Posted by Kim on October 13, 2015, 5:49pm

The first is an automatic swear filter, to help combat member forgetfulness when it comes to common words or phrases people use frequently with their adult friends and sometimes let slip in all-ages forums. If you'd like to use the swear filter in your group, you can set up your own custom list of no-no words by going to Forums > Forum Settings in your group editing sidebar. Your particular list of words to filter doesn't even need to be in English!
The second is the ability for group moderators to edit all posts made on the group forums. Especially useful if you have pinned rules, settings or event announcement posts in your forums that sometimes need updating!
If you're concerned that this feature might be abused to put words in your mouth, don't worry! The process is 100% transparent. Everyone will be able to see who made the edit to your post, and the complete revision history of the post becomes available if your post is edited by someone other than you.
As ever, if you run into an issue while trying out these new features, please make a bug report so that it can get fixed ASAP!

Ah, thank you very much, Kim! ^^
Aawwwwww yessssssss. 

The RPR does not recommend using moderator tools to police grammar!

This will be a godsend to those of us who are grammar nazis!

October 14, 2015