Posted by Kim on October 12, 2016, 10:50am
There's a new default view for group calendars: Agenda view! In this new view, the next 20 upcoming events are listed all on the same page, instead of limiting a person to seeing only the events going on this month in calendar view.If you prefer calendar view, you can go back to it at any time. Look for the calendar icon () on any group events page -- your most recent viewing preference will be remembered, and you'll be shown your latest choice (either month view or agenda view) whenever you view any group's event page.
And to all of you who run groups from your smartphones, rejoice! The group editing menu is now available for small screen devices, instead of having to scroll all the way to the bottom to access the not-so-sidey sidebar. Thank you so much for your long suffering patience for this long overdue feature!
I noticed the events page change before this announcement and thought I'd broken something and had mild panic. I'm super pumped for that update for mobile users because I RPR from my phone a LOT.
October 12, 2016