Posted by Kim on May 6, 2024, 3:23pm
CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE! You defended and repaired an alien ship containing the only survivors of an unknown civilization. Once again, you are heros!Vision or hearing impaired? Click here for a description of the above video.
The hatch of the ship slides open. The Princess, Hero and a gaggle of other characters are silhouetted in the frigid light that pours in from the outside.
They walk through the silent, echoing ship, marveling at its alienness. They finally stumble into a massive cargo bay filled with cryopods. As they enter, the lights turn on in succession to reveal them laid out into the distance. They walk between the cryopods, wondering, peering into them. Then they find a panel. The elven scientist touches it and it lights up. The word “Translating…” appears on the screen.
Elven Scientist, reading what is on screen: Thank you for rescuing us.
The screen changes.
Elven Scientist: Systems are now stable enough to wake the Scut’el.
The screen changes to show a single human/humanoid hand print on it. The characters look around at each other, and then, with some nervousness, the elven scientist presses her hand against the hand print on the screen. The hand print fills up, and then the lights change. Steam hisses from the cryo units. All characters turn to stare, open mouthed, as the pods open.
Cut to black
The hatch of the ship slides open. The Princess, Hero and a gaggle of other characters are silhouetted in the frigid light that pours in from the outside.
They walk through the silent, echoing ship, marveling at its alienness. They finally stumble into a massive cargo bay filled with cryopods. As they enter, the lights turn on in succession to reveal them laid out into the distance. They walk between the cryopods, wondering, peering into them. Then they find a panel. The elven scientist touches it and it lights up. The word “Translating…” appears on the screen.
Elven Scientist, reading what is on screen: Thank you for rescuing us.
The screen changes.
Elven Scientist: Systems are now stable enough to wake the Scut’el.
The screen changes to show a single human/humanoid hand print on it. The characters look around at each other, and then, with some nervousness, the elven scientist presses her hand against the hand print on the screen. The hand print fills up, and then the lights change. Steam hisses from the cryo units. All characters turn to stare, open mouthed, as the pods open.
Cut to black

If you participated at all in this year's plot festivities, you'll very shortly get a new accolade on your profile to commemorate the occasion.

A reminder that there is a one-click solution to event clutter in your inventory! If you have too many items from the Epic Week event cluttering up your inventory, you can throw all your non-displayed event items into the armory using this simple tool here:
New Character Styles
Look at these treasures we found -- new character styles for everyone! We have Warning Signs (these come in 3 flavors, with 3 colors each! Biohazard warning, poison warning, and radiation warning), Notes, Chemistry, Double Helix, and Spaceship

Special Thanks
Thanks to onion for the Doubutt game
Thanks to Darth_Angelus for the EW videos
Thanks to Auberon for the EW comics, as well as the pixel versions of the cake icon
Thanks to Justine for the EW items, cake and monster designs
Thanks to Prescience for writing the music for the walrus game
Thanks to Sanne for designing the Space Ship character style
Thanks to Zelphyr for designing the Notes character style

Epic Members Power Epic Week
I just want to take a moment to thank every one of you that have shown your support by spending your hard-earned dollars on items and memberships here on site. You keep this site up and running. You make it possible for me to build new features and host events like this one! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There are still 6 contests for you to enter this Epic Week. Roll dice, showcase your creativity, win prizes!
Dice Roll Tombola
This is the easiest prize you've ever won! Just show up every day and roll a 100 sided die. Big prizes await you! Click here for the rules
Server Fan Art Raffle
Do a doodle of everyone's favorite Server, and be entered into a raffle for big prizes. Last day to enter: May 12th Click here for complete rules!

Crappy Crafts
Make an RP Repository themed...something, using only things you find around the house. Prizes for the funniest creation, the most fashionable creation, the most unusual creation, and more! Last day to enter: May 19th Click here for complete rules!

Short Story Contest
The luck of a die roll will assign you a theme or topic, and then you'll write a short story to explore it. Last day to enter: May 27th Click here for complete rules!
Cooking Contest
What's a birthday without a special meal and a cake? Treat the RPR to a special something for its birthday! In this contest, you must bake or cook something. Post pictures or the recipe -- bonus points for both! Last day to enter: June 2nd Click here for complete rules!

Genre Mascot Art Contest
Possibly second only to epic week itself, this is one of the most anticipated events of the entire year! Artists select a genre of RP such as fantasy, sci-fi, or horror, and attempt to design an original character mascot that embodies the essence of that genre. The winners adorn our homepage all year long! Last day to enter: June 9th Click here for the Genre Mascot Art Contest rules.Party Grab Bag Sale

Post tags: Epic Week 2024
I miss the smashing already.

Another awesome Epic Week! Thanks to everyone who helped create it!
Another awesome Epic Week! Thanks to everyone who helped create it!
Had fun battling the monsters. This Epic week stuff is as close to video games I get these days.
Thanks for your hard work with RP Repository!
Thanks for your hard work with RP Repository!
Wooo! good job everyone!
Oooh I'm a big fan of all these new Warning Symbol templates!
Thanks for running Epic Week Kim! I had a great time!
Thanks for running Epic Week Kim! I had a great time!
We did it! Good job everyone!

May 7, 2024
Those new character profile backgrounds are epic though, lovin the trend of "fallout vibes" alot of em give. The DNA ones will look great on my newest character once I finish his profile.