Posted by Kim on December 3, 2012, 1:56am
Happy Holidays, denizens of the RPR! We do it up in style around here with a special Festival of Being Excellent To Each Other.RP is no fun without lots of awesome friends. This is the time of the year where we work to harness our holiday spirit to tune up our community, becoming closer friends and making sure those bonds stay strong and drama free for a good long time to come.
Last year, we focused on assumptions and coming up with better OOC stories to explain people's actions.
This year, we're acknowledging that it's impossible to spend weeks, months or years with someone and not eventually have a problem of some form. Maybe you feel the RP is in a rut and you want to suggest your friend move out of their comfort zone with you. Maybe they said something offhand that surprised and shocked you. Maybe they stood you up for play dates few times too often. Whatever it is, we're all human; we all need forgiveness, and we all need other people to honor our boundaries too.
There's two ways that a conflict can go:
- You can keep getting more and more frustrated until the RP, the friendship, or perhaps even the entire group comes to a grinding halt (or explodes in a ball of flaming drama)
- The problem can be dealt with and you can keep on having good times with your RP group.
There's only one guarantee: Not dealing with the problem will ALWAYS lead to the game being less fun, and eventually, ending entirely.
So this week, strap on your party hats and let's celebrate being excellent to each other, now and for a long time to come.
Kudos Traditions
As is traditional, let's kick things off by giving a kudos to those players that keep it classy: Make sure to tell the world why they are such a great friend to have, and why you hope to be playing with them for a long time to come.Holiday Sale

Want to be double, triple, extra cherry-on-top Excellent to someone this year? Get a friendship pack of Epicness. For the next week, when you buy any length Epic Membership as a gift for someone else, you will automatically get the same length membership for yourself for free. Two for the price of one!
And don't tell anyone we told you this, but if you don't give it as a gift, you can get double time for yourself... But gosh, it's the Festival of Being Excellent to Each Other!
Wow, this place just got so much more awesome in my book!

Yay Being Excellent to each other! Great way to kick off the holiday season Kim! 
Also this sale is super epic amazing!!!

Also this sale is super epic amazing!!!

Let us do this all day, every day. Respect and compassion.
I'm on a kudos spree today! I'll do it in bits and pieces, but expect many kudos.

Even a Sith can get behind this post

LOVE AND TOLERATE. srsly gaiz. srsly.
December 4, 2012