Posted by Kim on January 7, 2011, 10:10am
Setup on the new server is just about done! Ready or not, we're moving on Monday night, January 10th.Server moves are never fun, but in this case, it's going to be more than worth it. We are about to explore a brave new world; Brace for a bumpy landing as our space pod comes flaming into the atmosphere of this unknown planet, followed by the breathless silence just before the hatch hisses open. Humid air will rush in, banishing the stale, recycled air of our space craft, and we will gaze for the first time upon a wild landscape of alien flora stretching before us...
Or in plain English, expect a few hours wherein the site is locked -- you'll be able to browse and look around, but not to edit or create anything -- while our databases are transferred and DNS records repopulate. After that, occasional oddities may pop up over the next week as final kinks are worked out, but I anticipate no major turmoil. You can help make the transition go as smoothly as possible by reporting all bugs that are found after the move. Accolades will be given out like candy to all those who help.
Once things have settled over there, major roadblocks to development will have been removed. Ohmigaawsh I can't wait. Can you?
Bahaha, Dragonfire's comment made me giggle.. x3 Can't wait to see how this'll go.
and we will gaze for the first time upon a wild landscape of alien flora stretching before us...
Can we call it Bob? Can we?!
Yeah! I like frozen yogurt better anyway!

January 9, 2011