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AVAST, it be Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Posted by Kim on September 19, 2012, 12:01am

Ahoy me hearties! It be talk like a pirate day, one o' me favorite fake holidays on this here globe. It be a day when it be almost, but not quite, socially acceptable to RP in public. To RP in real life! ARRRR, we call that Live Action Role Play, or LARPING! Drink it in, me hearties. LARP be the grog reserved for the nerdiest of nerds, and today be the day that ye can insist that everyone ye know do it, including yer dear ol' grandma!

Shiver me timbers, ye be doin' a public service by bringing the joy of escapist fantasty to the wide world! Every land lubber needs to know the joy o' pretendin' to be a lawless scallywag who lives for the thrill o' adventure! Who climbs the highest mast and doesn't afraid o' anything! By speaking as if ye are a pirate until the sun sets into the dark sea, by refusin' to relent despite the protests of friends and co-workers, teachers and bosses, ye bring the thrill o' the silver screen into their mundane lives. By the crown, we owe it the world to take our imaginations for a spin in public today! Who's with me? ARRR!

So talk like a pirate and be proud! Yer accent needn't be what they might call "accurate." Nay, it needn't even be "good." Ye must only be exuberant!

And when ye be done plunderin' yer home town, let your pirate or nautical themed characters join us for a celebratory parade o' characters through the village square o' forum town. Mayhaps ye will even find someone new to play with! Aye, airship captains be welcome too.




September 19, 2012

AYE, that be the stuff! Thank ye Darth, ye always bring the multimedia to the party.


September 19, 2012

I thought I'd share this piracy themed video I made years ago.