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FOBETEO 2013! - Day 1

Posted by Kim on December 3, 2013, 12:03am

Ho ho ho! It's that special time of year when the RP Repository celebrates the Festival of Being Excellent To Each Other.

This is a magical time when we pause and reflect on what it is that makes RP truly fun. Invariably, the answer is strong friendships, vibrant communities, and the connection, love and trust that we have for our most favoritest of RP partners.

In honor of those things, every December we take some time out of our busy gaming schedules to tend to those relationships, so that they will stay strong and evergreen for years, decades and centuries into the future.

Though in RP we can be masters of our own destiny, in real life sometimes we are left feeling more like the victim. As fun as escaping into a fantastical game can be, sometimes what we really need is an infusion of real-life love and support. And though we might be separated from our RP buddies by time zones and continents, we can still be that spark of hope for one another all the same.

Let's begin our week long Festival Of Being Excellent to Each Other by telling those RPers closest to us how much they matter. Make it your goal to write a little message or a kudos to at least three people this week, letting them know why you're such good friends. It doesn't have to take a long time, but it's sure to mean a lot!

The more specific you can be, the more it will mean for both of you. Not sure how to express yourself? Here's some ideas to get the ball rolling:
  • Specific is terrific! Cite specific qualities that make your friends wonderful. Are they kind, creative, funny, inventive, sweet, clever, giving, strong, or eloquent? Calm, honest, helpful, plucky, compassionate, reliable, modest, artistic or courageous? Remind them, so that when they're feeling down, they remember that you can see their best self.
  • Have they inspired you to take some action in your real life? Changed the way you think on a certain topic? Made you laugh in a dark time? Challenged you to stretch yourself and become a better writer and RPer? Taught you something?
  • Reminisce about specific scenes that you've played together that were especially fun, creative or unique.
  • Imagine you are describing this person to someone who has never met them before. Let them see themselves through your eyes!
  • Have other ideas? Please share in the comments!

Like a drop of light from Eärendil's star, a kind word can go a long way for helping someone through a dark time, whether that darkness is upon them now or finds them in the future. Don't just play a hero on the RPR -- be one in real life by remembering to tell people what they mean to you. It's more powerful than you think.

If all that isn't enough on its own, recent studies have proven that telling people what they mean to you can dramatically increase your own happiness! Check this experiment out:

Looking for great gifts for your RP friends this FOBETEO season? This week, use the coupon code FOBETEO to get 10% off on RPR t-shirts and tattoos!



December 3, 2013

This is a very beautiful idea.
I will do my best to participate


December 3, 2013

Writing letters to people on other sites totally counts. Gratitude is not limited to the RPR! Spread it worldwide. :)


December 3, 2013

Well seeing as how roleplaying is what made me slap myself out of depression, I think I should show some freaking gratitude c:
Most of my friends are on other sites though.
You all are awesome! Most everyone I've met here is. Happy early Sankt Nikolaus day!


December 3, 2013

A song is a really cool idea, aowian. I never would have thought of that.

@LuciferBrimstone We might have to do that now. ;) EXCELLENT!


December 3, 2013

Will there be a Party On, Dudes week too? XD Bill and Ted references FTW.


December 3, 2013

To be honest, I was waiting for a day like this! :D


December 3, 2013

I think this is a lovely idea! :D

Maybe add a song that reminds you of the person? Or maybe a song that reminds you/your RP buddy of a certain scene that meant a lot to the both of you? I'm always big on music, and enjoy stuff like this.