Posted by Kim on November 8, 2024, 9:00am

Inspired by real-world events of a similar nature, this week-long OOC event aims to broaden our minds and showcase the rich diversity of our community.

Players interested in becoming "books": pick a unique aspect about yourself. (As per RPR's rules, religious and political topics should be avoided.) It may be cultural heritage, a niche hobby, an unusual profession, etc. Then post a topic in the Smalltalk forum that starts with "AMA" and includes some details about whatever you picked. Please only post one AMA topic per person to avoid overwhelming things!
For example:
- AMA: self-employed basket weaver
- AMA: Lakota heritage
- AMA: kayak marathoner
- AMA: raptor rehabilitator
- AMA: 5 years with Parkinson's disease
You can then then peruse the "books" by asking appropriate, well-meaning questions.
We are here to learn about (or teach) new things, and as such, there's a possibility for some questions to be worded gracelessly--effort should be made to educate, not shame ignorance. Questions may be along the lines of:
- What was the hardest race you ever did?
- How difficult is typing with Parkinson's? What do you do to make it easier?
- What do your birds like to snack on?
This event will go through the 17th of November! Thanks to Ilmarinen for dreaming up this event

Ask Me Anythings
- AMA: VTubing with ADHD by Icysoul
- AMA: Autistic First-Year Uni Student by d1zzi3_gh0zt1e
- AMA: Knitter for 10+ years, including for charity! by Sanne
- AMA - Motion Graphic Artist by Ryu
- AMA: Autistic, furry, Vocaloid user, author by Jooters
- AMA: self published author by MercyInReach
- AMA: Ouji, OCs and Victorian Era, oh my! by twistedvictorian
- AMA: Living with Type 1 Diabetes by Amaryllisstar
- AMA: Life as a System by the.astral.system.25
- AMA: I created games as teen and got web popular. by CrystalDisc
- AMA: Life with Eczema by
Jaws - AMA: Parent to a Son with a Severe Mental Illness by Stormiedayz
- AMA: 1st Degree Black Belt by GingerHades
- AMA: Turning RP Worlds Into Novels by TheCaffeineQueen
- AMA: Being Hearing Impaired by silvermoondarkening
- AMA: Selective Mutism by CrypticStardust
- AMA: Aussie Horse rider and ‘outback’ kid by SaharaSunset
- AMA: Aspiring Author by cuterasacorpse
- AMA: Occupational Therapist Assistant (OTA) by blindwoofer
- AMA: Webcomic Artist by Claine
- AMA: Writer in a Construction Site by lowlaville
- AMA: Ask The Chef by VoliminalVerse
- AMA: Living with Celiac & Sjogren's Syndrome by Auberon
- AMA: Life with ADHD by SoulHeart57
- AMA Life With Turner's Syndrome by Gab
- AMA: Studying Psychology with Mental Illness by crypticmoth
- AMA: Lolita fashion and occasional con model by Kamui
- AMA: I’m a Bird Whisperer. by Archivalist
- AMA: The Mixed Heritage by jennaisante
- AMA: Working Craft Fairs/Shows by Minsi
- AMA: Mom of a kid with ADHD by
MissPhantom - AMA: Life With A Chronic Illness by POPPET
- AMA Lamia Lover by Cold_Atlas
- AMA: Political advisor for an incumbent government by JulieL
- AMA: Twenty Years of World of Warcraft. by VII
- AMA: An American citizen living in another country by Archivalist
- AMA: Living Homeless by LunarValravn
- AMA: Syrian heritage by anyaskillon
- AMA: 3D Animator by Darth_Angelus
- AMA: I help grow grassroots rugby league by MoonMan
- AMA: College Mother of three by zombiequeen
- AMA: My Dark Heart and Vampires by Vozhad
- AMA: Modded Fallout Xbox Player by StarWarsFreak45
- AMA: Music Production Student by Revereen
- AMA: living with associative synesthesia by waru
@Waru It is!
wait is this still open or no?
Sorry! All fixed.
The book on the side takes us to the 2023 posts!
November 19, 2024