Posted by Kim on July 7, 2012, 9:30pm
On Monday, I challenged you to reach 2000 kudos before the weekend, and together you broke the 2000 mark before Tuesday.Whoa.
I promised I'd make something special if you could meet the goal, and boy did you ever exceed it!
So I took a look through the feature requests, looking for ideas that were popular but probably weren't going to get done anytime soon without a very special out-of-the-way effort, and I settled on this: Now when you put a kudos widget on your character profile, you have the option of allowing people to enter more kudos right then and there! I spent a big chunk of the day integrating the new features into all of our existing templates. I hope you enjoy your extra kudos!
Special recognition should go to TheLily, Loki and Rubix, who together are responsible for many hundreds of kudos. Each. That's a whole lot of smiles you've spread, my friends!
Now if only those pesky sith lords weren't trying to hold my poodle ransom in exchange for 3000 kudos!
Oh man this is awesome! Thank you so much Kim!
No no no, thank YOU guys. And I you too Rubix!
Minerva -- If you're able to post comments here, you'll probably be able to use the kudos inputs on character pages. The process is the same. No ajax calls.
Minerva -- If you're able to post comments here, you'll probably be able to use the kudos inputs on character pages. The process is the same. No ajax calls.
Awww! Awesome! Kim you deserve ALL the kudos!
I so wish I could help in the kudoses, but... Phone. ...i wonder, if the kudos widget will let me post that way now? Hrm... Doubtful.
Kudos on top of kudos. I like it! Thank you so much, Kim.
Yo dawg, we heard you liked kudos, so we put some kudos on your kudos so you can write kudos while viewing kudos.
It's Kudoception!
It's Kudoception!
*cackles* 3000. Let's see if you all have what it takes!
So I can Kudos while I Kudos?
This is an amazing idea ! I'm so glad to see this option!
This is an amazing idea ! I'm so glad to see this option!
July 8, 2012