Posted by Kim on January 10, 2011, 8:44pm
One small step for man, one giant leap for RP characters! We have arrived on planet Bob.Welcome to our new server and our new updated look! I told you things would be better over here. So much better that the number of gallery images you're allowed to upload for each of your characters has doubled up to 20. And for Epic Members, that number will be 50. Fifty. Oh, and speaking of Epic Accounts, we anticipate those becoming available next week.
I'm so happy I have a case of the italics. Italics!
And there's more! We also have two new colors of the ultra popular arcana template: Green (provided by Sanne) and Golden.
There are a last few things still being worked on and tested. If it's on this list and it hasn't been crossed off, it may still be wonky.
Hook the friendly URLs back upUpload of images and icons
If you find anything else that even looks at you wrong, and it isn't on this list, please help me out and report it immediately. Accolades will be given to anyone who spots something damaged by the move, regardless of how small.
Everything looks great! I love it here on Bob!
Hooray! Long live Planet Bob!
Things look marvelous! Very classy! I went and deleted something, and I squee'd at the page that asks you whether you are sure you want to delete the thing in question, BECAUSE IT HAS A LOVELY TORN-PAPER LOOK NOW!!!
I'm sorry, you get a case of the Italics, I get a case of the capital letters. 
And more varieties of the Arcana template are always welcome!
I love the golden one, especially, reminds me of white chocolate. Mmmm...

And more varieties of the Arcana template are always welcome!

I was like... O____O
!!! When I saw this.

I like it~
January 13, 2011