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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Jacob Cross (played by Cross)
    This character is pretty dang sweet <3 He obviously has a lot of work put into him and he brings an awesome flavor when he shows up in character! The player is awesome and just generally a joy to talk to oocly and to interact with icly. - Eyadi

  • Selene (played by Selene)
    I am astonished at the amount of time, effort, and heart put into this character. Selene has gone to great lengths to make this character, this glorious character, what she is. Research and passion have collided beautifully to make the most delightful character. She's inspiring, the one and only. The intensity of this character never ceases to amaze me. Selene is someone who is certainly worth role-playing with. - Moonlit-Waltz

  • The Dragon (played by Ilmarinen)
    Heimdall is THE dragon. It's what I think of when someone mentions a dragon. I don't think of Smaug, Draco, or even Trogdor the Burninator - I think of the most believable and awesome dragon I have ever seen portrayed in RP: the Black Terror itself, Heimdall.

    It's very hard to define this incredible character in a single word, but if I was asked to try, I'd say 'primal'. Everything about it screams primal! Kudos to Heimdall for managing to create a character with so much mystique to it. - SeraphicStar

  • Cain Hastien (played by Rosewood)
    Out of all of Rosewood's characters, Cain is one of my favorites. Which means I should probably seek professional help, given his nature.

    This pale, perverted, innuendo-spewing, and very murderous cleric can turn even the most boring of scenes into something both exciting and hilarious, just by being present. - SeraphicStar

  • Mauricio (played by XinonHyena)
    Mauricio is a subtle character, who doesn't need to flaunt his power to be intimidating. In fact, he doesn't even have to try to be intimidating - he just is.

    This Inquisitor is masterfully played, and his zeal, charisma and ruthlessness are spot on. If someone told me a guy like this really existed in the Medieval ages, I wouldn't doubt them one second.

    Well, maybe if they mentioned the "being an ermine" part. - SeraphicStar

  • The Oracle (played anonymously)
    An awesome character with not often seen design and an endearingly sweet personality.

    Her player is equally sweet and nice, and a joy to be around. - XinonHyena

  • DR. H. M. H. ANTONIUS (played anonymously)
    An awesome character that is as creepy as he is mysterious. Detailed and nicely flavored this character always leaves you wondering, often wondering whether or not you'll survive your meetings with him!

    So by this I give kudos to this awesome mad scientist/alchemist, I have yet to see a better one. - XinonHyena

  • Eyadi (played by Eyadi)
    Rarely have I seen a slave character so thoughtfully layered and lovingly created. The player behind the character is among the most pleasant people I've met in many, many years on furcadia...and I feel fortunate every time I've the opportunity to RP with her. - Cross

  • Ben
    Ben is a longtime friend and roleplay partner, and has to be counted among the best. He always adds new and unexpected elements to any roleplay I have been in with him, and it is always such a pleasure to even get a single post out of him. - IceyLady

  • Herro! I want to RP with Jinx so bad but I haz not yet. She's so considerate of others even when she's busy!! I hope I get the honor of actually RPing with you Jinx! <3 - Ambrosia

  • Taciturn
    I utterly adore RP with this person already! I love how funny they are, plus how amazing and memorable they can make a RP post. If you don't RP with this guy, then you're a fool! Not that I care - More RP for me, muwahaha! A pleasure to talk too, and I can't wait to RP with him more! :D - Lizzie

  • If Jessie could turn off her swag then the world would combust. Don't stop being amazing, you. ♥ - Decollates

  • Magnificent maestro of multiple muses. It's always a pleasure to chat and roleplay with this dude; every character of hers is deliciously detailed and thrilling to write with. *SHOVES WITH LOVE*. - Decollates

  • Olthain is smart with each rp,staying in character the whole time. Very descriptive most of the time and the actions are simply great. KEEP UP THE AWESOMENESS! - BluePoison

  • I love her! The way she Rp's different kinds of characters and makes them respond to certain situations is realistic, and she can play out RP's of completely different kinds with ease!
    Kudos to you, Poison, and here's to more fun! - Freyya

  • Definitely among my favourite list of people I love to roleplay with, our roleplay is always engaging, exciting and our banter is hilarious. Not to mention you're simply a fantastic writer. Somebody everybody should roleplay with! - Esoterica

  • A very excellent RPer. His writing is amazing. He always manages to keep an RP interesting and succeeds in making long posts about even the dullest things entertaining. - Daisy_Hart

  • Quillweave is kind, empathic, wise, caring and on top of that, an incredibly good roleplayer. She's really good at describing body language, thoughts and expressions of her characters in a way that makes me able to visualize everything that we are RPing! - Alecia

  • Tar
    What can I say about this fantastic lady? Easy: lots of stuff! She's been a very good friend of mine for a few years now; well-spoken and very thought-provoking when it comes to deep conversations, she's also very good at just writing well-rounded characters and having fun just nerding about things like Pokemon or Batman! <3 In other words, Coltara's fun and awesome! - Copper_Dragon

  • Sullivan (played by Tar)
    Oh man, I've finally had the opportunity to RP with Sullivan, and I already enjoy the well-written characterization that makes him who he is! <3 I want to give him a hug-- can I hug him? I'll make sure I'm squeaky clean first! - Copper_Dragon