Posted by Kim on March 11, 2011, 5:45pm
Want to help out the RP Repository? Become a panelist or a moderator! I'm looking for one or two volunteers to lend me a hand in monitoring the site.Forum Moderators
Around here, the role of a moderator is to keep the atmosphere friendly. That includes making sure the rules are followed and telling people to play nice when they need reminders, but since everyone is so awesome around here anyway, mostly what it involves is greeting people when they arrive, answering questions, and standing on rooftops with your cape blowing in the wind, keeping a watchful eye on the city, lest corruption creep onto its streets and endanger the peaceful citizenry.
Past moderator experience is a plus, but not necessarily required. You ARE required to have a cool head, a rigorous sense of fairness and fairly thick skin. This is a fantastic community, where (knock on wood) we have almost no issues. Most of the time, all that is required is a gentle reminder of the rules in private. But in any online venue, there is always the risk of an occasion troll or flame war that can erupt into sharp words for the one who comes to put out the fire. I'm looking for someone who can laugh it off and wait for the other party to calm down without feeling like they need to lash out or engage in argument.
Having a few more hands on deck just to keep an eye on things will really help me to relax and program, without feeling like I need to check the boards every 30 seconds just in case.
If you're interested, please send a private message to Kim and let me know if you've had any past experience, why you'd be the perfect moderator, and how much time (and on what days) you spend poking around the forums.
Panelists are the people who evaluate all the nominated characters, and vote yay or nay on giving them a featured slot. A panelist needs to be able to evaluate a profile based on the profile, not on any outside knowledge that they have. For example, if you have RPed with a character and happen to know it is creative and awesome and supremely fun, you should still vote no if their profile, when taken alone, doesn't convey any of that.
I prefer panelists who have some past experience evaluating applications -- or more specifically, rejecting applications. What I mean by that is only that an evaluation process that everyone always passes isn't much of a filter at all. For example, if you were once a mod on a MUD who reviewed player's characters concepts to make certain they would be in line with the "flavor" of the world the group was trying to create, and there were times you had to send applications back with suggestions, that would count. Barring that, what you really need is good taste and a backbone.
Panelists will get my private thanks, but they do not get nifty titles or public accolades. The panelists are kept anonymous so that they will feel free to vote their conscience without having to deal with pleading or whining.
If you're interested, please send a private message to Kim and let me know if you've had any past experience, why you'd be the perfect panelist, and how often you check the repository. Hopeful panelists should really like reading character profiles, because you are likely to be doing a lot of it.
To demonstrate your skillz, please do the following two things:
- It might be a good idea if you picked a character and let me know why you think featuring it would be good for both the site and the community - you can pick an already featured character to do this evaluation on, I just want to see that you understand what makes a good feature a good feature.
- Pick a good character that you like a lot, but that you don't think would be a good feature, and tell me why. There really is a difference. It can be any character, including one that has already received a featured slot or one of your own characters.
If you need to review what's been said about featured characters and panelists in the past, there's an article here and here
You may apply to be both.
Good luck to those who apply!
*too busy to apply*

I'd give a try and apply as a moderator, but not only I'm a bit too new at RPR - I'm just starting university and have a lot to do art-wise in another site. >:
In any case, hope you can find more staff members good enough to do their job without causing any problem.
In any case, hope you can find more staff members good enough to do their job without causing any problem.
Thanks guys.
I'm looking forward to looking over your messages.
And Celestina, don't worry about it. I'm certain the future only holds more opportunities for people who want to help out. You take care of your own self for now.

And Celestina, don't worry about it. I'm certain the future only holds more opportunities for people who want to help out. You take care of your own self for now.

I have sent an application in for you Kim. I hope to be useful in the future if you choose to accept me. : )
I'd honestly consider applying for one of these, but the rest of this month is going to be ridiculously busy for me. I'd feel awful for landing one and then having to scamper off for a while. So in the meantime, at least until real life cools down, I'll stand back.

March 21, 2011