina is the QUEEN! She has so many interesting characters that it's hard not to wonder what goes on in that head of hers. - TheLily

  • Lilith (played by kuroi_neko)
    I've only just started to play with Hyacinth, but I have to say, she is one of the sweetest, cutest characters I've ever had the pleasure of playing with! For a Fallen she has a beautifully humble story without going overboard to be charged with saving the world. - TheLily

  • Sam Wilson (played anonymously)
    Many people are afraid to play older and scrawny characters. Not Jay! Sam's been through some bad times and has the marks to prove it both physically and mentally. Not only that, Sam is 44 years old and not the pinnacle of youth. That is something to be commended! :D - Sanne