Posted by Kim on February 10, 2011, 10:30pm
There were a few minor changes made to the way the site looks today. It's most noticeable on player profiles, which now have a cleaner, more bug-proof look -- and for those of you who have received accolades for reporting bugs, you now have a trophy case. Gotta catch 'em all gotta catch 'em all! I mean all the bugs, of course. Getting excited over tiny pieces of pixelated bling would just be silly.The pixelated bling is given out totally randomly, by the way. I don't even know what you're going to get, and it's entirely possible to receive duplicates. Kinda like packs of baseball cards. Who are we kidding, clearly I mean packs of Magic cards. Or Star Trek cards.
Other than that, I spent some very frustrating time fixing another batch of Internet Explorer display bugs.
We now have a rudimentary achievement system. I have no need to ever leave the internet again.
Pixelated bling?! You've found my weakness.
Mmm...Star Trek cards...
It's a nice touch. Perhaps it's time for another testing spree, to see how many more accolades I can acquire?
It's a nice touch. Perhaps it's time for another testing spree, to see how many more accolades I can acquire?

February 11, 2011