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The year ahead

Posted by Kim on January 1, 2014, 1:26pm

kim_feedback.pngThis year, I want to be healthier, get some dance certifications, finish groups, revamp the private message system, revamp the friend connections system, and do a bunch of updates that will make it easier for me to run events! I also have some big, crazy ideas for the best epic week ever...

And of course, I want to find some free time to relax and RP.

What're your goals for the year? :)



January 3, 2014

I want to stop proctastinating. So far it's not going well, but at least I've managed to get enough sleep every day this year!


January 2, 2014

I'm going to be pushing to get published this year. Whether it's finding an agent or self publishing, I'm going to start the process and throw out some query letters!

I'm also going to be focusing on some personal relationships this year, since I tend yup be pretty bad about staying in touch with people...


January 1, 2014

My hbs and I are going to try and run our first marathon this year, shooting for the AF Marathon in September! Also going to try and start sleeping again. Maybe. We'll see how that works out.

I'm also going to try and start taking care of myself, too. The last nine months have been nonstop 'what does my husband need?', and I need to start taking a step back to see what I need too, before I run myself into the ground.

Finally, I'm going to stop taking things for granted. Life's too short to not stop and smell a rose or twelve.


January 1, 2014

This year I'd like to call it the year of ME. Sounds kind of selfish right? But in all honesty I've been horrible on myself in years past letting my health slip and ignoring things that have lead to long term health issues. I was working at a dead end job and barely happy with where my life was headed.

With that being said..I finally got an amazing chance to start a new chapter. I got a new job with great insurance. So this year.. I am going to finally take care of me. Honestly I hope some of my fellow RPR friends will take the same approach (you too KIM!) because we've all been pretty bad about this. Time to finally stop making "resolutions" that never make it past week three and start making literal goals.

On a much smaller note I'd also like to get myself thrown back into the full swing of my art :)


January 1, 2014

I'm planning on working on my tarot card readings a lot in the coming year, with a focus on weekly general readings and hopefully in the future a daily general reading! I also want to work with the kids I volunteer with more. I'm planning on getting them interested in Camp NaNo!