Posted by Kim on November 6, 2024, 7:00pm
Hey, friends.The last 24 hours have left a lot of us in various states of distress. We have long been a website dedicated to being a safe space for LGBTQ+ members, and other folks with marginalized or vulnerable identities. In the USA these groups have been given a lot of reasons to fear for their future safety (even more than usual.)
There's not much that I can say right now except this: As ever, if you see harassment, transphobia, homophobia, racism or sexism, please report it. We'll do everything we can to combat it and get it off the site.
We remain primarily a place of escapism and distraction. Our rule against discussing politics on our public forums does remain in effect - not because it's not critically important, but because having a few spots in the world dedicated to rest and recovery is important too, and that is what we are best suited to.
That said, if you do want to talk politics, we have a group set up for US political discussion here:
And a reminder, we have mental health resources here:
I love you all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
To all of you, and all the people who have been affected by it, I wish you the best of luck and know there are a lot of us all over the world, who stand with you with spirit, if not in person, and that you're welcome, no matter how you identify yourself, what your preferences are in the spectrum or what differs or constrains you compared to others.
Hey friends. I know some had concerns that they didn't want to see even one reminder about politics in their news feed, or that they didn't want to see US-related issues get special treatment on an international site. I have answers for those questions and concerns, and I invite you to reach out to me in PM to hear them. I promise I am not mad at you for having these thoughts!
Here, I will just say: Yes, this news post was necessary. I'm happy to explain my reasons to you if you aren't sure what they might be. But right here in the comments is not the best venue for it.
Here, I will just say: Yes, this news post was necessary. I'm happy to explain my reasons to you if you aren't sure what they might be. But right here in the comments is not the best venue for it.
I am regrettably Not Doing Swell at the moment because of the situation here in the US, so I don't have many spoons for modly things or compassionate listening. That said...
I am a queer disabled neuroatypical trans person, so those of you who are in marginalized groups here in the US have my deepest empathy. This is scary, and this is hard. We're in unprecedented times, but it's important to remember that with the internet and social media, we also have a vast community and support network at our fingertips.
Use that. Lean on your friends and keep them close. I spent election night in a voice call with friends, and even though we were scared, there was solace to be found in standing as a collective.
Anyway, here's a song I've had on repeat:
I am a queer disabled neuroatypical trans person, so those of you who are in marginalized groups here in the US have my deepest empathy. This is scary, and this is hard. We're in unprecedented times, but it's important to remember that with the internet and social media, we also have a vast community and support network at our fingertips.
Use that. Lean on your friends and keep them close. I spent election night in a voice call with friends, and even though we were scared, there was solace to be found in standing as a collective.
Anyway, here's a song I've had on repeat:
@lowlaville If anyone has any concerns, we welcome them to message the moderators to discuss it. This news post is not the appropriate place for it however.
Maybe deleting someone's legitimate concerns is maybe probably not the best idea.
I am a safe space. As a part of the LGBT+ community, I deeply understand. My inbox is open to everyone. Please, stay safe. I care about everyone, and I want you to know I’m a safe person to come to!
Thanks Kim. Being that I can't get on most social sites without seeing negativity and toxicity, I appreciate you making this a place of escape. We're definitely going to need it.
I'm not American, but my heart breaks for you all. I wish there was more I could do to help.
Thank you, this means a lot. I'm just tired and numb right now but here if anyone wants to talk.
I honestly have no idea what's happening in America. I deleted all my social media (Facebook, X, Instagram), never been too big on news either.
Hope everything is good.
Hope everything is good.
I don't live in the US, but the politics of US affect the rest of the world, in a smaller or bigger way, including my country. If anyone needs to vent or just chat to calm down, I'm up for that as well.
I have had so many feelings and thoughts, but as a non-American there's both not much I can do nor much I can say.
Just know that you're not alone. No matter what's to come, the RPR is here for you and we'll do everything we can to give you a place where you're safe and welcome in this space.
Just know that you're not alone. No matter what's to come, the RPR is here for you and we'll do everything we can to give you a place where you're safe and welcome in this space.

This is amazing, Kim. If anyone needs support, to vent to someone, or just need a distraction, I'm here if needed! ♡
Thank you so much for this

I appreciate this. I'm scared for my daughter and my LGBT family. Reading this helped bring me some comfort.
I have a hard time associating with people who think "everything is going to be ok"
It is not 'ok'. I fear for a lot of friends now.
It is not 'ok'. I fear for a lot of friends now.

I love this place more and more everyday 🩷 such a safe and peaceful place.
Thank you, Kim! Also adding myself to the list of people open for a message if anyone needs it. If nothing else you'll probably get a chinchilla picture out of it and those always help.

November 7, 2024